34 research outputs found

    Rank distribution in a family of cubic twists

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    In 1987, Zagier and Kramarz published a paper in which they presented evidence that a positive proportion of the even-signed cubic twists of the elliptic curve x3+y3=1x^3+y^3=1 should have positive rank. We extend their data, showing that it is more likely that the proportion goes to zero

    Regulators of rank one quadratic twists

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    We investigate the regulators of elliptic curves with rank 1 in some families of quadratic twists of a fixed elliptic curve. In particular, we formulate some conjectures on the average size of these regulators. We also describe an efficient algorithm to compute explicitly some of the invariants of an odd quadratic twist of an elliptic curve (regulator, order of the Tate-Shafarevich group, etc.) and we discuss the numerical data that we obtain and compare it with our predictions.Comment: 28 pages with 32 figure

    Hall-Littlewood polynomials and Cohen-Lenstra heuristics for Jacobians of random graphs

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    Cohen-Lenstra heuristics for Jacobians of random graphs give rise to random partitions. We connect these random partitions to the Hall-Littlewood polynomials of symmetric function theory, and use this connection to give combinatorial proofs of properties of these random partitions. In addition, we use Markov chains to give an algorithm for generating these partitions.Comment: 10 page

    pâ„“p^\ell-Torsion Points In Finite Abelian Groups And Combinatorial Identities

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    The main aim of this article is to compute all the moments of the number of pâ„“p^\ell-torsion elements in some type of nite abelian groups. The averages involved in these moments are those de ned for the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics for class groups and their adaptation for Tate-Shafarevich groups. In particular, we prove that the heuristic model for Tate-Shafarevich groups is compatible with the recent conjecture of Poonen and Rains about the moments of the orders of pp-Selmer groups of elliptic curves. For our purpose, we are led to de ne certain polynomials indexed by integer partitions and to study them in a combinatorial way. Moreover, from our probabilistic model, we derive combinatorial identities, some of which appearing to be new, the others being related to the theory of symmetric functions. In some sense, our method therefore gives for these identities a somehow natural algebraic context.Comment: 24 page

    Discretisation for odd quadratic twists

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    The discretisation problem for even quadratic twists is almost understood, with the main question now being how the arithmetic Delaunay heuristic interacts with the analytic random matrix theory prediction. The situation for odd quadratic twists is much more mysterious, as the height of a point enters the picture, which does not necessarily take integral values (as does the order of the Shafarevich-Tate group). We discuss a couple of models and present data on this question.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the INI Workshop on Random Matrix Theory and Elliptic Curve