3 research outputs found

    Cubature kalman optimizer : A novel metaheuristic algorithm for solving numerical optimization problems

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    This study introduces a new single-agent metaheuristic algorithm, named cubature Kalman optimizer (CKO). The CKO is inspired by the estimation ability of the cubature Kalman filter (CKF). In control system, the CKF algorithm is used to estimate the true value of a hidden quantity from an observation signal that contain an uncertainty. As an optimizer, the CKO agent works as individual CKF to estimate an optimal or a near-optimal solution. The agent performs four main tasks: solution prediction, measurement prediction, and solution update phases, which are adopted from the CKF. The proposed CKO is validated on CEC 2014 test suite on 30 benchmark functions. To further validate the performance, the proposed CKO is compared with well-known algorithms, including single-agent finite impulse response optimizer (SAFIRO), single-solution simulated Kalman filter (ssSKF), simulated Kalman filter (SKF), asynchronous simulated Kalman filter (ASKF), particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), grey wolf optimization algorithm (GWO), and black hole algorithm (BH). Friedman's test for multiple algorithm comparison with 5% of significant level shows that the CKO offers better performance than the benchmark algorithms

    Multi-Agent cubature Kalman optimizer : A novel metaheuristic algorithm for solving numerical optimization problems

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    Optimization problems arise in diverse fields such as engineering, economics, and industry. Metaheuristic algorithms, including the Simulated Kalman Filter (SKF), have been developed to solve these problems. SKF, inspired by the Kalman Filter (KF) in control engineering, requires three parameters (initial error covariance P(0), measurement noise Q, and process noise R). However, studies have yet to focus on tuning these parameters. Furthermore, no significant improvement is shown by the parameter-less SKF (with randomized P(0), Q, and R). Randomly choosing values between 0 and 1 may lead to too small values. As an estimator, KF raises concerns with excessively small Q and R values, which can introduce numerical stability issues and result in unreliable outcomes. Tuning parameters for SKF is a challenging and time-consuming task. The Multi-Agent Cubature Kalman Filter (MACKO), inspired by the Cubature Kalman filter (CKF), was introduced in this work. The nature of the Cubature Kalman filter (CKF) allows the use of small values for parameters P(0), Q, and R. In the MACKO algorithm, Cubature Transformation Techniques (CTT) are employed. CTT can use small values for parameters P(0), Q, and R, so CKF was developed to overcome KF and other estimation algorithms. Moreover, in CTT, the term local neighborhoods is used to propagate the cubature point in local search, where the radius, 未, of local search is updated in every iteration to balance between the exploration and exploitation processes. MACKO is evaluated on the CEC 2014 benchmark suite with 30 optimization problems, and its performance is compared with nine existing metaheuristic algorithms. Simulation results demonstrate that MACKO is superior, outperforming the benchmark algorithms, as indicated by Friedman's test with a 5 % significance level

    Planeacion de trayectorias en manipuladores seriales soldadores basada en optimizacion de energia electrica y manipulabilidad

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una metodolog铆a de planeaci贸n de trayectorias para manipuladores seriales antropom贸rficos de seis grados de libertad y mu帽eca esf茅rica enfocada en la minimizaci贸n del consumo el茅ctrico y maximizaci贸n de la manipulabilidad. El trasfondo (undercurrent) de esta metodolog铆a, es garantizar un aumento en la productividad maximizando el rendimiento del manipulador. Para lograr tal fin se propone un espacio de trabajo esf茅rico simplificado, se plantean los modelos de c谩lculo de la cinem谩tica directa, inversa y diferencial, al igual que la din谩mica inversa de los manipuladores, y se integran en un algoritmo de optimizaci贸n el cual tiene como base el algoritmo heur铆stico de Kalman. El algoritmo de optimizaci贸n se eval煤a mediante el an谩lisis del comportamiento de cinco trayectorias realizadas en los manipuladores PUMA 560 y KUKA KR5 HW ARC, simuladas en un programa desarrollado en la aplicaci贸n de Visual Basic perteneciente al software Autodesk Inventor. El enfoque de planeaci贸n de trayectoria propuesto permite ser usado en manipuladores antropom贸rficos de seis grados de libertad y mu帽eca esf茅rica, de los cuales se conozca sus par谩metros cinem谩ticos y din谩micos, para generar trayectorias optimizadas desde los criterios de manipulabilidad y energ铆a el茅ctrica, conservando la orientaci贸n del efector final. Una ventaja importante que posee el m茅todo es que a partir de una trayectoria planteada en forma de coordenadas cartesianas XYZ y orientaciones del efector en 谩ngulos tipo Euler (precesi贸n, nutaci贸n y rotaci贸n propia), buscar谩 una soluci贸n 贸ptima dentro del espacio de trabajo simplificado del manipulador respetando sus limites articulares y de velocidad, permitiendo con esto tener trayectorias de entrada en las cuales solo importe la orientaci贸n de la herramienta a lo largo del recorrido, situaci贸n indispensable para el proceso de soldadura.Magister en Automatizaci贸n y Contro