116 research outputs found

    swTVM: Exploring the Automated Compilation for Deep Learning on Sunway Architecture

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    The flourish of deep learning frameworks and hardware platforms has been demanding an efficient compiler that can shield the diversity in both software and hardware in order to provide application portability. Among the exiting deep learning compilers, TVM is well known for its efficiency in code generation and optimization across diverse hardware devices. In the meanwhile, the Sunway many-core processor renders itself as a competitive candidate for its attractive computational power in both scientific and deep learning applications. This paper combines the trends in these two directions. Specifically, we propose swTVM that extends the original TVM to support ahead-of-time compilation for architecture requiring cross-compilation such as Sunway. In addition, we leverage the architecture features during the compilation such as core group for massive parallelism, DMA for high bandwidth memory transfer and local device memory for data locality, in order to generate efficient code for deep learning application on Sunway. The experimental results show the ability of swTVM to automatically generate code for various deep neural network models on Sunway. The performance of automatically generated code for AlexNet and VGG-19 by swTVM achieves 6.71x and 2.45x speedup on average than hand-optimized OpenACC implementations on convolution and fully connected layers respectively. This work is the first attempt from the compiler perspective to bridge the gap of deep learning and high performance architecture particularly with productivity and efficiency in mind. We would like to open source the implementation so that more people can embrace the power of deep learning compiler and Sunway many-core processor

    Large-Scale Automatic K-Means Clustering for Heterogeneous Many-Core Supercomputer

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    Funding: UK EPSRC grants ”Discovery” EP/P020631/1, ”ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for the Cloud” EP/R010528/1.This article presents an automatic k-means clustering solution targeting the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. We ïŹrst introduce a multilevel parallel partition approach that not only partitions by dataïŹ‚ow and centroid, but also by dimension, which unlocks the potential of the hierarchical parallelism in the heterogeneous many-core processor and the system architecture of the supercomputer. The parallel design is able to process large-scale clustering problems with up to 196,608 dimensions and over 160,000 targeting centroids, while maintaining high performance and high scalability. Furthermore, we propose an automatic hyper-parameter determination process for k-means clustering, by automatically generating and executing the clustering tasks with a set of candidate hyper-parameter, and then determining the optimal hyper-parameter using a proposed evaluation method. The proposed auto-clustering solution can not only achieve high performance and scalability for problems with massive high-dimensional data, but also support clustering without sufïŹcient prior knowledge for the number of targeted clusters, which can potentially increase the scope of k-means algorithm to new application areas.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Heterogeneity-aware scheduling and data partitioning for system performance acceleration

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    Over the past decade, heterogeneous processors and accelerators have become increasingly prevalent in modern computing systems. Compared with previous homogeneous parallel machines, the hardware heterogeneity in modern systems provides new opportunities and challenges for performance acceleration. Classic operating systems optimisation problems such as task scheduling, and application-specific optimisation techniques such as the adaptive data partitioning of parallel algorithms, are both required to work together to address hardware heterogeneity. Significant effort has been invested in this problem, but either focuses on a specific type of heterogeneous systems or algorithm, or a high-level framework without insight into the difference in heterogeneity between different types of system. A general software framework is required, which can not only be adapted to multiple types of systems and workloads, but is also equipped with the techniques to address a variety of hardware heterogeneity. This thesis presents approaches to design general heterogeneity-aware software frameworks for system performance acceleration. It covers a wide variety of systems, including an OS scheduler targeting on-chip asymmetric multi-core processors (AMPs) on mobile devices, a hierarchical many-core supercomputer and multi-FPGA systems for high performance computing (HPC) centers. Considering heterogeneity from on-chip AMPs, such as thread criticality, core sensitivity, and relative fairness, it suggests a collaborative based approach to co-design the task selector and core allocator on OS scheduler. Considering the typical sources of heterogeneity in HPC systems, such as the memory hierarchy, bandwidth limitations and asymmetric physical connection, it proposes an application-specific automatic data partitioning method for a modern supercomputer, and a topological-ranking heuristic based schedule for a multi-FPGA based reconfigurable cluster. Experiments on both a full system simulator (GEM5) and real systems (Sunway Taihulight Supercomputer and Xilinx Multi-FPGA based clusters) demonstrate the significant advantages of the suggested approaches compared against the state-of-the-art on variety of workloads."This work is supported by St Leonards 7th Century Scholarship and Computer Science PhD funding from University of St Andrews; by UK EPSRC grant Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems (EP/P020631/1)." -- Acknowledgement

    TensorMD: Scalable Tensor-Diagram based Machine Learning Interatomic Potential on Heterogeneous Many-Core Processors

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have emerged as a potent tool for investigating the physical properties and kinetic behaviors of materials at the atomic scale, particularly in extreme conditions. Ab initio accuracy is now achievable with machine learning based interatomic potentials. With recent advancements in high-performance computing, highly accurate and large-scale simulations become feasible. This study introduces TensorMD, a new machine learning interatomic potential (MLIP) model that integrates physical principles and tensor diagrams. The tensor formalism provides a more efficient computation and greater flexibility for use with other scientific codes. Additionally, we proposed several portable optimization strategies and developed a highly optimized version for the new Sunway supercomputer. Our optimized TensorMD can achieve unprecedented performance on the new Sunway, enabling simulations of up to 52 billion atoms with a time-to-solution of 31 ps/step/atom, setting new records for HPC + AI + MD

    Large-scale hierarchical k-means for heterogeneous many-core supercomputers

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    Funding: J.Thomson and T.Yu are supported by the EPSRC grants ”Discovery” EP/P020631/1, ”ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for the Cloud” EP/R010528/1, and EU Horizon 2020 grant Team-Play: ”Time, Energy and security Analysis for Multi/Many-core heterogenous PLAtforms” (ICT-779882, https://teamplay- h2020.eu)This paper presents a novel design and implementation of k-means clustering algorithm targeting the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. We introduce a multi-level parallel partition approach that not only partitions by dataflow and centroid, but also by dimension. Our multi-level (nkd) approach unlocks the potential of the hierarchical parallelism in the SW26010 heterogeneous many-core processor and the system architecture of the supercomputer. Our design is able to process large-scale clustering problems with up to 196,608 dimensions and over 160,000 targeting centroids, while maintaining high performance and high scalability, significantly improving the capability of k-means over previous approaches. The evaluation shows our implementation achieves performance of less than 18 seconds per iteration for a large-scale clustering case with 196,608 data dimensions and 2,000 centroids by applying 4,096 nodes (1,064,496 cores) in parallel, making k-means a more feasible solution for complex scenarios.Postprin

    MG3MConv: Multi-Grained Matrix-Multiplication-Mapping Convolution Algorithm toward the SW26010 Processor

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    As the core of artificial intelligence applications, the research of convolution has become a hot topic in high performance computing. With the rapid development of the emerging SW26010 processor in artificial intelligence, there is an urgent need for high-performance convolution algorithms on the processor. However, the current support of convolution on SW26010 is still rudimentary. The only studies provide sufficient runtime peak performance but lack the adaptability to various convolution scenes. To perfect convolution algorithms on SW26010, we propose a multi-grained matrix-multiplication-mapping convolution algorithm called MG3MConv, which targets the architectural features of SW26010. MG3MConv supports diversified mapping schemes of convolution tasks based on the concept of the thread block proposed in this paper. All the architecture-oriented optimization methods are elaborately designed from four levels to fully exploit the hardware efficiency of SW26010. The experiments show that the hardware efficiency of MG3MConv can reach 84.78% in max, which is 1.75 times compared with that of cuDNN based on NVIDIA K80m GPU. Moreover, MG3MConv can overperform cuDNN in most convolution scenes. We also use six representative CNNs as real-world cases, and the hardware efficiency of MG3MConv reaches up to 67.04% on the VGG network model, which is 1.37 times and 1.96 times that of cuDNN and swDNN, respectively

    Improving Performance of Iterative Methods by Lossy Checkponting

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    Iterative methods are commonly used approaches to solve large, sparse linear systems, which are fundamental operations for many modern scientific simulations. When the large-scale iterative methods are running with a large number of ranks in parallel, they have to checkpoint the dynamic variables periodically in case of unavoidable fail-stop errors, requiring fast I/O systems and large storage space. To this end, significantly reducing the checkpointing overhead is critical to improving the overall performance of iterative methods. Our contribution is fourfold. (1) We propose a novel lossy checkpointing scheme that can significantly improve the checkpointing performance of iterative methods by leveraging lossy compressors. (2) We formulate a lossy checkpointing performance model and derive theoretically an upper bound for the extra number of iterations caused by the distortion of data in lossy checkpoints, in order to guarantee the performance improvement under the lossy checkpointing scheme. (3) We analyze the impact of lossy checkpointing (i.e., extra number of iterations caused by lossy checkpointing files) for multiple types of iterative methods. (4)We evaluate the lossy checkpointing scheme with optimal checkpointing intervals on a high-performance computing environment with 2,048 cores, using a well-known scientific computation package PETSc and a state-of-the-art checkpoint/restart toolkit. Experiments show that our optimized lossy checkpointing scheme can significantly reduce the fault tolerance overhead for iterative methods by 23%~70% compared with traditional checkpointing and 20%~58% compared with lossless-compressed checkpointing, in the presence of system failures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, HPDC'1

    The HPCG benchmark: analysis, shared memory preliminary improvements and evaluation on an Arm-based platform

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    The High-Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) benchmark complements the LINPACK benchmark in the performance evaluation coverage of large High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Due to its lower arithmetic intensity and higher memory pressure, HPCG is recognized as a more representative benchmark for data-center and irregular memory access pattern workloads, therefore its popularity and acceptance is raising within the HPC community. As only a small fraction of the reference version of the HPCG benchmark is parallelized with shared memory techniques (OpenMP), we introduce in this report two OpenMP parallelization methods. Due to the increasing importance of Arm architecture in the HPC scenario, we evaluate our HPCG code at scale on a state-of-the-art HPC system based on Cavium ThunderX2 SoC. We consider our work as a contribution to the Arm ecosystem: along with this technical report, we plan in fact to release our code for boosting the tuning of the HPCG benchmark within the Arm community.Postprint (author's final draft
