13 research outputs found

    Novelty detection based condition monitoring scheme applied to electromechanical systems

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    This study is focused on the current challenges dealing with electromechanical system monitoring applied in industrial frameworks, that is, the presence of unknown events and the limitation to the nominal healthy condition as starting knowledge. Thus, an industrial machinery condition monitoring methodology based on novelty detection and classification is proposed in this study. The methodology is divided in three main stages. First, a dedicated feature calculation and reduction over each available physical magnitude. Second, an ensemble structure of novelty detection models based on one-class support vector machines to identify not previously considered events. Third, a diagnosis model supported by a feature fusion scheme in order to reach high fault classification capabilities. The effectiveness of the fault detection and identification methodology has been compared with classical single model approach, and verified by experimental results obtained from an electromechanical machine. © 2018 IEEE.Postprint (author's final draft

    Artificial Intelligent Diagnosis and Monitoring in Manufacturing

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    The manufacturing sector is heavily influenced by artificial intelligence-based technologies with the extraordinary increases in computational power and data volumes. It has been reported that 35% of US manufacturers are currently collecting data from sensors for manufacturing processes enhancement. Nevertheless, many are still struggling to achieve the 'Industry 4.0', which aims to achieve nearly 50% reduction in maintenance cost and total machine downtime by proper health management. For increasing productivity and reducing operating costs, a central challenge lies in the detection of faults or wearing parts in machining operations. Here we propose a data-driven, end-to-end framework for monitoring of manufacturing systems. This framework, derived from deep learning techniques, evaluates fused sensory measurements to detect and even predict faults and wearing conditions. This work exploits the predictive power of deep learning to extract hidden degradation features from noisy data. We demonstrate the proposed framework on several representative experimental manufacturing datasets drawn from a wide variety of applications, ranging from mechanical to electrical systems. Results reveal that the framework performs well in all benchmark applications examined and can be applied in diverse contexts, indicating its potential for use as a critical corner stone in smart manufacturing

    Swarm Intelligence Algorithm Based on Plant Root System in 1D Biomedical Signal Feature Engineering to Improve Classification Accuracy

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    The classification accuracy of one-dimensional (1D) biomedical signals is limited due to the lack of independence of the extracted features. To address this shortcoming, the study applies a swarm intelligence algorithm based on plant root systems (PRSs) to feature engineering. Some basic features of 1D biomedical signals are integrated into a digitized soil, and a root matrix is generated from this digitized soil and the PRS algorithm. The PRS features are extracted from the root matrix and used to classify the basic features. Following classification with the same biomedical signals and classifier, the accuracy of the added PRS set is generally higher than that of the base set. The result shows that the proposed algorithm can expand the application of 1D biomedical signals to include more biomedical signals in classification tasks for clinical diagnosis

    A Plant Root System Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligence for One-dimensional Biomedical Signal Feature Engineering

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    To date, very few biomedical signals have transitioned from research applications to clinical applications. This is largely due to the lack of trust in the diagnostic ability of non-stationary signals. To reach the level of clinical diagnostic application, classification using high-quality signal features is necessary. While there has been considerable progress in machine learning in recent years, especially deep learning, progress has been quite limited in the field of feature engineering. This study proposes a feature extraction algorithm based on group intelligence which we call a Plant Root System (PRS) algorithm. Importantly, the correlation between features produced by this PRS algorithm and traditional features is low, and the accuracy of several widely-used classifiers was found to be substantially improved with the addition of PRS features. It is expected that more biomedical signals can be applied to clinical diagnosis using the proposed algorithm

    Rolling bearing fault identification using multilayer deep learning convolutional neural network

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    The vibration signal of rolling bearing is usually complex and the useful fault information is hidden in the background noise, therefore, it is a challenge to identify rolling bearing faults from the complex vibration environment. In this paper, a novel multilayer deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) method to identify rolling bearing fault is proposed. Firstly, in order to avoid the influence of different characteristics of the input data on the identification accuracy, a normalization preprocessing method is applied to preprocess the vibration signals of rolling bearings. Secondly, a multilayer CNN based on deep learning is designed in this paper to improve the fault identification accuracy of rolling bearing. Simulation data and experimental data analysis results show that the proposed method has better performance than SVM method and ANN method without any manual feature extractor design

    Multiple-fault detection and identification scheme based on hierarchical self-organizing maps applied to an electric machine

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    Strategies of condition monitoring applied to electric motors play an important role in the competitiveness of multiple industrial sectors. However, the risk of faults coexistence in an electric motor and the overlapping of their effects in the considered physical magnitudes represent, currently, a critical limitation to provide reliable diagnosis outcomes. In this regard, additional investigation efforts are required towards high-dimensional data fusion schemes, particularly over the features calculation and features reduction, which represent two decisive stages in such data-driven approaches. In this study, a novel multiple-fault detection and identification methodology supported by a feature-level fusion strategy and a Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) hierarchical structure is proposed. The condition diagnosis as well as the corresponding estimated probability are obtained. Moreover, the proposed method allows the visualization of the results while preserving the underlying physical phenomenon of the system under monitoring. The proposed scheme is performed sequentially; first, a set of statistical-time based features is estimated from different physical magnitudes. Second, a hybrid feature reduction method is proposed, composed by an initial soft feature reduction, based on sequential floating forward selection to remove the less informative features, and followed by a hierarchical SOM structure which reveals directly the diagnosis and probability assessment. The effectiveness of the proposed detection and identification scheme is validated with a complete set of experimental data including healthy and five faulty conditions. The accuracy’s results are compared with classical condition monitoring approaches in order to validate the competency of the proposed method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An improved variational mode decomposition method and its application in diesel engine fault diagnosis

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    The diesel engine is a complex mechanical device, with the characteristics of multi-source, multi moving parts, complex work. For the complex multi-component signal, it is usually necessary to decompose it into a number of single-component AM-FM signals, and each component is analyzed to extract amplitude and frequency information. VMD is essentially composed of a plurality of adaptive Wiener filter and has good noise robustness. Compared with EMD, EEMD, CEEMDAN, LMD and ITD, VMD has strong mathematical theory basis. At the same time, VMD rejects the method of recursive screening stripping. So VMD can effectively alleviate or avoid a series of problems which appear in other methods. However, it is a problem how to determine the number of decomposition layers and the penalty factor, because human factors will affect the decomposition results. In order to solve the problem, an improved adaptive genetic algorithm (IAGA) is proposed to optimize the parameters of VMD. Genetic algorithms mainly include 3 genetic operators: selection, crossover and mutation. The cross probability and mutation probability will directly affect the optimization results. In the traditional genetic algorithm, the probability of cross and mutation are fixed, and the genetic algorithm is easy to fall into the local optimal. According to the regulation of hormone regulation, the cross probability and mutation probability in evolution were improved. The permutation entropy is a new method of mutation detection, which mainly aims at the spatial characteristics of the time series itself. Therefore, the entropy of the components obtained by the VMD decomposition is used as the fitness function of the IAGA. The modal number K and penalty factor α of VMD were iteratively optimized by IAGA, and the optimal combination of parameters was obtained. Based on the proposed method, the vibration signals of the crankshaft bearing fault simulation experiment were decomposed into several components. According to the value of the permutation entropy, the fault components were selected and the energy was extracted. The fault pattern is identified by the support vector machine (SVM) successfully. The simulation analysis and the simulation experiment of the crankshaft bearing fault show that the proposed method is effective. For the diagnosis of other engines, a large number of validation experiments are needed for further research

    Wind turbine fault detection and classification by means of image texture analysis

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    The future of the wind energy industry passes through the use of larger and more flexible wind turbines in remote locations, which are increasingly offshore to benefit stronger and more uniform wind conditions. The cost of operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines is approximately 15-35% of the total cost. Of this, 80% goes towards unplanned maintenance issues due to different faults in the wind turbine components. Thus, an auspicious way to contribute to the increasing demands and challenges is by applying low-cost advanced fault detection schemes. This work proposes a new method for detection and classification of wind turbine actuators and sensors faults in variable- speed wind turbines. For this purpose, time domain signals acquired from the operating wind turbine are represented as two-dimensional matrices to obtain grayscale digital images. Then, the image pattern recognition is processed getting texture features under a multichannel representation. In this work, four types of texture characteristics are used: statistical, wavelet, granulometric and Gabor features. Next, the most significant ones are selected using the conditional mutual criterion. Finally, the faults are detected and distinguished between them (classified) using an automatic classification tool. In particular, a 10-fold cross-validation is used to obtain a more generalized model and evaluates the classification performance. Coupled non-linear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of a 5MW offshore type wind turbine are carried out in several fault scenarios. The results show a promising methodology able to detect and classify the most common wind turbine faults.Peer ReviewedPreprin