54 research outputs found

    Strong Jumps and Lagrangians of Non-Uniform Hypergraphs

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    The hypergraph jump problem and the study of Lagrangians of uniform hypergraphs are two classical areas of study in the extremal graph theory. In this paper, we refine the concept of jumps to strong jumps and consider the analogous problems over non-uniform hypergraphs. Strong jumps have rich topological and algebraic structures. The non-strong-jump values are precisely the densities of the hereditary properties, which include the Tur\'an densities of families of hypergraphs as special cases. Our method uses a generalized Lagrangian for non-uniform hypergraphs. We also classify all strong jump values for {1,2}\{1,2\}-hypergraphs.Comment: 19 page

    New results on word-representable graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is word-representable if there exists a word ww over the alphabet VV such that letters xx and yy alternate in ww if and only if (x,y)E(x,y)\in E for each xyx\neq y. The set of word-representable graphs generalizes several important and well-studied graph families, such as circle graphs, comparability graphs, 3-colorable graphs, graphs of vertex degree at most 3, etc. By answering an open question from [M. Halldorsson, S. Kitaev and A. Pyatkin, Alternation graphs, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 6986 (2011) 191--202. Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2011, Tepla Monastery, Czech Republic, June 21-24, 2011.], in the present paper we show that not all graphs of vertex degree at most 4 are word-representable. Combining this result with some previously known facts, we derive that the number of nn-vertex word-representable graphs is 2n23+o(n2)2^{\frac{n^2}{3}+o(n^2)}

    A superadditivity and submultiplicativity property for cardinalities of sumsets

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    For finite sets of integers A1, . . . ,An we study the cardinality of the n-fold sumset A1 + · · · + An compared to those of (n − 1)-fold sumsets A1 + · · · + Ai−1 + Ai+1 + · · · + An. We prove a superadditivity and a submultiplicativity property for these quantities. We also examine the case when the addition of elements is restricted to an addition graph between the sets

    Counting independent sets in hypergraphs

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    Let GG be a triangle-free graph with nn vertices and average degree tt. We show that GG contains at least e(1n1/12)12ntlnt(12lnt1) e^{(1-n^{-1/12})\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{t}\ln t (\frac{1}{2}\ln t-1)} independent sets. This improves a recent result of the first and third authors \cite{countingind}. In particular, it implies that as nn \to \infty, every triangle-free graph on nn vertices has at least e(c1o(1))nlnne^{(c_1-o(1)) \sqrt{n} \ln n} independent sets, where c1=ln2/4=0.208138..c_1 = \sqrt{\ln 2}/4 = 0.208138... Further, we show that for all nn, there exists a triangle-free graph with nn vertices which has at most e(c2+o(1))nlnne^{(c_2+o(1))\sqrt{n}\ln n} independent sets, where c2=1+ln2=1.693147..c_2 = 1+\ln 2 = 1.693147... This disproves a conjecture from \cite{countingind}. Let HH be a (k+1)(k+1)-uniform linear hypergraph with nn vertices and average degree tt. We also show that there exists a constant ckc_k such that the number of independent sets in HH is at least ecknt1/kln1+1/kt. e^{c_{k} \frac{n}{t^{1/k}}\ln^{1+1/k}{t}}. This is tight apart from the constant ckc_k and generalizes a result of Duke, Lefmann, and R\"odl \cite{uncrowdedrodl}, which guarantees the existence of an independent set of size Ω(nt1/kln1/kt)\Omega(\frac{n}{t^{1/k}} \ln^{1/k}t). Both of our lower bounds follow from a more general statement, which applies to hereditary properties of hypergraphs

    Consistent random vertex-orderings of graphs

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    Given a hereditary graph property P\mathcal{P}, consider distributions of random orderings of vertices of graphs GPG\in\mathcal{P} that are preserved under isomorphisms and under taking induced subgraphs. We show that for many properties P\mathcal{P} the only such random orderings are uniform, and give some examples of non-uniform orderings when they exist

    Shearer's inequality and Infimum Rule for Shannon entropy and topological entropy

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    We review subbadditivity properties of Shannon entropy, in particular, from the Shearer's inequality we derive the "infimum rule" for actions of amenable groups. We briefly discuss applicability of the "infimum formula" to actions of other groups. Then we pass to topological entropy of a cover. We prove Shearer's inequality for disjoint covers and give counterexamples otherwise. We also prove that, for actions of amenable groups, the supremum over all open covers of the "infimum fomula" gives correct value of topological entropy.Comment: 12 page