8 research outputs found


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    Saat akan bertemu tatap muka dengan seseorang yang belum pernah ditemui, berbagai ketidakpastian dapat muncul dalam benak. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian adalah melakukan pencarian informasi di media sosial bahkan, media sosial mampu memberikan informasi intim yang sulit diketahui saat pertemuan pertama seperti preferensi politik dan ideologi. Penelitian ini melakukan studi meta-analisis terhadap artikel jurnal yang menggunakan teori yang digagas oleh Charles R. Berger dan Richard J. Calabrese yaitu teori pengurangan ketidakpastian dalam menerapkan strategi pencarian informasi pasif, aktif dan interaktif di era digital. Ada beberapa faktor yang mendasari pencarian informasi di era digital antara lain adalah keamanan dan menghindari salah persepsi. Pencarian informasi di media sosial juga meningkatkan keinginan untuk berkomunikasi dan keterbukaan. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa sebelum melakukan pertemuan pertama strategi pasif paling banyak dilakukan namun, strategi interaktif paling efektif untuk mengurangi ketidakpastia


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    Saat akan bertemu tatap muka dengan seseorang yang belum pernah ditemui, berbagai ketidakpastian dapat muncul dalam benak. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian adalah melakukan pencarian informasi di media sosial bahkan, media sosial mampu memberikan informasi intim yang sulit diketahui saat pertemuan pertama seperti preferensi politik dan ideologi. Penelitian ini melakukan studi meta-analisis terhadap artikel jurnal yang menggunakan teori yang digagas oleh Charles R. Berger dan Richard J. Calabrese yaitu teori pengurangan ketidakpastian dalam menerapkan strategi pencarian informasi pasif, aktif dan interaktif di era digital. Ada beberapa faktor yang mendasari pencarian informasi di era digital antara lain adalah keamanan dan menghindari salah persepsi. Pencarian informasi di media sosial juga meningkatkan keinginan untuk berkomunikasi dan keterbukaan. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa sebelum melakukan pertemuan pertama strategi pasif paling banyak dilakukan namun, strategi interaktif paling efektif untuk mengurangi ketidakpastia

    Effects of Social Media on the Interpersonal Relationship among the Married Couples: A Study on a Selected Neighborhood (or Wards) of Dhaka City in Bangladesh

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    It is clearly shown that at present social media plays a vital role in our daily life and the progression in the internet in current years have made new way available to education, health service, business, transportation etc. However, in recent years many sociologists, advocates, educators, psychologists and policy makers have expressed concerns regarding the existing negative impact of social media usage. Some studies have indicated that social media use may be led to negative interpersonal relationship, including infidelity, divorce, disrespect, detachment which often occurs suicide, increases loneliness. Other studies have found evidence for harm what have indicated that social media use may be not so beneficial for some individuals especially in married life. The research was conducted on the neighborhood of Dhaka city with regards to the effects of social media on the interpersonal relationships of married couples. The report identifies the rationale of the research by drawing from popular literature which claims that social media has detrimental effects on quality of marriage. Then relevant literature is reviewed including both national and international researches with regards to the findings regarding effects of social media usage and marriage quality. Usually the usage of Internet among couples was negatively associated with marital satisfaction and commitment of both partners. At the end of the paper, the author discusses the results, along with implications, limitations and recommended future research directions with regards to the acquired information

    Social Media Practices among Married Couples in a Ghanaian Residential Area

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    Social media engagement is key to sustaining marriage relationships. It is a tool and an emerging backbone that couples employ in communication. Its role in marriages in Ghana is yet to be known. Thus, this study used a descriptive survey design, a non-probability convenience sampling technique, and a structured questionnaire to collect data from 30 couples (60 subjects) in a selected residential area in Ghana to identify the significance of social media use among married couples. The study also employed percentages and frequency tables to analyze the data. Findings ascertained that though social media foster adverse behaviours such as jealousy among couples, it assists them in expressing love, romance, and assiduously caring for each other. The study, therefore, concluded that social media is a beneficial relationship communicative tool when employed positively and meticulously. The study made augmented suggestions that will assist couples in modifying and enhancing their social media use to benefit their relationships. Keywords: marriage couples, mobile phones, social media DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/104-07 Publication date: April 30th 202

    The Online and Offline Communication Preferences of Armenian Social Network Users

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    Online is one of the main types of communication and relationship building. Social networking site users are increasing day by day, not only in Armenia but worldwide. Currently, debates are actively underway about the impact of online communication on offline communication. Are online and offline communications two complementary means, or does one completely replace the other? "If people stay at home and do their daily activities without engaging with others, they will not put in the effort to establish social connections beyond the online world, as it would seem futile." The article explores the prevalence of social networks among Armenian users, their variations, online and/or offline communication preferences of Armenian users in various spheres of life, connected with age, gender, and depending on the subject of communication. As a result of a survey conducted using questionnaires, a range of preferences were identified, based on which users construct online communications. The main differences were observed among different age groups, rather than gender

    Percepciones del uso de redes sociales y sus efectos en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de pregrado de una Universidad privada de Medellín

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    Objetivo -- Identificar las percepciones sobre el uso de redes sociales y sus efectos en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada de Medellín -- Se analiza el uso de estas redes sociales desde sus percepciones frente a los usos y fines que le dan a estas redes y los efectos que tienen en sus relaciones (amistosas, familiares, intimas y consigo mismos) -- Método -- Estudio cualitativo exploratorio basado en ocho entrevistas a profundidad con estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad de Medellín -- Resultados -- Cada red social tiene un fin definido, Instagram suple un rol de relacionamiento, Twitter cumple un rol tanto informativo como reflexivo y WhatsApp es visto como una herramienta esencial a las comunicaciones -- En cuanto a las percepciones que se tiene sobre el uso de estas en primera instancia se puede ver que permite mantener y ampliar las conexiones interpersonales y permite una inmediatez en la conexión, en lo negativo se puede ver que la inmediatez se vuelve desgastante, y se genera una brecha entre la vida real y la vida virtual tanto en el ser como en los tiempos -- En cuanto a la presencialidad de las relaciones son una herramienta que permite el encuentro pero que a su vez genera distanciamientos durante el mismo; también vuelve a surgir la brecha que existe entre el ser virtual y el ser real que no siempre son coherentes -- Finalmente, frente a los efectos en las relaciones de los sujetos se nota que permite una mayor cercanía y calidez, y una mayor claridad en los inicios de una relación romántica; los efectos negativos siendo lo proclive que son estas comunicaciones a los malentendidos, la presencia del FoMO, la creación de redes amplias, pero no profundas y la exteriorización constante de la vida -- Conclusiones -- Los efectos positivos se pueden sintetizar en una mayor conexión con los otros, capacidad para mantenerse informado al propio ritmo, y disponibilidad inmediata de la red de apoyo de los sujetos -- Los efectos negativos se pueden sintetizar en agobio por la demanda constante, malentendidos por la ausencia del lenguaje implícito, FoMO y la creación de una segunda vida que existe en un tiempo diferente a la vida “real

    Helpful or harmful? Exploring the impact of social media usage on intimate relationships

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    Internet access in Australia is increasing with the most popular online activity reported by Australians being social media use. The literature is divided as to whether social media use is helpful or harmful to intimate relationships. Recent research from an Australian family counselling provider indicates that social media use is resulting in negative intimate relationship outcomes, echoing recent American research findings. However, other researchers note that social media use can have positive outcomes for intimate relationships and individuals. These different findings prompted this research which focuses on the impact of social media usage on intimate relationships using Facebook as a case study. A survey of 518 Australians examining Facebook usage, relationship satisfaction and household income was undertaken. The results suggest that relationship satisfaction varies based on types of social media usage when controlled for household income. For most respondents, social media usage did not have a negative impact on their relationship. However, results indicated that where their partner was a ‘friend’ on social media, they were less likely to report concerns relating to social media usage impacting their relationship. It was also found that those living alone or with children on low incomes were more likely to be dissatisfied with their relationships and rely on social media to connect with others. Finally, four types of Facebook usage were identified and mapped against intensity of usage and relationship satisfaction, indicating that the way in which social media is used impacts relationship satisfaction. These findings indicate that social media use is helpful for some intimate relationships and harmful for others based on individual usage and their interaction with their partner via the platform