399 research outputs found

    Web-Base Help Desk System for Telecenter

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    Help Desk System is an integral part of many organizations that must support products or services. In the complex help desk environment, analysts with varying skill levels rely on their expertise as well as systems, tools, and repositories to answer a range of problems.Telecentre (TC) often needs support to address problems faced in their daily routine, and it is expensive to call or ask for visits from the stakeholders. Hence, the study will propose a web based Help Desk System for the telecentre to provide administrator with the appropriate details relevant to their requirements. The study will follow the Spiral development model

    A Web Based Help Desk System Using Open Source Software

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    This project aims to develop a working prototype of a web based help desk application using Object Oriented approach and Open Source software. Three main phases were involved in this project, which are defining requirements, analyze requirements and validate requirements. The requirements are defined in a way that they are suitable to be used by small to medium sized companies. The requirements are analyzed by constructing use case diagram, use case specifications, class diagram, activity diagrams and the list of requirements. A working prototype is developed using open source software to validate the requirements. The prototype can be readily used by small to medium sized companies, and can be a base for them to develop their own help desk system that includes other requirements and enhancements which are deemed fit for their needs

    An internship experience in educational leadership at Vineland Public Schools

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    The intent of this study was to show how the Vineland School District could increase its efficiency to meet staff requests to solve computer problems through the use of a help desk system. The intern distributed surveys to district employees before the help desk was implemented. After the help desk system is in place, post questionnaires will be distributed defining satisfaction levels in service and support and determining the effectiveness of a help desk. There were two major research instruments used in the study for the Vineland School District, surveys and personal interviews. The purpose behind both of these instruments was to gather as accurately as possible, opinions about the benefits of developing a help desk from district employees. It was found that the district was well overdue for change. Nearly everyone polled wanted to see more resources allocated for hardware and software support, and additional staff training. Frustration was evident at every level, and it was obvious the district needed a little guidance in meeting its technology objectives

    An Intelligent Case-Based Help Desk Providing Web-Based Support for EOSDIS Customers

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    This paper describes a project that extends the concept of help desk automation by offering World Wide Web access to a case-based help desk. It explores the use of case-based reasoning and cognitive engineering models to create an 'intelligent' help desk system, one that learns. It discusses the AutoHelp architecture for such a help desk and summarizes the technologies used to create a help desk for NASA data users

    FM Help Desk: user complaint system as an FM approach for facilities management services in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

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    An efficient and effective facilities management contributes to the productivity of an organisation in achieving its core activities. Higher educational institutions (HEIs), with teaching and learning as their core activities, have several physical and non�physical facilities to manage. In reality, this involves with complex challenges in meeting the needs and demands of dynamic and demanding stakeholders. Therefore, a mechanism must be identified and developed to meet their demands. Facility management (FM) help desk has been identified as an online system for the university community to channel any complaints about the university facilities. This system is able to handle the complaints by managing, recording and maintaining them in a systematic and effective manner. Through this system, complaints should be resolved within one day, three days or seven days depending on the degree of urgency of the cases. This research focuses on how the FM help desk system can help the university to manage its facilities and to determine FM satisfaction indicators for facilities management services delivered through the FM help desk system. This research also suggested the improvement of this system based on the FM satisfaction indicators. Mixed method was used in this research. Via quantitative approach, 317 sets of questionnaires were distributed to respondents representing various levels of the university staff. Semi-structured interview technique focusing on the officers who directly involved in the management of university facilities, on the other hand, was carried out to obtain qualitative data. The results showed that the majority of users were satisfied with the implementation of FM help desk system as a user complaint system to improve the efficiency of the university facilities management. Furthermore, it has been suggested that this system can be improved based on the FM satisfaction indicators i.e., people, IT and technology, place and process. Thus, FM help desk system has been identified as an important mechanism in enhancing the management of complaints towards a better implementation of a quality facilities management system in the university

    Online Assistance

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    From the introduction: This project entitled Online Assistance is efficient and designed to do only one thing, facilitate communications between help desk staff and end users. The overriding design goal is to be as simple and frictionless for both users and help desk staff as is possible. It can leverage SQL server for membership and role based security or integrate with windows authentication and Active Directory groups. Software Engineering occurs as a consequence of a process called “System Engineering”. Instead of concentrate solely on software, system-engineering focuses on a variety of elements like Analyzing, Designing and organizing these elements into a system. A help desk system is designed and implemented in a business setting. (Abstract provided by OPUS staff


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    PT Pupuk Kujang merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, dimana aktivitas bisnisnya terbilang kompleks.Salah satu software yang merupakan bagian dari sistem informasi yang mendukung aktivitas bisnisnya adalahpenggunaan software berlisensi yang selalu ada audit secara berkala dari pihak vendor. Permasalahaccccnnyaadalah terjadi penyalahgunaan software berlisensi oleh beberapa komputer client, misalnya penyalahgunaanjumlah lisensi, terjadinya penggunaan software bajakan. Permasalahan lain yaitu sedikitnya staf technicalsupport di Biro Teknologi Informasi (TI). Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya kelambatan penyelesaian masalahinternal teknologi informasi di PT Pupuk Kujang. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian inibertujuan merancang sistem pelacakan software berlisensi dan Help desk. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulismenggunakan metode observasi, dan metode pengembangan sistem yaitu model prototype. Rancanganini direkomendasikan untuk diimplementasikan menggunakan Java Virtual Machine (JVM), dan Oraclesebagai aplikasi basisdata dengan pertimbangan Data Base Management System yang sudah digunakan diPT. Pupuk Kujang adalah Oracle, Apache Tomcat untuk aplikasi web server. Diharapkan rancangan aplikasiyang dibuat dapat bermanfaat untuk pelacakan, pengidentifi kasian awal pnggunaan software berlisensisebelum dilakukannya audit oleh pihak vendor, digunakan untuk pendukung keputusan akan jenis dan jumlahsoftware licensed yang lebih dibutuhkan PT Pupuk Kujang. Help desk System diharapkan bisa mengefi siensikanpenanganan masalah teknis di bidang TI di PT Pupuk Kujang

    Web Based Help Desk System for UUM CAS Postgraduate Help Desk Department Based on Problem Tracking Technique

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    The current traditional help desk mechanisms used in UUM CAS postgraduate help desk department at UUM are no longer enough to support the increase of the interactions between the users and the technical support employees because there is no standard and organized process for handling the users' requests. This paper proposes a technical support system that can help students, staff and even lecturers at UUM CAS Postgraduate department to freely interact with the customer service employees by sending their requests and inquiries through a web-based help desk system. In the other side, this proposed system also helps to increase the productivity of the employees in the customer service department since each specific ticket or problem is received by a specific group of the technical support employees. In order to achieve that, we suggest to use a problem tracking technique. This technique enables the users to send their inquiries to the proper person in the customer service department. Moreover, this technique aims to track the problem or ticket until it gets their direction to the proper person of the customer service employees who have the ability to solve it within a convenient time

    Perancangan Sistem Pelacakan Software Berlisensi Dan Help Desk System (Studi Kasus : PT. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek Jawa Barat)

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    PT Pupuk Kujang merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, dimana aktivitas bisnisnya terbilang kompleks.Salah satu software yang merupakan bagian dari sistem informasi yang mendukung aktivitas bisnisnya adalahpenggunaan software berlisensi yang selalu ada audit secara berkala dari pihak vendor. Permasalahaccccnnyaadalah terjadi penyalahgunaan software berlisensi oleh beberapa komputer client, misalnya penyalahgunaanjumlah lisensi, terjadinya penggunaan software bajakan. Permasalahan lain yaitu sedikitnya staf technicalsupport di Biro Teknologi Informasi (TI). Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya kelambatan penyelesaian masalahinternal teknologi informasi di PT Pupuk Kujang. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian inibertujuan merancang sistem pelacakan software berlisensi dan Help desk. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulismenggunakan metode observasi, dan metode pengembangan sistem yaitu model prototype. Rancanganini direkomendasikan untuk diimplementasikan menggunakan Java Virtual Machine (JVM), dan Oraclesebagai aplikasi basisdata dengan pertimbangan Data Base Management System yang sudah digunakan diPT. Pupuk Kujang adalah Oracle, Apache Tomcat untuk aplikasi web server. Diharapkan rancangan aplikasiyang dibuat dapat bermanfaat untuk pelacakan, pengidentifi kasian awal pnggunaan software berlisensisebelum dilakukannya audit oleh pihak vendor, digunakan untuk pendukung keputusan akan jenis dan jumlahsoftware licensed yang lebih dibutuhkan PT Pupuk Kujang. Help desk System diharapkan bisa mengefi siensikanpenanganan masalah teknis di bidang TI di PT Pupuk Kujang

    Developing Online Help Desk for Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah

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    A help desk is an integral part of many organizations which provides the users with a single focal point where users can channel their problems and ask for help on various ICT or utility equipments. Currently, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah (PTSB) is adopting the traditional method for help desk maintenance support. The method to raise a defect complaint for ICT and utility equipments is by using telephone, hard copy form or email. Traditional help desk for maintenance support is subjected to communication problems especially between staff or department and this result in unnecessary delay in handling the defect complaint. The objective of this project is to develop an online help desk maintenance support system to improve the efficiency of the process flow. The "Vaishnavi and Kuechler" general methodology is employed in this study and system prototype is developed using Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The evaluation of the system requirement and benefit is validated by potential users of the system, in this case are head of department Maintenance Unit, head of Information System Unit, technician from Maintenance Unit, technician from Information System Unit and staff from Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Test result was acknowledged by the users and they are satisfied with the prototype online help desk system