463 research outputs found

    Generation of Earth’s Surface Three-Dimensional (3-D) Displacement Time-Series by Multiple-Platform SAR Data

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    In this chapter, the recent advancements of differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR) technique are presented, with the focus on the DInSAR-based approaches leading to the generation of three-dimensional time-series of Earth’s surface deformation, based on the combination of multi-platform line-of-sight (LOS)-projected time-series of deformation. Use of pixel-offset (PO) measurements for the retrieval of North-South deformation components, which are difficult to be extracted from DInSAR data, only, is also discussed. A review of the principal techniques based on the exploitation of amplitude and phase signatures of sequences of SAR images will be first provided, by emphasizing the limitations and strength of each single approach. Then, the interest will be concentrated on the recently proposed multi-track InSAR combination algorithm, referred as minimum acceleration InSAR combination (MinA) approach. The algorithm assumes the availability of two (or more) sets of SAR images acquired from complementary tracks. SAR data are pre-processed through one of currently available multi-temporal DInSAR toolboxes, and the LOS-projected surface deformation time-series are computed. An under-determined system of linear equations is then solved, based on imposing that the 3-D displacement time-series have minimum acceleration (MA). The presented results demonstrate the validity of the MinA algorithm

    GIS integration of DInSAR measurements, geological investigation and historical surveys for the structural monitoring of buildings and infrastructures. An application to the Valco San Paolo urban area of Rome

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    Structural health monitoring is a crucial issue in areas with different hazard sources, such as Italy. Among non-invasive monitoring techniques, remote sensing provides useful information in supporting the management process and safety evaluations, reducing the impact of disturbances on the functionality of construction systems. The ground displacement time-series based on the analysis of Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) measurements, as well as the information about the geology of the area and the geometry of the construction under monitoring, provides useful data for the built environment's structural assessment. This paper focuses on the structural monitoring and damage assessment of constructions based on the GIS integration of DInSAR measurements, geological investigation, historical surveys and 3D modeling. The methodology is applied to the residential area of Valco San Paolo in the city of Rome (Italy). Once the geological interpretation has confirmed the results of the DInSAR measurements, a quick damage assessment that considers all the possible conditions of the pre-existing damage at the time zero of the monitoring is shown for a damaged manufact in the area. The presented results highlight how the strategy to correlate the DInSAR-monitored ground settlements with the damage scales allows potentially to monitor continuous construction systems

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Innovative Techniques for the Retrieval of Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere Geophysical Parameters: Spaceborne Infrared/Microwave Combined Analyses

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    With the advent of the first satellites for Earth Observation: Landsat-1 in July 1972 and ERS-1 in May 1991, the discipline of environmental remote sensing has become, over time, increasingly fundamental for the study of phenomena characterizing the planet Earth. The goal of environmental remote sensing is to perform detailed analyses and to monitor the temporal evolution of different physical phenomena, exploiting the mechanisms of interaction between the objects that are present in an observed scene and the electromagnetic radiation detected by sensors, placed at a distance from the scene, operating at different frequencies. The analyzed physical phenomena are those related to climate change, weather forecasts, global ocean circulation, greenhouse gas profiling, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, soil subsidence, and the effects of rapid urbanization processes. Generally, remote sensing sensors are of two primary types: active and passive. Active sensors use their own source of electromagnetic radiation to illuminate and analyze an area of interest. An active sensor emits radiation in the direction of the area to be investigated and then detects and measures the radiation that is backscattered from the objects contained in that area. Passive sensors, on the other hand, detect natural electromagnetic radiation (e.g., from the Sun in the visible band and the Earth in the infrared and microwave bands) emitted or reflected by the object contained in the observed scene. The scientific community has dedicated many resources to developing techniques to estimate, study and analyze Earth’s geophysical parameters. These techniques differ for active and passive sensors because they depend strictly on the type of the measured physical quantity. In my P.h.D. work, inversion techniques for estimating Earth’s surface and atmosphere geophysical parameters will be addressed, emphasizing methods based on machine learning (ML). In particular, the study of cloud microphysics and the characterization of Earth’s surface changes phenomenon are the critical points of this work

    Radarkaugseire rakendused metsaüleujutuste ja põllumajanduslike rohumaade jälgimiseks

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö keskendub radarkaugseire rakenduste arendamisele kahes keerukas looduskeskkonnas: üleujutatud metsas ja põllumajanduslikel rohumaadel. Uurimistöö viidi läbi Tartu Observatooriumis, Tartu Ülikoolis, Ventspilsi Kõrgkoolis ja Aalto Ülikoolis. Töö esimene osa käsitleb X-laineala polarimeetrilise radarisignaali käitumist regulaarselt üleujutatavas metsas Soomaa näitel ning teine osa põllumajanduslike rohumaade seisundi ja polarimeetriliste ning interferomeetriliste tehisava-radari parameetrite vahelisi seoseid. 2012 kevadel Soomaa testalal TerraSAR-X andmetega läbi viidud eksperiment näitas, et topelt-peegeldusele tundlik HH-VV polarimeetriline kanal pakub tõesti kontrastsemat tagasihajumisepõhist üleujutatud metsa eristust üleujutamata metsast kui traditsiooniline HH polarimeetriline kanal. HH-VV kanali eelis HH kanali ees on seda suurem, mida madalam on mets ning raagus tingimustes lehtmetsas oli HH-VV kanali eelis HH kanali ees suurem kui okasmetsas. Lisaks on üleujutusele tundlik HH ja VV kanali polarimeetriline faasivahe, mida on soovitatud ka varasemates töödes kasutada täiendava andmeallikana üleujutuste kaardistamisel. Käesolevas doktoritöös mõõdeti polarimeetrilise X-laineala tehisava-radari HH/VV faasivahe suurenemine üleujutuste tõttu erineva kõrgusega okas- ja lehtmetsas. 2013 a vegetatsiooniperioodil korraldati Rannu test-alal välimõõtmistega toetatud eksperiment uurimaks X- ja C-laineala polarimeetrilise ning X-laineala interferomeetrilise tehisava-radari parameetrite undlikkust rohumaade tingimuste muutustele. Ilmnes, et ühepäevase vahega kogutud X-laineala tehisava-radari interferomeetriliste paaride koherentsus korreleerus rohu kõrgusega. Koherentsus oli seda madalam, mida kõrgem oli rohi - leitud seost on võimalik potentsiaalselt rakendada niitmise tuvastamiseks. TerraSAR-X ja RADARSAT-2 polarimeetriliste aegridade analüüsi tulemusel leiti kaks niitmisele tundlikku parameetrit: HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus ja polarimeetriline entroopia. Niitmise järel langes HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus järsult ning polarimeetriline entroopia tõusis järsult. Rohu tagasikasvamise faasis hakkas HH/VV polarimeetriline koherentsus aeglaselt kasvama ning entroopia aeglaselt kahanema. Täheldatud efekt oli tugevam TerraSARX X-laineala aegridadel kui RADARSAT-2 C-riba tehisava-radari mõõtmistel ning seda selgemini nähtav mida rohkem biomassi niitmise järgselt maha jäi. Leitud HH/VV polarimeetrilise koherentsuse ja polarimeetrilise entroopia käitumine vastas taimkatte osakestepilve radarikiirguse tagasihajumismudelile. Mudeli järgi põhjus- 60 tas eelnimetatud parameetrite iseloomulikku muutust rohukõrte kui dipoolide orientatsiooni ja korrastatuse muut niitmise tõttu, mis on kooskõlas meie välimõõtmiste andmetega.This thesis presents research about the application of radar remote sensing for monitoring of complex natural environments, such as flooded forests and agricultural grasslands. The study was carried out in Tartu Observatory, University of Tartu, Ventspils University College, and Aalto University. The research consists of two distinctive parts devoted to polarimetric analysis of images from a seasonal flooding of wetlands, and to polarimetric and interferometric analysis of a summer-long campaign covering eleven agricultural grasslands. TerraSAR-X data from 2012 were used to assess the use of the double-bounce scattering mechanism for improving the mapping of flooded forest areas. The study confirmed that the HH–VV polarimetric channel that is sensitive to double-bounce scattering provides increased separation between flooded and unflooded forest areas when compared to the conventional HH channel. The increase in separation increases with decreasing forest height, and it is more pronounced for deciduous forests due to the leaf-off conditions during the study. The phase difference information provided by the HH–VV channel may provide additional information for delineating flooded and unflooded forest areas. Time series of X-band (TanDEM-X and COSMO-SkyMed) and C-band (RADARSAT-2) data from 2013 were analyzed in respect to vegetation parameters collected during a field survey. The one-day repeat-pass X-band interferometric coherence was shown to be correlated to the grassland vegetation height. The coherence was also found to be potentially useful for detecting mowing events. The polarimetric analysis of TanDEM-X and RADARSAT-2 data identified two parameters sensitive to mowing events - the HH/VV polarimetric coherence magnitude and the H2α entropy. Mowing of vegetation consistently caused the coherence magnitude to decrease and the entropy to increase. The effect was more pronounced in case of X-band data. Additionally, the effect was stronger with more vegetation left on the ground after mowing. The effect was explained using a vegetation particle scattering model. The changes in polarimetric variables was shown to be caused by the change of orientation and the randomness of the vegetation

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 475 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1 and March 31, 1984. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis

    Generic interferometric synthetic aperture radar atmospheric correction model and its application to co- and post-seismic motions

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    PhD ThesisThe tremendous development of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) missions in recent years facilitates the study of smaller amplitude ground deformation over greater spatial scales using longer time series. However, this poses more challenges for correcting atmospheric effects due to the spatial-temporal variability of atmospheric delays. Previous attempts have used observations from Global Positioning System (GPS) and Numerical Weather Models (NWMs) to separate the atmospheric delays, but they are limited by (i) the availability (and distribution) of GPS stations; (ii) the time difference between NWM and radar observations; and (iii) the difficulties in quantifying their performance. To overcome the abovementioned limitations, we have developed the Iterative Tropospheric Decomposition (ITD) model to reduce the coupling effects of the troposphere turbulence and stratification and hence achieve similar performances over flat and mountainous terrains. Highresolution European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and GPS-derived tropospheric delays were properly integrated by investigating the GPS network geometry and topography variations. These led to a generic atmospheric correction model with a range of notable features: (i) global coverage, (ii) all-weather, all-time usability, (iii) available with a maximum of two-day latency, and (iv) indicators available to assess the model’s performance and feasibility. The generic atmospheric correction model enables the investigation of the small magnitude coseismic deformation of the 2017 Mw-6.4 Nyingchi earthquake from InSAR observations in spite of substantial atmospheric contamination. It can also minimize the temporal correlations of InSAR atmospheric delays so that reliable velocity maps over large spatial extents can be achieved. Its application to the post-seismic motion following the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake shows a success to recover the time-dependent afterslip distribution, which in turn evidences the deep inactive subduction slip mechanism. This procedure can be used to map surface deformation in other scenarios including volcanic eruptions, tectonic rifting, cracking, and city subsidence.This work was supported by a Chinese Scholarship Council studentship. Part of this work was also supported by the UK NERC through the Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET)

    Hemiboreaalsete metsade kaardistamine interferomeetrilise tehisava-radari andmetelt

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Käesolev doktoritöö uurib tehisavaradari (SAR) kasutusvõimalusi metsa kõrguse hindamiseks hemiboreaalsete metsade vööndis. Uurimistöö viidi läbi Tartu Üli¬kooli, Tartu Observatooriumi, Aalto Ülikooli, Euroopa Kosmoseagentuuri (ESA) kaugseire keskuse ESRIN ja Reach-U koostöös. Uurimistöös kasutatud satelliidi¬andmed on pärit Saksa Kosmosekeskuse (DLR) kõrglahutusega bistaatilise X-laineala tehisavaradari TanDEM-X satelliidipaarilt. Sagedasti uuenevad satelliidiandmed, nende globaalne katvus ja kõrge ruumi¬line lahutus võimaldavad tehisavaradari abil kaardistada metsi ning nendes toimu¬vaid muutusi suurtel maa-aladel. Radari abil on võimalik saada kõrge lahutusvõimega pilte, mis on tundlikud taimestikule, maapinna karedusele ja dielektrilistele omadustele. Sünkroonis lendava radaripaari samaaegselt tehtud pildid elimineerivad võimalikud ajalised muutused taimestikus ning tänu sellele on radariandmetest võimalik tuletada metsade vertikaalset struktuuri ja kõrgust. Uurimistöös käsitletakse tehisavaradari interferomeetrilise koherentsuse tund¬likkust metsa kõrguse suhtes ning analüüsitakse, millised keskkonna ja klimaati¬lised tingimused ning satelliidi orbiidiga seotud parameetrid mõjutavad radari¬piltidelt erinevate puuliikide kõrguse hindamise täpsust. Lisaks keskendub väitekiri interferomeetrilisele koherentsusele tuginevate mudelite analüüsi¬misele ning nende täpsuse hindamisele operatiivse metsa kõrguse kaardistamise raken-duseks. Vaatluse alla on võetud kolm testala, mis asuvad Soomaa rahvuspargis, Võrtsjärve idakaldal Rannus ja Peipsiveere looduskaitsealal ning katavad kokku 2291 hektarit metsa. 23 TanDEM-X satelliidipildi koherentsuspilte võrreldakse samadel testaladel aerolaserskaneerimise (LiDAR) abil mõõdetud puistute kõrgu¬sega, mis on omakorda jagatud kolme rühma (kuused, männid ja laia¬lehised segametsad). RVoG (Random Volume over Ground) taimekatte mudel ning sellest tule¬tatud lihtsamad pooleempiirilised mudelid sobituvad olemasolevate TanDEM-X koherentsuse ning LiDARi metsa puistute kõrgusandmetega hästi. Töö tule¬mused kinnitavad, et tulevikus on suurte ja erinevatest metsatüüpidest koosne¬vate metsade kõrguse kosmosest kaardistamisel otstarbekas kasutusele võtta esmalt just soovitatud lihtsamad ja universaalsemad mudelid.This thesis presents research in the field of radar remote sensing and contributes to the forest monitoring application development using space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Satellite data is particularly useful for large-scale forestry applications making high revisit monitoring of the state of forests worldwide possible. The sensitivity of SAR to the dielectric and geometrical properties of the targets, penetration capacity and coherent imaging properties make it a unique tool for mapping and monitoring forest biomes. SAR satellites are also capable of retrieving additional information about the structure of the forest, tree height and biomass estimates as an essential input for monitoring the changes in the carbon stocks. Interferometric SAR (InSAR) is an advanced SAR imaging technique that allows the retrieval of forest parameters while working in nearly all weather conditions, independently of daylight and cloud cover. This research concen¬trates on assessing the impact of different variables affecting hemiboreal forest height estimation from space-borne X-band interferometric SAR coherence data. In particular, the research analyses the changes in coherence dynamics related to seasonal conditions, tree species and imaging properties using a large collection of interferometric SAR images from different seasons over a four-year period. The study is carried out over three test sites in Estonia using the extensive multi-temporal dataset of 23 TanDEM-X images, covering 2291 hectares of forests to describe the relation between the interferometric SAR coherence mag¬nitude and forest parameters. The work demonstrates how the correlation of interferometric coherence and Airborne LiDAR Scanning (ALS)-derived forest height varies for pine and deciduous tree species, for summer (leaf-on) and winter (leaf-off) conditions and for flooded forest floor. A simple semi-empirical modelling approach is proposed as being suitable for wide area forest mapping with limited a priori information under a range of seasonal and environ¬¬mental conditions. A Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) model and three semi-empirical models are compared and validated against a large dataset of coherence magnitude and ALS-measured data over hemiboreal forests in Estonia. The results show that all proposed models perform well in describing the relationship between hemiboreal forest height and interferometric coherence, allowing in future to derive forest stand height with an accuracy suitable for a wide range of applications

    Ricerche di Geomatica 2011

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    Questo volume raccoglie gli articoli che hanno partecipato al Premio AUTeC 2011. Il premio è stato istituito nel 2005. Viene conferito ogni anno ad una tesi di Dottorato giudicata particolarmente significativa sui temi di pertinenza del SSD ICAR/06 (Topografia e Cartografia) nei diversi Dottorati attivi in Italia