5 research outputs found

    Predicting Heart Ailment in Patients with Varying number of Features using Data Mining Techniques

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    Data mining can be defined as a process of extracting unknown, verifiable and possibly helpful data from information. Among the various ailments, heart ailment is one of the primary reason behind death of individuals around the globe, hence in order to curb this, a detailed analysis is done using Data Mining. Many a times we limit ourselves with minimal attributes that are required to predict a patient with heart disease. By doing so we are missing on a lot of important attributes that are main causes for heart diseases. Hence, this research aims at considering almost all the important features affecting heart disease and performs the analysis step by step with minimal to maximum set of attributes using Data Mining techniques to predict heart ailments. The various classification methods used are Naïve Bayes classifier, Random Forest and Random Tree which are applied on three datasets with different number of attributes but with a common class label. From the analysis performed, it shows that there is a gradual increase in prediction accuracies with the increase in the attributes irrespective of the classifiers used and Naïve Bayes and Random Forest algorithms comparatively outperforms with these sets of data

    Review on Heart Disease Prediction System using Data Mining Techniques

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    Data mining is the computer based process of analyzing enormous sets of data and then extracting the meaning of the data. Data mining tools predict future trends, allowing business to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. Data mining tools can answer business questions that traditionally taken much time consuming to resolve. The huge amounts of data generated for prediction of heart disease are too complex and voluminous to be processed and analyzed by traditional methods. Data mining provides the methodology and technology to transform these mounds of data into useful information for decision making. By using data mining techniques it takes less time for the prediction of the disease with more accuracy. In this paper we survey different papers in which one or more algorithms of data mining used for the prediction of heart disease. Result from using neural networks is nearly 100% in one paper [10] and in [6]. So that the prediction by using data mining algorithm given efficient results. Applying data mining techniques to heart disease treatment data can provide as reliable performance as that achieved in diagnosing heart disease

    Evolutionary Algorithms for Query Op-timization in Distributed Database Sys-tems: A review

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    Evolutionary Algorithms are bio-inspired optimization problem-solving approaches that exploit principles of biological evolution. , such as natural selection and genetic inheritance. This review paper provides the application of evolutionary and swarms intelligence based query optimization strategies in Distributed Database Systems. The query optimization in a distributed environment is challenging task and hard problem. However, Evolutionary approaches are promising for the optimization problems. The problem of query optimization in a distributed database environment is one of the complex problems. There are several techniques which exist and are being used for query optimization in a distributed database. The intention of this research is to focus on how bio-inspired computational algorithms are used in a distributed database environment for query optimization. This paper provides working of bio-inspired computational algorithms in distributed database query optimization which includes genetic algorithms, ant colony algorithm, particle swarm optimization and Memetic Algorithms