76 research outputs found

    User Emotion Identification in Twitter Using Specific Features: Hashtag, Emoji, Emoticon, and Adjective Term

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    Twitter is a social media application, which can give a sign for identifying user emotion. Identification of user emotion can be utilized in commercial domain, health, politic, and security problems. The problem of emotion identification in twit is the unstructured short text messages which lead the difficulty to figure out main features. In this paper, we propose a new framework for identifying the tendency of user emotions using specific features, i.e. hashtag, emoji, emoticon, and adjective term. Preprocessing is applied in the first phase, and then user emotions are identified by means of classification method using kNN. The proposed method can achieve good results, near ground truth, with accuracy of 92%

    Imbalanced Development And Social Exclusion of Urban Poor Group in Indonesia: Study of Urban Poor Group at Slum Area in Jakarta

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    This article provides a description about the life of urban poor group in slum area which appears due to an imbalance development and social exclusion process which occurs in a poor group. This study is conducted by using qualitative method with data collecting technique in-depth interview and observation in a poor group in one of slum area in South Jakarta. The result of this study shown that social exclusion occurs in an urban poor group in Jakarta as an urban representation of developing countries in South East Asia. They have less access in various fields, such as economic, education, health, and also politics. The social exclusion which happened in a poor group cause they could not exit from the shackles of structural poverty which even more impoverish them. The analysis of this article shown that critic of dependency theory on development based on modernization which assessed to produce a bigger imbalance seen relevant in an urban scope of developing country such as Indonesia. Therefore it is seen that the imbalance is not only in the level between countries, but also in groups in a country. Keywords: social exclusion, poverty, unbalanced development, and migratio

    The Impact of Changes in the Medical Environment on Physicians' Identities

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    The study explores to what extent recent changes (in the last decade) in the medical environment impact physicians’ identities. It has been conducted in Northern Italy (Emilia Romagna Region), interviewing 16 doctors between specialists and general practitioners and linking their insights with the literature. Our aim was to relate the de-professionalization and proletarianization debate to an identity issue: we studied whether recent changes may have relevant impact on doctors’ understanding or not. The rising of the Internet as a provider of medical information, the spread of guidelines developed on evidence-based medicine, the need of prescription savings and the clustering of doctors in new organized forms (Medical Homes) are interpreted as revolutions of the last decades. Physicians do engage in an identity work in order to make sense of the surrounding world and in doing so they consider and re-consider their role and how they are seen by patients, colleagues and society. Nevertheless, differently from past professional studies (about managers and consultants) these changes do not have the power of endangering doctors’ identities: they do not eventually feel threatened by the on-going questioning of patients and institutions. The strategic solution that physicians adopt is to draw upon their logic of autonomy and power as professionals: even though they acknowledge that the thaumaturge doctor is an anachronistic feature, they still keep their strong identification as decision makers. Furthermore, the de-professionalization debate, mostly because of the trivial oscillations that doctors’ identities experienced, has been criticized and substituted with the realization that an adaptation to change is necessary. Doctors do understand that their response to change has to entail either an enlistment of current scenarios and a reinforcement of the partnership with colleagues, patients and controlling organizations. Eventually, this study stresses the need of an increasing attention on economic matters which are becoming a pressing issue for physicians


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    Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental trouble which prevents the child from sociocommunicative interaction, and learning from his environment. Non-medical early intervention attempts to improve prognosis. We will review the main current hypothesis, intervention models and scientific supports about early intervention. Methods: We conducted a search of the literature published on Medline between 2010 and 2015 related to intervention models provided to children with ASD aged less than 3 years. Data were extracted from systematic reviews and recent randomized controlled trials with moderate to high GRADE quality of evidence. Results: Early intervention refers to brain plasticity theory. With the epidemiological studies of infant “at risk” there is an attempt to intervene earlier before full syndrome is present. Interventions tend to follow more on a developmental hierarchy of sociocommunicative skills and to focus on the dyadic relation between the child and the caregivers to improve the core autistic symptoms. Over the last 6 years, there’s been news and fine-tuned ways about early intervention, and more and more systematic evaluation. Conclusion: However, there are only few interventions which were evaluated in trial with a strong GRADE recommendation and all of them have methodological concerns. It is important to be cautious in recommendations for mental health politic, even if it is important to improve access to services for all children and their families, hence finance and design rigorous project in research

    What Makes Effective Teaching in the 21st Century

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    Life and technology have developed from time to time. Aa consequences, they influence the education in the world. Technology has important role in educational program especially in the 21st century. It could be the big question today: what impact does technology give in the teaching and learning process in the classroom today? Chai(2005) makes the claims that a teacher has the opportunity toteach less, learn more. She argues that teaching is not just delivering knowledge. Teaching is about communicating: When I teach,I communicate with my students and I encourage them to communicate with me. I want to know their opinion about things, their hopes and fears, how they feel and how they reach to some situations. It is clear that the main factor in education is a teacher, beacuse a teacher plays an important role in learning process. Without teacher, the world will be lost. Teachers are facing more complex and difficult challenges of their works, for examples: an increasing diversity of students and parents, higher demands of education quality, the higher standard of teaching and learning process and outcomes, etc. Therefore, compared to the previous era, a professional teacher today should have wide range of teacher competencies, such as teaching and managing class effectively; building, developing, and managing the relationship with students and school community; using technology for more effective communication and instruction.Thus, creating a comfortable classroom for students is important for 21st century teaching

    ‘Healthy Publics’ and the pedagogy of It’s a Sin

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    Challenges and Solutions for Poverty Reduction Feminization Program (PFK) as Gender- Based Sustainable Economic Development Efforts in East Java

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    This study aims to outline the arisen challenge and applied solution to the implementation of the feminization prevention program towards gender-based poverty of female-headed households in East Java. The study employs qualitative textual based, which refers to discover data from research journals and government institutions. The results of the study indicate that in the process of implementation, PFK still has challenges regarding the low education of rural communities in East Java, which affects the business continuity process of female headed-household. Therefore, this study suggests in implementing poverty programs for female-headed households in East Java include; specialized training for KRTP to start an independent home-based business. a collaboration between PKK cadres and educational institutions as well as non-governmental organizations to deal with problems during the realization of independent home based business

    The future of health communication : innovating through partnerships

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    The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization reminds us that «Informed opinion and active cooperation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people» (Grad, 2002). Nonetheless, nearly seven decades later, the conditions under which people can be informed and actively participate in their health management in a meaningful way are being globally challenged. Drawing from experience in a variety of areas that I will delve into in this article, I remain a believer that we can marshal the necessary forces to advance the communication of health issues and create a base for a health-literate population to make smart(er), healthier decisions that advance health and well-being
