6 research outputs found

    Значение исследований реальной клинической практики в оценке технологий здравоохранения

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    Real world data (RWD) and real world evidence (RWE) is one of the most rapidly developing areas in the modern health care systems, which is caused by the development of technologies for both collecting and analyzing data, the emergence of new data sources and the formation of needs both by regulatory bodies, health technology assessment (HTA) agencies, and by the clinical and scientific communities. However, at the moment, there is no universal approach to RWD/E generation and application in the context of HTA. Over the past few years, the rate of including RWD/E in the HTA dossier has noticeably increased, but the nature of the existing guidelines and recommendations is rather fragmentary, which might create obstacles in the way of RWD/E study development and submission. The publication is aimed to describe and summarize the main and most rapidly developing spheres of RWD/E applications and analyze the possibilities of using RWD/E in various HTA areas in the world and in the Russian Federation considering the main trends in the further HTA development.В современном мире область данных, собираемых в условиях реальной клинической практики (РКП; англ. real world data, RWD), а также доказательств, получаемых путем анализа данных РКП (англ. real world evidence, RWE), является одной из наиболее быстро развивающихся направлений в системе здравоохранения, что вызвано развитием технологий сбора и анализа информации, появлением новых источников данных, а также формированием потребности со стороны как регуляторных органов, агентств по оценке технологий здравоохранения (ОТЗ), так и клинического и научного сообществ. Однако в настоящий момент не существует универсального подхода к генерации и применению данных и доказательств РКП в контексте ОТЗ. Несмотря на наблюдающееся в последние несколько лет увеличение частоты включения данных РКП в досье для ОТЗ, природа существующих руководств и рекомендаций достаточно фрагментарна, что осложняет процесс разработки исследований РКП. Целью данного обзора является описание и суммирование основных и наиболее быстро развивающихся сфер использования данных и доказательств РКП, а также анализ возможностей применения данных РКП в различных областях ОТЗ в мире и Российской Федерации с учетом основных тенденций развития ОТЗ

    Success factors affecting the healthcare professionals to utilize cloud computing services

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    Integrating the new technologies to improve the healthcare services can be seen as one of the research trends nowadays, as earlier studies have recommended the potential of emerging technologies in enhancing healthcare service practices by means of providing more opportunities to carry out activities essential for prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of the disease. Involving the cloud computing services in healthcare domain can offer a way for handling and maintaining health data by making use of software applications hosted on the Internet. To ensure successful cloud computing utilization, a pre-examination on the context of usage should be applied in order to collect the real needs to guarantee getting all the possible benefits of this technology. In Iraq, the health records of public hospitals consist of various types of data which continue to increase in velocity, volume, and variety progressively. This has led to several major issues to the health sectors from two perspectives, data complexity and low IT integrity. For that reason, managing and maintaining all these health data are essential to healthcare organizations. In this paper, we collected the success factors that may influence the healthcare professionals to utilize cloud computing services for the health sector in Iraq. This is done by conducting an interview with 30 physicians and technicians from four hospitals in Iraq, then a literature survey was carried out to verify that all the gathered factors are within the circumstance of healthcare. It has been found that eight factors may affect the perspective of healthcare professionals to utilize cloud computing services. Finally, a conceptual model was developed based on the findings

    Health technology assessment framework: adaptation for digital health technology assessment

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    Tecnologia de salut digital; Avaluació de tecnologia sanitària; MetodologiaTecnología de salud digital; Evaluación de tecnología sanitaria; MetodologíaDigital health technology; Health technology assessment; MethodologyEl objetivo principal de este encargo es desarrollar un marco metodológico específico para la ETS de salud digital (ETSd) y se concreta en los siguientes objetivos específicos: determinar qué dominios, dimensiones y subdimensiones debe considerar la ETSd, con especial atención a los modelos de atención no presencial (MANP), la sald móvil (mSalud) y la inteligencia artificial (IA); definir un marco de estándares de evidencia que deben alcanzar estas tecnologías según la clasificación del riesgo que deriva de su uso.L’objectiu principal d’aquest encàrrec és desenvolupar un marc metodològic específic per a l’ATSd i es concreta en els següents objectius específics: determinar quins dominis, dimensions i subdimensions ha de considerar l’ATSd, amb especial atenció als models d’atenció no presencial (MANP), la salut mòbil (mSalut) i la intel·ligència artificial (IA); definir un marc d’estàndards d’evidència que han d’assolir aquestes tecnologies segons la classificació del risc que deriva del seu ús.The main objective of this assignment is to develop a specific methodological framework for the evaluation of digital health technologies (DHTs), and is specified in the following specific objectives: to determine which domains, dimensions, and sub-dimensions should be considered in DHT evaluation, with special attention to non-face-to-face care models (NFTC), mobile health (mHealth), and artificial intelligence (AI); to define a framework of evidence standards that these technologies must achieve according to the risk classification derived from their use