7 research outputs found

    Harnessing Constraint Programming for Poetry Composition

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    Computational Creativity studies the potential of computers to act as autonomous creators and co-creators in addition to tools helping people. Creativity is evident in music, visual art, problem solving and languages. Significant work has been conducted in the area of linguistic creation mainly in the generation of stories, puns, rhymes, jokes, similes, and poetry. One of the major challenges of computational creativity is to generate lyrics that exhibit human-level creativity. On one hand, the lyrics generated should be meaningful and coherent, while on the other hand, they should satisfy poetry constraints such as rhyme scheme, rhyme type, and the number of syllables. The goal of this project is to combine the two art forms of storytelling and lyrics writing through the automated creation of coherent lyrics. The project also highlights the approaches to the creation of poetry and lyrics. The resulting model is named MexicA’s BaLlad MachinE (MABLE). This is the first computational system that generates narrative-based lyrics

    A chart generation system for topical metrical poetry

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    Abstract Several poetry generation systems that are in some way inspired or motivated by existing articles such as newspaper stories have recently appeared. However, most if not all of them employ template-based generation, which limits both the expressiveness of the system and the ability to faithfully convey the message of the source article. In this paper we present our work on a poetry generation system that uses a dependency parser to extract the predicate argument structure of the input article, and tries to maintain this structure through deep syntactic text generation whilst complying with a given target form. The combinatorial nature of this task presents huge challenges, and we describe several improvements that have been applied in an attempt to produce poetry in a tractable fashion

    A Blackboard System for Generating Poetry

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    We present a system to generate poems based on the information extracted from input text such as blog posts. Our design uses the blackboard architecture, in which independent specialized modules cooperate during the generation process by sharing a common workspace known as the blackboard. Each module is responsible for a particular task while generating poetry. Our implementation incorporates modules that retrieve information from the input text, generate new ideas, or select the best partial solutions. These distinct modules (experts) are implemented as diverse computational units that make use of lexical resources, grammar models, sentiment-analyzing tools, and languageprocessing algorithms. A control module is responsible for scheduling actions on the blackboard. We argue that the blackboard architecture is a promising way of simulating creative processes because of its flexibility and compliance with the Global Workspace Theory of mind.The main contribution of this work is the design and prototype implementation of an extensible platform for a poetry-generating system that may be further extended by incorporating new experts as well as some existing poetrygenerating systems as parts of the blackboard architecture. We claim that this design provides a powerful tool for combining many of the existing efforts in the domain of automatic poetry generation

    Bertsobot: gizaki-robot arteko komunikazio eta elkarrekintzarako portaerak

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    216 p.Bertsobot: Robot-Portaerak Gizaki-Robot Arteko Komunikazio eta ElkarrekintzanBertsotan aritzeko gaitasuna erakutsiko duen robot autonomoa garatzeada gure ikerketa-lanaren helburu behinena. Bere egitekoa, bertsoa osatzekoinstrukzioak ahoz jaso, hauek prozesatu eta ahalik eta bertsorik egokienaosatu eta kantatzea litzateke, bertsolarien oholtza gaineko adierazkortasunmaila erakutsiz gorputzarekin. Robot-bertsolariak, gizaki eta roboten artekoelkarrekintza eta komunikazioan aurrera egiteko modua jarri nahi luke, lengoaianaturala erabiliz robot-gizaki arteko bi noranzkoko komunikazioan

    TwitSong: A current events computer poet and the thorny problem of assessment.

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    This thesis is driven by the question of how computers can generate poetry, and how that poetry can be evaluated. We survey existing work on computer-generated poetry and interdisciplinary work on how to evaluate this type of computer-generated creative product. We perform experiments illuminating issues in evaluation which are specific to poetry. Finally, we produce and evaluate three versions of our own generative poetry system, TwitSong, which generates poetry based on the news, evaluates the desired qualities of the lines that it chooses, and, in its final form, can make targeted and goal-directed edits to its own work. While TwitSong does not turn out to produce poetry comparable to that of a human, it represents an advancement on the state of the art in its genre of computer-generated poetry, particularly in its ability to edit for qualities like topicality and emotion