322 research outputs found

    Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Equipment Bearing Based on EEMD and Improved Sparse Representation Algorithm

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    Aiming at the problem that the vibration signals of rolling bearings working in a harsh environment are mixed with many harmonic components and noise signals, while the traditional sparse representation algorithm takes a long time to calculate and has a limited accuracy, a bearing fault feature extraction method based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) algorithm and improved sparse representation is proposed. Firstly, an improved orthogonal matching pursuit (adapOMP) algorithm is used to separate the harmonic components in the signal to obtain the filtered signal. The processed signal is decomposed by EEMD, and the signal with a kurtosis greater than three is reconstructed. Then, Hankel matrix transformation is carried out to construct the learning dictionary. The K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD) algorithm using the improved termination criterion makes the algorithm have a certain adaptability, and the reconstructed signal is constructed by processing the EEMD results. Through the comparative analysis of the three methods under strong noise, although the K-SVD algorithm can produce good results after being processed by the adapOMP algorithm, the effect of the algorithm is not obvious in the low-frequency range. The method proposed in this paper can effectively extract the impact component from the signal. This will have a positive effect on the extraction of rotating machinery impact features in complex noise environments

    Multi-fault diagnosis for rolling element bearings based on intrinsic mode function screening and optimized least squares support vector machine

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    Multi-fault diagnosis of rolling element bearing is significant to avoid serious accidents and huge economic losses effectively. However, due to the vibration signal with the character of nonstationarity and nonlinearity, the detection, extraction and classification of the fault feature turn into a challenging task. This paper presents a novel method based on redundant second generation wavelet packet transform (RSGWPT), ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and optimized least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) for fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings. Firstly, this method implements an analysis combining RSGWPT-EEMD to extract the crucial characteristics from the measured signal to identify the running state of rolling element bearings, the vibration signal is adaptively decomposed into a number of modified intrinsic mode functions (modified IMFs) by two step screening processes based on the energy ratio; secondly, the matrix is formed by different level modified IMFs and singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to decompose the matrix to obtain singular value as eigenvector; finally, singular values are input to LSSVM optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the feature space to specify the fault type. The effectiveness of the proposed multi-fault diagnosis technique is demonstrated by applying it to both simulated signals and practical bearing vibration signals under different conditions. The results show that the proposed method is effective for the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings

    A novel classification method combining adaptive local iterative filtering with singular value decomposition for fault diagnosis

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    As a novel time-frequency analysis method, adaptive local iterative filtering (ALIF) can decompose the time series into several stable components which contain the main fault information. In addition, the amplitude of singular value obtained by singular value decomposition (SVD) can reflect the energy distribution. Naturally, there are certain differences in the energy produced by different faults such as the broken tooth, wearing and normal. Thus, a novel method of mechanical fault classification method based on adaptive local iterative filtering and singular value decomposition is proposed in this paper. Firstly, ALIF method decomposed the original vibration signal into a number of stable components to establish an initial feature vector matrix. Then, the singular values energy corresponding to the feature matrix is employed as a criterion to identify various faults. Compared with the conventional EMD method by simulation experiments, ALIF method has obvious superiority in solving modal aliasing, which is more conducive to the advanced analysis. In this paper, the proposed method is employed to extract the fault information of rolling bearing fault signals from Case Western Reserve University Bearing Data Center. To further verify the effectiveness of the method, the case study is conducted at Drivetrain Diagnostics Simulator. To further illustrate the effectiveness of the method, the results obtained by this method are compared with EMD and EEMD. The results indicated the proposed method performs better in the classification of different mechanical faulty modes

    An Automatic Tool for Partial Discharge De-noising via Short Time Fourier Transform and Matrix Factorization

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    This paper develops a fully automatic tool for the denoising of partial discharge (PD) signals occurring in electrical power networks and recorded in on-site measurements. The proposed method is based on the spectral decomposition of the PD measured signal via the joint application of the short-time Fourier transform and the singular value decomposition. The estimated noiseless signal is reconstructed via a clever selection of the dominant contributions, which allows us to filter out the different spurious components, including the white noise and the discrete spectrum noise. The method offers a viable solution which can be easily integrated within the measurement apparatus, with unavoidable beneficial effects in the detection of important parameters of the signal for PD localization. The performance of the proposed tool is first demonstrated on a synthetic test signal and then it is applied to real measured data. A cross comparison of the proposed method and other state-of-the-art alternatives is included in the study

    Vital Signs Monitoring Based On UWB Radar

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    Contactless detection of human vital sign using radar sensors appears to be a promising technology which integrates communication, biomedicine, computer science etc. The radar-based vital sign detection has been actively investigated in the past decade. Due to the advantages such as wide bandwidth, high resolution, small and portable size etc., ultra-wideband (UWB) radar has received a great deal of attention in the health care field. In this thesis, an X4 series UWB radar developed by Xethru Company is adopted to detect human breathing signals through the radar echo reflected by the chest wall movement caused by breath and heartbeat. The emphasis is placed on the estimation of breathing and heart rate based on several signal processing algorithms. Firstly, the research trend of vital sign detection using radar technology is reviewed, based on which the advantages of contactless detection and UWB radar-based technology are highlighted. Then theoretical basis and core algorithms of radar signals detection are presented. Meanwhile, the detection system based on Xethru UWB radar is introduced. Next, several preprocessing methods including SVD-based clutter and noise removal algorithms, the largest variance-based target detection method, and the autocorrelation-based breathing-like signal identification method are investigated, to extract the significant component containing the vital signs from the received raw radar echo signal. Then the thesis investigates four time-frequency analysis algorithms (fast Fourier transform + band-pass filter (FFT+BPF), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and variational mode decomposition (VMD) and compare their performances in estimating breathing rate (BR) and heart rate (HR) in different application scenarios. A python-based vital signs detection system is designed to implement the above-mentioned preprocessing and BR and HR estimation algorithms, based on which a large number of single target experiments are undertaken to evaluate the four estimation algorithms. Specifically, the single target experiments are divided into simple setup and challenging setup. In the simple setup, testees face to radar and keep normal breathing in an almost stationary posture, while in the challenging setup, the testee is allowed to do more actions, such as site sitting, changing the breathing frequency, deep hold the breathing. It is shown that the FFT+BPF algorithm gives the highest accuracy and the fastest calculation speed under the simple setup, while in a challenging setup, the VMD algorithm has the highest accuracy and the widest applicability. Finally, double targets breathing signal detection at different distances to the radar are undertaken, aiming to observe whether the breathing signals of two targets will interfere with each other. We found that when two objects are not located at the same distance to the radar, the object closer to the radar will not affect the breath detection of the object far from the radar. When the two targets are located at the same distance, the 'Shading effect' appears in the two breathing signals and only VMD algorithm can separate the breathing signals of the targets

    Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Roller Element Bearing

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    Rolling element bearings play a crucial role in determining the overall health condition of a rotating machine. An effective condition-monitoring program on bearing operation can improve a machine’s operation efficiency, reduce the maintenance/replacement cost, and prolong the useful lifespan of a machine. This chapter presents a general overview of various condition-monitoring and fault diagnosis techniques for rolling element bearings in the current practice and discusses the pros and cons of each technique. The techniques introduced in the chapter include data acquisition techniques, major parameters used for bearing condition monitoring, signal analysis techniques, and bearing fault diagnosis techniques using either statistical features or artificial intelligent tools. Several case studies are also presented in the chapter to exemplify the application of these techniques in the data analysis as well as bearing fault diagnosis and pattern recognition

    Pre-processing and Feature Extraction Techniques for EEGBCI Applications- A Review of Recent Research

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    The electrical waveforms generated by brain named electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, require certain special processing for using them as part of applications. EEG signals need special pre-processing to enable brain computer interfaces (BCI) capture essential details of the signal and use them for specific applications, including deriving decisions. In this paper, we focus on some of the recent works reported in the area of EEG pre-processing. Further, we discuss some of the reported works related to feature extraction of EEG signals for application in drowsiness detection and development of assistive technologies for persons with special need.Keywords: EEG signals, signal pre-processing, feature extraction, electroencephalography

    Gearbox Fault Detection using Synchro-squeezing Transform

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2016.05.023 © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/This paper presents a novel fault-detection method for gearbox vibration signatures using synchro-squeezing transform (SST). Premised upon the concept of time-frequency (TF) reassignment, SST provides a sharp representation of signals in TF plane compared to many popular TF methods. Additionally, it can also extract the individual components, called intrinsic mode functions or IMFs, of a non-stationary multi-component signal, akin to empirical mode decomposition. The rich mathematical structure based on continuous wavelet transform makes SST a promising candidate for gearbox diagnosis. This work utilizes the decomposing power of SST to extract the IMFs from gearbox signals. For robust detection of faults in gear-motors, a fault detection technique based on time-varying autoregressive coefficients of IMFs as features is utilized. Sequential Karhunen-Loeve transform is employed on the condition indicators to select the appropriate window sizes on which SST can be applied. Laboratory experimental data obtained from drivetrain diagnostics simulator provides test bed to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed algorithm
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