24 research outputs found


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    Worst-Case Energy Consumption Analysis for Energy-Constrained Embedded Systems

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    Abstract—The fact that energy is a scarce resource in many embedded real-time systems creates the need for energy-aware task schedulers, which not only guarantee timing constraints but also consider energy consumption. Unfortunately, existing approaches to analyze the worst-case execution time (WCET) of a task usually cannot be directly applied to determine its worst-case energy consumption (WCEC) due to execution time and energy consumption not being closely correlated on many state-of-the-art processors. Instead, a WCEC analyzer must take into account the particular energy characteristics of a target platform. In this paper, we present 0g, a comprehensive approach to WCEC analysis that combines different techniques to speed up the analysis and to improve results. If detailed knowledge about the energy costs of instructions on the target platform is available, our tool is able to compute upper bounds for the WCEC by statically analyzing the program code. Otherwise, a novel ap-proach allows 0g to determine the WCEC by measurement after having identified a set of suitable program inputs based on an auxiliary energy model, which specifies the energy consumption of instructions in relation to each other. Our experiments for three target platforms show that 0g provides precise WCEC estimates. I

    Correct and efficient accelerator programming

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 13142 “Correct and Efficient Accelerator Programming”. The aim of this Dagstuhl seminar was to bring together researchers from various sub-disciplines of computer science to brainstorm and discuss the theoretical foundations, design and implementation of techniques and tools for correct and efficient accelerator programming

    ILP-based path analysis on abstract pipeline state graphs

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to path analysis which is an integral part of the WCET analysis. Up to now, there have been two different methods for this step, each with its respective advantages and disadvantages. The new ILP-based path analysis on abstract pipeline state graphs supersedes the existing ones and combines the positive aspects of both but does not introduce new limitations. It provides high precision and the flexibility of user-provided annotations at the same time while opening up new possibilities for optimizations such as a new kind of persistence analysis.Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen innovativen Ansatz für die Pfadanalyse, ein integraler Bestandteil der WCET-Analyse. Bisher gab es zwei verschiedene Methoden für diesen Schritt, jede mit ihren spezifischen Vor- und Nachteilen. Die neue ILP-basierte Pfadanalyse auf abstrakten Pipelinezustandsgraphen ersetzt die beiden existierenden und kombiniert die positiven Aspekte, ohne neue Beschränkungen einzuführen. Sie bietet sowohl eine hohe Präzision als auch die Flexibilität benutzerbestimmter Annotationen. Darüber hinaus bietet sie neue Optimierungsmöglichkeiten wie zum Beispiel eine neuartige Persistenzanalyse

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren

    Control flow graphs for real-time systems analysis: reconstruction from binary executables and usage in ILP-based path analysis

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    Real-time systems have to complete their actions w.r.t. given timing constraints. In order to validate that these constraints are met, static timing analysis is usually performed to compute an upper bound of the worst-case execution times (WCET) of all the involved tasks. This thesis identifies the requirements of real-time system analysis on the control flow graph that the static analyses work on. A novel approach is presented that extracts a control flow graph from binary executables, which are typically used when performing WCET analysis of real-time systems. Timing analysis can be split into two steps: a) the analysis of the behaviour of the hardware components, b) finding the worst-case path. A novel approach to path analysis is described in this thesis that introduces sophisticated interprocedural analysis techniques that were not available before.Echtzeitsysteme müssen ihre Aufgaben innerhalb vorgegebener Zeitschranken abwickeln. Um die Einhaltung der Zeitschranken zu überprüfen, sind für gewöhnlich statische Analysen der schlimmsten Ausführzeiten der Teilprogramme des Echtzeitsystems nötig. Diese Arbeit stellt die Anforderungen von Echtzeitsystem an den Kontrollflussgraphen vor, auf dem die statischen Analysen arbeiten. Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Rückberechnung von Kontrollflußgraphen aus Maschinenprogrammen, die häufig die Grundlage der WCET-Analyse von Echtzeitsystemen bilden, wird vorgestellt. WCET-Analysen können in zwei Teile zerlegt werden: a) die Analyse des Verhaltens der Hardwarebausteine, b) die Suche nach dem schlimmsten Ausführpfad. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz der Pfadanalyse vorgestellt, der für ausgefeilte interprozedurale Analysemethoden ausgelegt ist, die vorher hier nicht verfügbar waren

    Automated Synthesis of Adversarial Workloads for Network Functions

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    Software network functions promise to simplify the deployment of network services and reduce network operation cost. However, they face the challenge of unpredictable performance. Given this performance variability, it is imperative that during deployment, network operators consider the performance of the NF not only for typical but also adversarial workloads. We contribute a tool that helps solve this challenge: it takes as input the LLVM code of a network function and outputs packet sequences that trigger slow execution paths. Under the covers, it combines directed symbolic execution with a sophisticated cache model to look for execution paths that incur many CPU cycles and involve adversarial memory-access patterns. We used our tool on 11 network functions that implement a variety of data structures and dis- covered workloads that can in some cases triple latency and cut throughput by 19% relative to typical testing workloads

    Performance Contracts for Software Network Functions

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    Software network functions (NFs), or middleboxes, promise flexibility and easy deployment of network services but face the serious challenge of unexpected performance behaviour. We propose the notion of a performance contract, a construct formulated in terms of performance critical variables, that provides a precise description of NF performance. Performance contracts enable fine-grained prediction and scrutiny of NF performance for arbitrary workloads, without having to run the NF itself. We describe BOLT, a technique and tool for computing such performance contracts for the entire software stack of NFs written in C, including the core NF logic, DPDK packet processing framework, and NIC driver. BOLT takes as input the NF implementation code and outputs the corresponding contract. Under the covers, it combines pre-analysis of a library of stateful NF data structures with automated symbolic execution of the NF’s code. We evaluate BOLT on four NFs—a Maglev-like load balancer, a NAT, an LPM router, and a MAC bridge—and show that its performance contracts predict the dynamic instruction count and memory access count with a maximum gap of 7% between the real execution and the conservatively predicted upper bound. With further engineering, this gap can be reduced