922 research outputs found

    Computable error bounds for quasi-Monte Carlo using points with non-negative local discrepancy

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    Let f:[0,1]d→Rf:[0,1]^d\to\mathbb{R} be a completely monotone integrand as defined by Aistleitner and Dick (2015) and let points x0,…,xn−1∈[0,1]d\boldsymbol{x}_0,\dots,\boldsymbol{x}_{n-1}\in[0,1]^d have a non-negative local discrepancy (NNLD) everywhere in [0,1]d[0,1]^d. We show how to use these properties to get a non-asymptotic and computable upper bound for the integral of ff over [0,1]d[0,1]^d. An analogous non-positive local discrepancy (NPLD) property provides a computable lower bound. It has been known since Gabai (1967) that the two dimensional Hammersley points in any base b≥2b\ge2 have non-negative local discrepancy. Using the probabilistic notion of associated random variables, we generalize Gabai's finding to digital nets in any base b≥2b\ge2 and any dimension d≥1d\ge1 when the generator matrices are permutation matrices. We show that permutation matrices cannot attain the best values of the digital net quality parameter when d≥3d\ge3. As a consequence the computable absolutely sure bounds we provide come with less accurate estimates than the usual digital net estimates do in high dimensions. We are also able to construct high dimensional rank one lattice rules that are NNLD. We show that those lattices do not have good discrepancy properties: any lattice rule with the NNLD property in dimension d≥2d\ge2 either fails to be projection regular or has all its points on the main diagonal

    Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties by direct metal deposition

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    Microstructure and properties of Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) parts are very crucial to meeting industrial requirements of parts quality. Prediction, and control of microstructure and mechanical properties have attracted much attention during conventional metal manufacturing process under different conditions. However, there is few investigations focused on microstructure simulation and mechanical properties control under different process parameters during DMD process. This dissertation is intended to develop a multiscale model to investigate Ti6Al4V grain structure development and explore Ti6Al4V based functionally graded material (FGM) deposit properties during DMD process. The first research topic is to investigate and develop a cellular automaton-finite element (CA-FE) coupled model to combine with thermal history and simulate nucleation sites, grain growth orientation and rate, epitaxial growth of new grains, remelting of preexisting grains, metal addition, and grain competitive growth. The second research topic is to develop grain growth algorithm, which is appropriate for highly non-uniform temperature field and high cooling rate, to control grain structure under real-time changing process parameters. The third research topic is to investigate the influence of process parameters on microstructure and properties of Ti6Al4V-based FGMs, which are fabricated with different TiC volume fraction from 0 to 30vol%. The microstructure, Vickers hardness, phase identification, tensile properties of FGM are measured to investigate the fabricated FGM qualities. The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is developed to analyze Young\u27s modulus versus composition of FGM parts --Abstract, page iv

    Constructing Low Star Discrepancy Point Sets with Genetic Algorithms

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    Geometric discrepancies are standard measures to quantify the irregularity of distributions. They are an important notion in numerical integration. One of the most important discrepancy notions is the so-called \emph{star discrepancy}. Roughly speaking, a point set of low star discrepancy value allows for a small approximation error in quasi-Monte Carlo integration. It is thus the most studied discrepancy notion. In this work we present a new algorithm to compute point sets of low star discrepancy. The two components of the algorithm (for the optimization and the evaluation, respectively) are based on evolutionary principles. Our algorithm clearly outperforms existing approaches. To the best of our knowledge, it is also the first algorithm which can be adapted easily to optimize inverse star discrepancies.Comment: Extended abstract appeared at GECCO 2013. v2: corrected 3 numbers in table

    An enumerative formula for the spherical cap discrepancy

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    The spherical cap discrepancy is a widely used measure for how uniformly a sample of points on the sphere is distributed. Being hard to compute, this discrepancy measure is typically replaced by some lower or upper estimates when designing optimal sampling schemes for the uniform distribution on the sphere. In this paper, we provide a fully explicit, easy to implement enumerative formula for the spherical cap discrepancy. Not surprisingly, this formula is of combinatorial nature and, thus, its application is limited to spheres of small dimension and moderate sample sizes. Nonetheless, it may serve as a useful calibrating tool for testing the efficiency of sampling schemes and its explicit character might be useful also to establish necessary optimality conditions when minimizing the discrepancy with respect to a sample of given size

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe contributions of this dissertation are centered around designing new algorithms in the general area of sublinear algorithms such as streaming, core sets and sublinear verification, with a special interest in problems arising from data analysis including data summarization, clustering, matrix problems and massive graphs. In the first part, we focus on summaries and coresets, which are among the main techniques for designing sublinear algorithms for massive data sets. We initiate the study of coresets for uncertain data and study coresets for various types of range counting queries on uncertain data. We focus mainly on the indecisive model of locational uncertainty since it comes up frequently in real-world applications when multiple readings of the same object are made. In this model, each uncertain point has a probability density describing its location, defined as kk distinct locations. Our goal is to construct a subset of the uncertain points, including their locational uncertainty, so that range counting queries can be answered by examining only this subset. For each type of query we provide coreset constructions with approximation-size trade-offs. We show that random sampling can be used to construct each type of coreset, and we also provide significantly improved bounds using discrepancy-based techniques on axis-aligned range queries. In the second part, we focus on designing sublinear-space algorithms for approximate computations on massive graphs. In particular, we consider graph MAXCUT and correlation clustering problems and develop sampling based approaches to construct truly sublinear (o(n)o(n)) sized coresets for graphs that have polynomial (i.e., nδn^{\delta} for any δ>0\delta >0) average degree. Our technique is based on analyzing properties of random induced subprograms of the linear program formulations of the problems. We demonstrate this technique with two examples. Firstly, we present a sublinear sized core set to approximate the value of the MAX CUT in a graph to a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) factor. To the best of our knowledge, all the known methods in this regime rely crucially on near-regularity assumptions. Secondly, we apply the same framework to construct a sublinear-sized coreset for correlation clustering. Our coreset construction also suggests 2-pass streaming algorithms for computing the MAX CUT and correlation clustering objective values which are left as future work at the time of writing this dissertation. Finally, we focus on streaming verification algorithms as another model for designing sublinear algorithms. We give the first polylog space and sublinear (in number of edges) communication protocols for any streaming verification problems in graphs. We present efficient streaming interactive proofs that can verify maximum matching exactly. Our results cover all flavors of matchings (bipartite/ nonbipartite and weighted). In addition, we also present streaming verifiers for approximate metric TSP and exact triangle counting, as well as for graph primitives such as the number of connected components, bipartiteness, minimum spanning tree and connectivity. In particular, these are the first results for weighted matchings and for metric TSP in any streaming verification model. Our streaming verifiers use only polylogarithmic space while exchanging only polylogarithmic communication with the prover in addition to the output size of the relevant solution. We also initiate a study of streaming interactive proofs (SIPs) for problems in data analysis and present efficient SIPs for some fundamental problems. We present protocols for clustering and shape fitting including minimum enclosing ball (MEB), width of a point set, kk-centers and kk-slab problem. We also present protocols for fundamental matrix analysis problems: We provide an improved protocol for rectangular matrix problems, which in turn can be used to verify kk (approximate) eigenvectors of an n×nn \times n integer matrix AA. In general our solutions use polylogarithmic rounds of communication and polylogarithmic total communication and verifier space
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