4,903 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity of Graph Constraint Logic

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    Graph constraint logic is a framework introduced by Hearn and Demaine, which provides several problems that are often a convenient starting point for reductions. We study the parameterized complexity of Constraint Graph Satisfiability and both bounded and unbounded versions of Nondeterministic Constraint Logic (NCL) with respect to solution length, treewidth and maximum degree of the underlying constraint graph as parameters. As a main result we show that restricted NCL remains PSPACE-complete on graphs of bounded bandwidth, strengthening Hearn and Demaine's framework. This allows us to improve upon existing results obtained by reduction from NCL. We show that reconfiguration versions of several classical graph problems (including independent set, feedback vertex set and dominating set) are PSPACE-complete on planar graphs of bounded bandwidth and that Rush Hour, generalized to k×nk\times n boards, is PSPACE-complete even when kk is at most a constant

    Approximability of Connected Factors

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    Finding a d-regular spanning subgraph (or d-factor) of a graph is easy by Tutte's reduction to the matching problem. By the same reduction, it is easy to find a minimal or maximal d-factor of a graph. However, if we require that the d-factor is connected, these problems become NP-hard - finding a minimal connected 2-factor is just the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Given a complete graph with edge weights that satisfy the triangle inequality, we consider the problem of finding a minimal connected dd-factor. We give a 3-approximation for all dd and improve this to an (r+1)-approximation for even d, where r is the approximation ratio of the TSP. This yields a 2.5-approximation for even d. The same algorithm yields an (r+1)-approximation for the directed version of the problem, where r is the approximation ratio of the asymmetric TSP. We also show that none of these minimization problems can be approximated better than the corresponding TSP. Finally, for the decision problem of deciding whether a given graph contains a connected d-factor, we extend known hardness results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of WAOA 201

    Placing Arrows in Directed Graph Drawings

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    We consider the problem of placing arrow heads in directed graph drawings without them overlapping other drawn objects. This gives drawings where edge directions can be deduced unambiguously. We show hardness of the problem, present exact and heuristic algorithms, and report on a practical study.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Conditional Lower Bounds for Space/Time Tradeoffs

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    In recent years much effort has been concentrated towards achieving polynomial time lower bounds on algorithms for solving various well-known problems. A useful technique for showing such lower bounds is to prove them conditionally based on well-studied hardness assumptions such as 3SUM, APSP, SETH, etc. This line of research helps to obtain a better understanding of the complexity inside P. A related question asks to prove conditional space lower bounds on data structures that are constructed to solve certain algorithmic tasks after an initial preprocessing stage. This question received little attention in previous research even though it has potential strong impact. In this paper we address this question and show that surprisingly many of the well-studied hard problems that are known to have conditional polynomial time lower bounds are also hard when concerning space. This hardness is shown as a tradeoff between the space consumed by the data structure and the time needed to answer queries. The tradeoff may be either smooth or admit one or more singularity points. We reveal interesting connections between different space hardness conjectures and present matching upper bounds. We also apply these hardness conjectures to both static and dynamic problems and prove their conditional space hardness. We believe that this novel framework of polynomial space conjectures can play an important role in expressing polynomial space lower bounds of many important algorithmic problems. Moreover, it seems that it can also help in achieving a better understanding of the hardness of their corresponding problems in terms of time

    Walking Through Waypoints

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    We initiate the study of a fundamental combinatorial problem: Given a capacitated graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), find a shortest walk ("route") from a source sVs\in V to a destination tVt\in V that includes all vertices specified by a set WV\mathscr{W}\subseteq V: the \emph{waypoints}. This waypoint routing problem finds immediate applications in the context of modern networked distributed systems. Our main contribution is an exact polynomial-time algorithm for graphs of bounded treewidth. We also show that if the number of waypoints is logarithmically bounded, exact polynomial-time algorithms exist even for general graphs. Our two algorithms provide an almost complete characterization of what can be solved exactly in polynomial-time: we show that more general problems (e.g., on grid graphs of maximum degree 3, with slightly more waypoints) are computationally intractable

    Metro-Line Crossing Minimization: Hardness, Approximations, and Tractable Cases

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    Crossing minimization is one of the central problems in graph drawing. Recently, there has been an increased interest in the problem of minimizing crossings between paths in drawings of graphs. This is the metro-line crossing minimization problem (MLCM): Given an embedded graph and a set L of simple paths, called lines, order the lines on each edge so that the total number of crossings is minimized. So far, the complexity of MLCM has been an open problem. In contrast, the problem variant in which line ends must be placed in outermost position on their edges (MLCM-P) is known to be NP-hard. Our main results answer two open questions: (i) We show that MLCM is NP-hard. (ii) We give an O(logL)O(\sqrt{\log |L|})-approximation algorithm for MLCM-P

    Parameterized Inapproximability of Target Set Selection and Generalizations

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    In this paper, we consider the Target Set Selection problem: given a graph and a threshold value thr(v)thr(v) for any vertex vv of the graph, find a minimum size vertex-subset to "activate" s.t. all the vertices of the graph are activated at the end of the propagation process. A vertex vv is activated during the propagation process if at least thr(v)thr(v) of its neighbors are activated. This problem models several practical issues like faults in distributed networks or word-to-mouth recommendations in social networks. We show that for any functions ff and ρ\rho this problem cannot be approximated within a factor of ρ(k)\rho(k) in f(k)nO(1)f(k) \cdot n^{O(1)} time, unless FPT = W[P], even for restricted thresholds (namely constant and majority thresholds). We also study the cardinality constraint maximization and minimization versions of the problem for which we prove similar hardness results

    Complexity of Token Swapping and its Variants

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    In the Token Swapping problem we are given a graph with a token placed on each vertex. Each token has exactly one destination vertex, and we try to move all the tokens to their destinations, using the minimum number of swaps, i.e., operations of exchanging the tokens on two adjacent vertices. As the main result of this paper, we show that Token Swapping is W[1]W[1]-hard parameterized by the length kk of a shortest sequence of swaps. In fact, we prove that, for any computable function ff, it cannot be solved in time f(k)no(k/logk)f(k)n^{o(k / \log k)} where nn is the number of vertices of the input graph, unless the ETH fails. This lower bound almost matches the trivial nO(k)n^{O(k)}-time algorithm. We also consider two generalizations of the Token Swapping, namely Colored Token Swapping (where the tokens have different colors and tokens of the same color are indistinguishable), and Subset Token Swapping (where each token has a set of possible destinations). To complement the hardness result, we prove that even the most general variant, Subset Token Swapping, is FPT in nowhere-dense graph classes. Finally, we consider the complexities of all three problems in very restricted classes of graphs: graphs of bounded treewidth and diameter, stars, cliques, and paths, trying to identify the borderlines between polynomial and NP-hard cases.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Figure