9,183 research outputs found

    Handwriting Recognition

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rozpoznáváním znaků psaných rukou v reálném čase. Popisuje způsoby získávání informací pro rozpoznávání textu, metody používané při klasifi kaci a aplikaci vytvořenou pro získání textu z nakreslených znaků. Dále se také zabývá vyhodnocením vytvořené aplikace. Zaměřuje se na experimenty, které byly prováděny pro zvýšení úspěšnosti rozpoznávání. Díky provedeným experimentům se podařilo dosáhnout úspěšnosti okolo 85%.This bachelor thesis deals with the handwritten character recognition in real time. It describes the ways how to obtain information for the text recognition, methods used in classification and it describes application made for getting text from drawn characters. It is also engaged in evaluation the created application. It deals with the experiments that were conducted to improve success of recognition. Thanks to the experiments, the success that was achieved was approximately 85%.

    Exploiting zoning based on approximating splines in cursive script recognition

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    Because of its complexity, handwriting recognition has to exploit many sources of information to be successful, e.g. the handwriting zones. Variability of zone-lines, however, requires a more flexible representation than traditional horizontal or linear methods. The proposed method therefore employs approximating cubic splines. Using entire lines of text rather than individual words is shown to improve the zoning accuracy, especially for short words. The new method represents an improvement over existing methods in terms of range of applicability, zone-line precision and zoning-classification accuracy. Application to several problems of handwriting recognition is demonstrated and evaluated

    An online handwriting recognition system for Turkish

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    Despite recent developments in Tablet PC technology, there has not been any applications for recognizing handwritings in Turkish. In this paper, we present an online handwritten text recognition system for Turkish, developed using the Tablet PC interface. However, even though the system is developed for Turkish, the addressed issues are common to online handwriting recognition systems in general. Several dynamic features are extracted from the handwriting data for each recorded point and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to train letter and word models. We experimented with using various features and HMM model topologies, and report on the effects of these experiments. We started with first and second derivatives of the x and y coordinates and relative change in the pen pressure as initial features. We found that using two more additional features, that is, number of neighboring points and relative heights of each point with respect to the base-line improve the recognition rate. In addition, extracting features within strokes and using a skipping state topology improve the system performance as well. The improved system performance is 94% in recognizing handwritten words from a 1000-word lexicon

    Online Handwriting Recognition using HMM

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    Basically handwriting recognition can be divided into two parts as Offline handwriting recognition and Online handwriting recognition. Highly accurate output with predefined constraints can be given by Online handwriting recognition system as it is related to size of vocabulary and writer dependency, printed writing style etc. Hidden markov model increases the success rate of online recognition system. Online handwriting recognition gives additional time information which is not present in Offline system. A Markov process is a random prediction process whose future behavior rely only on its present state, does not depend on the past state. Which means it should satisfy the Markov condition. A Hidden markov model (HMM) is a statistical markov model. In HMM model the system being modeled is assumed to be a markov process with hidden states. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) can be viewed as extensions of discrete-state Markov processes. Human-machine interaction can be drastically getting improved as On-line handwriting recognition technology contains that capability. As instead of using keyboard any person can write anything by hand with the help of digital pen or any similar equipment would be more natural. HMM build a effective mathematical models for characterizing the variance both in time and signal space presented in speech signal