14 research outputs found

    Self-Organisation Network (SON) Dengan Mekanisme Load Balancing

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    Load balancing is one of the mechanism used in the self-organization network (SON) to balance the traffic at the overloaded base station with the adjacent low-loaded base station. Load balancing is done by adjusting the handover parameters (metric) to obtain the optimal traffic balance. In this work, the adjusted parameters are the capacity of the cell. Cell capacity is strongly influenced by the bandwidth, modulation type, and the bit rate used by the user. The performance of load balancing was tested by a simulation and network test-bed measurement. The testing results on the Long-Term Evolution Advanced network showed the greater the bandwidth the greater the capacity of the cell. Moreover, the larger type of modulation, the cell capacity will also be greater. On the other hand, the greater bit rate used by the user, then the cell capacity will decrease. The calculation analysis of cell capacity is taken as the basic operation for load balancing procedure. A load balancing process algorithm is introduced to describe the mentioned procedure. The algorithm also considers the ping-pong effect that might occur due to the delay on the handover process


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    Abstract. This thesis examines the current techniques in LTE-WiFi data handover. Handovers take place when a mobile device switches from one network to another. It is interesting to look at methods to offload the rather expensive mobile data connections to the cheaper WiFi (home) networks. This transition is usually not seamless. A good example is when you start a streaming video whilst on mobile data and a known WiFi network appears. Your mobile device automatically connects to the WiFi network and the streaming video stops. These so-called vertical handovers have not been made seamless yet. This thesis compares several techniques that operate on different layers of the OSI model. To facilitate vertical handover, it is useful to know how horizontal handovers work. This kind of handover occurs when, for example, a mobile phone switches from one cell tower to another. Contrary to vertical handover, horizontal handover occurs practically seamless. Horizontal handovers in both LTE and WiFi networks are discussed, to give a heads up for the problems that arise for vertical handovers. Vertical handovers can be done at different points in the OSI model. This thesis covers solutions that have been devised on a few of these layers. Th

    Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Machine Learning and Depth Images for mmWave Networks

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    This study demonstrates the feasibility of the proactive received power prediction by leveraging spatiotemporal visual sensing information toward the reliable millimeter-wave (mmWave) networks. Since the received power on a mmWave link can attenuate aperiodically due to a human blockage, the long-term series of the future received power cannot be predicted by analyzing the received signals before the blockage occurs. We propose a novel mechanism that predicts a time series of the received power from the next moment to even several hundred milliseconds ahead. The key idea is to leverage the camera imagery and machine learning (ML). The time-sequential images can involve the spatial geometry and the mobility of obstacles representing the mmWave signal propagation. ML is used to build the prediction model from the dataset of sequential images labeled with the received power in several hundred milliseconds ahead of when each image is obtained. The simulation and experimental evaluations using IEEE 802.11ad devices and a depth camera show that the proposed mechanism employing convolutional LSTM predicted a time series of the received power in up to 500 ms ahead at an inference time of less than 3 ms with a root-mean-square error of 3.5 dB

    Network slicing for beyond 5G system: an overview of the smart port use case

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    As the idea of a new wireless communication standard (5G) started to circulate around the world, there was much speculation regarding its performance, making it necessary to carry out further research by keeping in view the challenges presented by it. 5G is considered a multi-system support network due to its ability to provide benefits to vertical industries. Due to the wide range of devices and applications, it is essential to provide support for massively interconnected devices. Network slicing has emerged as the key technology to meet the requirements of the communications network. In this paper, we present a review of the latest achievements of 5G network slicing by comparing the architecture of The Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance’s (NGMN’s) and 5G-PPP, using the enabling technologies software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV). We then review and discuss machine learning (ML) techniques and their integration with network slicing for beyond 5G networks and elaborate on how ML techniques can be useful for mobility prediction and resource management. Lastly, we propose the use case of network slicing based on ML techniques in a smart seaport environment, which will help to manage the resources more efficiently

    Project Final Report – FREEDOM ICT-248891

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    This document is the final publishable summary report of the objective and work carried out within the European Project FREEDOM, ICT-248891.This document is the final publishable summary report of the objective and work carried out within the European Project FREEDOM, ICT-248891.Preprin

    The design and optimization of cooperative mobile edge

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    As the world is charging towards the Internet of Things (IoT) era, an enormous amount of sensors will be rapidly empowered with internet connectivity. Besides the fact that the end devices are getting more diverse, some of them are also becoming more powerful, such that they can function as standalone mobile computing units with multiple wireless network interfaces. At the network end, various facilities are also pushed to the mobile edge to foster internet connections. Distributed small scale cloud resources and green energy harvesters can be directly attached to the deployed heterogeneous base stations. Different from the traditional wireless access networks, where the only dynamics come from the user mobility, the evolving mobile edge will be operated in the constantly changing and volatile environment. The harvested green energy will be highly dependent on the available energy sources, and the dense deployment of a variety of wireless access networks will result in intense radio resource contention. Consequently, the wireless networks are facing great challenges in terms of capacity, latency, energy/spectrum efficiency, and security. Equivalently, balancing the dynamic network resource demand and supply is essential to the smooth network operation. Leveraging the broadcasting nature of wireless data transmission, network nodes can cooperate with each other by either allowing users to connect with multiple base stations simultaneously or offloading user workloads to neighboring base stations. Moreover, grid facilitated and radio frequency signal enabled renewable energy sharing among network nodes are introduced in this dissertation. In particular, the smart grid can transfer the green energy harvested by each individual network node from one place to another. The network node can also transmit energy from one to another using radio frequency energy transfer. This dissertation addresses the cooperative network resource management to improve the energy efficiency of the mobile edge. First, the energy efficient cooperative data transmission scheme is designed to cooperatively allocate the radio resources of the wireless networks, including spectrum and power, to the mobile users. Then, the cooperative data transmission and wireless energy sharing scheme is designed to optimize both the energy and data transmission in the network. Finally, the cooperative data transmission and wired energy sharing scheme is designed to optimize the energy flow within the smart grid and the data transmission in the network. As future work, how to motivate multiple parties to cooperate and how to guarantee the security of the cooperative mobile edge is discussed. On one hand, the incentive scheme for each individual network node with distributed storage and computing resources is designed to improve network performance in terms of latency. On the other hand, how to leverage network cooperation to balance the tradeoff between efficiency (energy efficiency and latency) and security (confidentiality and privacy) is expounded

    Optimal and practical handover decision algorithms in heteregeneous marco-femto cellular networks

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    Driven by the smart tablet/phone revolution and the proliferation of bandwidth hungry applications such as cloud computing and streaming video, the demand for high data rate wireless communication is increasing tremendously. In order to meet the increasing demand from subscribers, wireless operators are in the process of augmenting their macrocell network with supplemental infrastructure such as microcells, distributed antennas and relays. An alternative with lower upfront costs is to improve indoor coverage and capacity by using end-consumer installed femtocells. A femtocell is a low power, short range (up to 100 meters coverage radius) cellular wireless access point (AP), functioning in service provider owned licensed spectrum. Due to the proximity of end users to the femtocell access points, APs are able to provide higher end-user QoE and better spatial reuse of limited spectrum. Femtocells are useful in offloading the macro-cellular network as well as reducing the operating and capital expenditure costs for operators. Femtocells coexist with legacy cellular networks consisting of macrocells. In this emerging combined architecture, large number of Femtocell Application Point (FAPs) is randomly deployed in the coverage area of macro BSs. However, several problems related to MM (mobility management) and RM (resource management) in this combined architecture still remain to be solved. The ad hoc deployment of FAPs and asymmetric radio communication and call processing capabilities between macrofemto networks are the primary causes of these problems. Uncoordinated deployment of FAPs providing indoor oriented wireless access service within the macro coverage may cause severe interference problems that need to be mitigated and handled by RM/MM schemes. The MM decisions should take into account the resource constraints and UE mobility in order to prevent unnecessary or undesirable handovers towards femtocells. Ignoring these factors in MM decisions may lead to low customer satisfaction due to mismanagement of handover events in the combined macro-femto network, delayed signaling traffic and unsatisfactory call/connection quality. In order to address all of the aforementioned issues, the handover decision problem in combined femto-macro networks has been formulated as a multi-objective non-linear optimization problem. Since there are no known analytical solution to this problem, an MDP (Markov Decision Process) based heuristic has been proposed as a practical and optimal HO (handover) decision making scheme. This heuristic has been updated and improved in an iterative manner and has also been supported by a dynamic SON (Self Organizing Networks) algorithms that is based on heuristic's components. The performance results show that the final version of MDP based heuristic has signi cantly superior performance in terms offloading the macro network, minimizing the undesirable network events (e.g. outage and admission rejection) when compared to state-of-art handover algorithms