502 research outputs found

    Development of Android-based Augmented Reality Spplications as a Food Promotion Medium

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    The development of technology at this time is very rapidly developing in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, therefore we as the next generation of the nation must make the best use of it. Therefore, one of the uses of this technology is by carrying out food promotion activities using augmented reality technology. Augmented reality itself is the technology that is being widely used for object recognition in the multimedia field. Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world with the real world, with it the virtual world displays objects that will be displayed to the real world. The result of this study is to create an application called scan ar only and make it easier for restaurants to promote their food to be promoted on social media. The application of this technology can increase food sales promotional methods that are different from others, namely, by utilizing the ar scan application only users will be directed to scan the food product, and interesting animations and sounds will appear as a promotional method of the food to be sold. The purpose of this study is to develop an augmented reality mobile application as a promotional medium that aims to introduce food to be promoted to customers. augmented reality in the application which will be built using unity3D software is carried out using a different way of presenting information to other media. The method of using the application is by the way the user sees the image in 2D and or 3D by using the application on a smartphone device. These developed applications can provide an interesting informational and moving animation experience for users of these applications

    Development of an Educational Game : Augmented Reality Approach to Edutainment

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    In this paper, the authors examine the problems, capabilities, and benefits of implementing augmented reality technologies in higher education and integrating them into formal e-learning in the form of edutainment. The main goal is to design and develop an educational interactive game that features augmented reality and would enrich the teaching process with interesting content as well as motivate students and stimulate their acquisition of knowledge. The developed game is based on current internet mobile technologies, with AR aspects realized through the use of the Vuforia platform, and is implemented as a part of a smart classroom. It includes a web application for teachers to create tasks, small parts of the curriculum that are being tested, a mobile application that students use to interact with the game and solve tasks, an augmented reality module that supports distance learning and a component for integration with Moodle LMS. This paper will focus on the AR aspects of the game and the benefits that can be gained with its use in education. The game has been implemented within the educational process at Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade

    Augmented Reality in Astrophysics

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    Augmented Reality consists of merging live images with virtual layers of information. The rapid growth in the popularity of smartphones and tablets over recent years has provided a large base of potential users of Augmented Reality technology, and virtual layers of information can now be attached to a wide variety of physical objects. In this article, we explore the potential of Augmented Reality for astrophysical research with two distinct experiments: (1) Augmented Posters and (2) Augmented Articles. We demonstrate that the emerging technology of Augmented Reality can already be used and implemented without expert knowledge using currently available apps. Our experiments highlight the potential of Augmented Reality to improve the communication of scientific results in the field of astrophysics. We also present feedback gathered from the Australian astrophysics community that reveals evidence of some interest in this technology by astronomers who experimented with Augmented Posters. In addition, we discuss possible future trends for Augmented Reality applications in astrophysics, and explore the current limitations associated with the technology. This Augmented Article, the first of its kind, is designed to allow the reader to directly experiment with this technology.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap&SS. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Impact of Augmented Reality on Purchase Intention of Foreign Products Online

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a significant technology that holds the promise to transform how consumers interact with products before purchasing. It creates immersive experiences that enable people to engage with digital material in a more intuitive and straightforward manner. When used effectively, AR can be influential in every stage of customer journey including purchase intention stage. Assessing purchase intention of international consumers is critical for organizations because it allows them to plan and make choices about marketing, inventory, and expenses. Purchase intent provides international companies with information on what their global consumers are willing to purchase enabling them to modify their marketing and goods to better fit their customers' demands.  This research examined how augmented reality increase the purchase intention of global customer using the data, which includes data for 810 different overseas visitors of an e-commerce site.  We collected these data from visitors of a global e-commerce shop that integrated augmented reality (AR) into their smartphone app to enable users to imagine how they would appear with various items.  The study performed a Robust Least Squares Method-estimation. Our research's findings provide some early proof that using AR increases the level of purchase intention of foreign products.  The findings also indicate that price, and the number of positive reviews increase the purchase intention of foreign products.  Customers' buying intentions may help firms predict future trends and organize their strategy appropriately. Businesses must also understand the elements that drive purchase intent, such as immersive experience with AR, consumer demographics, nationality, product attributes, pricing, and customer experience. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran buku yang dilengkapi Augmented Reality terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa SMA pada materi elastisitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 77 Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen (eksperimen semu) dengan desain eksperimen Nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest Design. Hasil dari penilaian tingkat pemahaman siswa kelas eksperimen berdasarkan uji N-gain sebesar 0,77 dengan kategori tinggi sedangkan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,68 dengan katergori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji Independent t-test posttest diperoleh nilai thitung sebesar 3,395, dan ttabel sebesar 1,996. Dengan demikian nilai yang didapat 3,395 > 1,996 bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dari perlakuan peneliti yaitu penggunaan buku AR terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis pada materi elastisitas. This study aims to determine the influence of the use of books equipped with Augmented Reality on senior high school students’critical thinking skills on the elasticity concept. This research was conducted at SMAN 77 Jakarta. The research method used was a quasi-experimental design with the experimental Nonrandomized Control Group, Pretest-Posttest Design. The results of the assessment level of students' understanding of the experimental class based on the N-gain test of 0.77 with a high category while the control class of 0.68 with a medium category.Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the Independent t-test posttest, the value of tcountis 3,395, and ttable is 1,996. Thus the value obtained is 3.395 > 1.996. Then it can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. It can be concluded that there is an influence of the treatment from the researchers, that is the use of AR books on the skill to think critically on the elasticity concept

    Augmented reality in healthcare education: an integrative review

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    Consumer Preferences in Food Interactive Packaging

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    Interactive packaging is an innovation that has been adopted by the packaging design industry. It enables consumers to interact with packaging through their smart devices. Although the technology is already available, it is uncertain how many consumers use it or will ever find it useful. This research measured the young Millennial (18-24 years old) consumers’ perspectives and their preferences for interactive feature on food packaging. College students between 18 to 24 years old were chosen by using a purposive sampling method. First, a questionnaire asked for information about the participants’ behavior surrounding two topics. The first topic asked about their smartphone usage, and the second topic asked about the factors affecting their purchasing decisions concerning food products. Next, the survey focused on the consumers’ perceptions and their experiences with interactive activities. QR codes and Augmented Reality were the variables. Participants without any awareness of interactive features and participants without any experience in using interactive features, even though they were aware of them, were introduced to the interactive packaging functions through a video in order to help them to better understand interactive packaging features. Lastly, the survey asked for respondents’ opinions and expectations of interactive features in terms of the content, both function and form, and their preferred method of access. In this part of the study, coffee and tea products were used as example products. The data was analyzed by using Descriptive Statistical Analysis. A sample of 80 students between 18 to 24 years old participated the survey. Participants were more aware and have experienced the QR code scanning more than the Augmented reality scanning. Basic information and product reviews were the top two rated for the content consumers considered important. Short paragraph and text with graphic elements were preferred interactive content formats. Consumers preferred using a web browser application on their phones to search for product information more than using a scanning application

    Aplikasi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tata Surya

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, komputer memilikibanyak manfaat bagi manusia di berbagai bidang yaitu dalam bidanginformasi, edukasi, bisnis dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk membuat aplikasi media pembelajaran tentang tata surya. Saatini pembelajaran tata surya hanya bisa dipelajari dari buku, video,internet ataupun datang langsung ke tempat yang mempelajari tentangtata surya seperti Planetarium. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologiAugmented Reality (AR). AR sebagai penggabungan benda-bendanyata dan maya di lingkungan nyata, berjalan secara interaktif dalamwaktu nyata dan terdapat integrasi antarbenda dalam tiga dimensi(3D). Penggabungan benda nyata dan maya dimungkinkan denganteknologi tampilan yang sesuai. Untuk pembuatan objek 3D digunakansoftware 3DSMax sedangkan untuk membuat aplikasi digunakansoftware ARSound. Aplikasi pembelajaran tata surya ini dibuat dalammelalui tahap pembuatan objek 3D, perancangan aplikasi, danperancangan marker
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