35 research outputs found

    Courcelle\u27s Theorem: Overview and Applications

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    Courcelle\u27s Theorem states that any graph property expressible in monadic second order logic can be decidedin O(f(k)n) for graphs of treewidth k. This paper gives a broad overview of how this theorem is proved and outlines tools available to help express graph properties in monadic second order logic

    Connection Matrices and the Definability of Graph Parameters

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    In this paper we extend and prove in detail the Finite Rank Theorem for connection matrices of graph parameters definable in Monadic Second Order Logic with counting (CMSOL) from B. Godlin, T. Kotek and J.A. Makowsky (2008) and J.A. Makowsky (2009). We demonstrate its vast applicability in simplifying known and new non-definability results of graph properties and finding new non-definability results for graph parameters. We also prove a Feferman-Vaught Theorem for the logic CFOL, First Order Logic with the modular counting quantifiers

    Waiter–Client and Client–Waiter games

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    In this thesis, we consider two types of positional games; WaiterWaiter-ClientClient and ClientClient-WaiterWaiter games. Each round in a biased (aa:bb) game begins with Waiter offering a+b free elements of the board to Client. Client claims aa elements among these and the remaining bb elements are claimed by Waiter. Waiter wins in a Waiter-Client game if he can force Client to fully claim a winningwinning setset, otherwise Client wins. In a Client-Waiter game, Client wins if he can claim a winning set himself, else Waiter wins. We estimate the thresholdthreshold biasbias of four different (11:qq) Waiter-Client and Client-Waiter games. This is the unique value of Waiter's bias qq at which the player with a winning strategy changes. We find its asymptotic value for both versions of the complete-minor and non-planarity games and give bounds for both versions of the non-rr-colourability and kk-SAT games. Our results show that these games exhibit a heuristic called the probabilisticprobabilistic intuitionintuition. We also find sharp probability thresholds for the appearance of a graph in the random graph GG(nn,pp) on which Waiter and Client win the (11:qq) Waiter-Client and Client-Waiter Hamiltonicity games respectively

    The complexity of approximating bounded-degree Boolean #CSP

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    AbstractThe degree of a CSP instance is the maximum number of times that any variable appears in the scopes of constraints. We consider the approximate counting problem for Boolean CSP with bounded-degree instances, for constraint languages containing the two unary constant relations {0} and {1}. When the maximum allowed degree is large enough (at least 6) we obtain a complete classification of the complexity of this problem. It is exactly solvable in polynomial time if every relation in the constraint language is affine. It is equivalent to the problem of approximately counting independent sets in bipartite graphs if every relation can be expressed as conjunctions of {0}, {1} and binary implication. Otherwise, there is no FPRAS unless NP=RP. For lower degree bounds, additional cases arise, where the complexity is related to the complexity of approximately counting independent sets in hypergraphs

    Faster Detours in Undirected Graphs

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    The kk-Detour problem is a basic path-finding problem: given a graph GG on nn vertices, with specified nodes ss and tt, and a positive integer kk, the goal is to determine if GG has an stst-path of length exactly dist(s,t)+k\text{dist}(s, t) + k, where dist(s,t)\text{dist}(s, t) is the length of a shortest path from ss to tt. The kk-Detour problem is NP-hard when kk is part of the input, so researchers have sought efficient parameterized algorithms for this task, running in f(k)poly(n)f(k)\text{poly}(n) time, for ff as slow-growing as possible. We present faster algorithms for kk-Detour in undirected graphs, running in 1.853kpoly(n)1.853^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 4.082kpoly(n)4.082^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time. The previous fastest algorithms for this problem took 2.746kpoly(n)2.746^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 6.523kpoly(n)6.523^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time [Bez\'akov\'a-Curticapean-Dell-Fomin, ICALP 2017]. Our algorithms use the fact that detecting a path of a given length in an undirected graph is easier if we are promised that the path belongs to what we call a "bipartitioned" subgraph, where the nodes are split into two parts and the path must satisfy constraints on those parts. Previously, this idea was used to obtain the fastest known algorithm for finding paths of length kk in undirected graphs [Bj\"orklund-Husfeldt-Kaski-Koivisto, JCSS 2017]. Our work has direct implications for the kk-Longest Detour problem: in this problem, we are given the same input as in kk-Detour, but are now tasked with determining if GG has an stst-path of length at least dist(s,t)+k.\text{dist}(s, t) + k. Our results for k-Detour imply that we can solve kk-Longest Detour in 3.432kpoly(n)3.432^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 16.661kpoly(n)16.661^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time. The previous fastest algorithms for this problem took 7.539kpoly(n)7.539^k \text{poly}(n) randomized and 42.549kpoly(n)42.549^k \text{poly}(n) deterministic time [Fomin et al., STACS 2022]

    Finding Optimal Tree Decompositions

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    The task of organizing a given graph into a structure called a tree decomposition is relevant in multiple areas of computer science. In particular, many NP-hard problems can be solved in polynomial time if a suitable tree decomposition of a graph describing the problem instance is given as a part of the input. This motivates the task of finding as good tree decompositions as possible, or ideally, optimal tree decompositions. This thesis is about finding optimal tree decompositions of graphs with respect to several notions of optimality. Each of the considered notions measures the quality of a tree decomposition in the context of an application. In particular, we consider a total of seven problems that are formulated as finding optimal tree decompositions: treewidth, minimum fill-in, generalized and fractional hypertreewidth, total table size, phylogenetic character compatibility, and treelength. For each of these problems we consider the BT algorithm of Bouchitté and Todinca as the method of finding optimal tree decompositions. The BT algorithm is well-known on the theoretical side, but to our knowledge the first time it was implemented was only recently for the 2nd Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge (PACE 2017). The author’s implementation of the BT algorithm took the second place in the minimum fill-in track of PACE 2017. In this thesis we review and extend the BT algorithm and our implementation. In particular, we improve the eciency of the algorithm in terms of both theory and practice. We also implement the algorithm for each of the seven problems considered, introducing a novel adaptation of the algorithm for the maximum compatibility problem of phylogenetic characters. Our implementation outperforms alternative state-of-the-art approaches in terms of numbers of test instances solved on well-known benchmarks on minimum fill-in, generalized hypertreewidth, fractional hypertreewidth, total table size, and the maximum compatibility problem of phylogenetic characters. Furthermore, to our understanding the implementation is the first exact approach for the treelength problem