108 research outputs found

    Renegotiation based dynamic bandwidth allocation for selfsimilar VBR traffic

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    The provision of QoS to applications traffic depends heavily on how different traffic types are categorized and classified, and how the prioritization of these applications are managed. Bandwidth is the most scarce network resource. Therefore, there is a need for a method or system that distributes an available bandwidth in a network among different applications in such a way that each class or type of traffic receives their constraint QoS requirements. In this dissertation, a new renegotiation based dynamic resource allocation method for variable bit rate (VBR) traffic is presented. First, pros and cons of available off-line methods that are used to estimate selfsimilarity level (represented by Hurst parameter) of a VBR traffic trace are empirically investigated, and criteria to select measurement parameters for online resource management are developed. It is shown that wavelet analysis based methods are the strongest tools in estimation of Hurst parameter with their low computational complexities, compared to the variance-time method and R/S pox plot. Therefore, a temporal energy distribution of a traffic data arrival counting process among different frequency sub-bands is considered as a traffic descriptor, and then a robust traffic rate predictor is developed by using the Haar wavelet analysis. The empirical results show that the new on-line dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for VBR traffic is superior to traditional dynamic bandwidth allocation methods that are based on adaptive algorithms such as Least Mean Square, Recursive Least Square, and Mean Square Error etc. in terms of high utilization and low queuing delay. Also a method is developed to minimize the number of bandwidth renegotiations to decrease signaling costs on traffic schedulers (e.g. WFQ) and networks (e.g. ATM). It is also quantified that the introduced renegotiation based bandwidth management scheme decreases heavytailedness of queue size distributions, which is an inherent impact of traffic self similarity. The new design increases the achieved utilization levels in the literature, provisions given queue size constraints and minimizes the number of renegotiations simultaneously. This renegotiation -based design is online and practically embeddable into QoS management blocks, edge routers and Digital Subscriber Lines Access Multiplexers (DSLAM) and rate adaptive DSL modems

    Multifractal Internet Traffic Model and Active Queue Management

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    We propose a multilevel (hierarchical) ON/OFF model to simultaneously capture the mono/multifractal behavior of Internet traffic. Parameter estimation methods are developed and applied to estimate the model parameters from real traces. Wavelet analysis and simulation results show that the synthetic traffic (using this new model with estimated parameters) and real traffic share the same statistical properties and queuing behaviors. Based on this model and its statistical properties, as described by the Logscale diagram of traces, we propose an efficient method to predict the queuing behavior of FIFO and RED queues. In order to satisfy a given delay and jitter requirement for real time connections, and to provide high goodput and low packet loss for non-real time connections, we also propose a parallel virtual queue control structure to offer differential quality of services. This new queue control structure is modeled and analyzed as a regular nonlinear dynamic system. The conditions for system stability and optimization are found (under certain simplifying assumptions) and discussed. The theoretical stationary distribution of queue length is validated by simulation

    Resource dimensioning in a mixed traffic environment

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    An important goal of modern data networks is to support multiple applications over a single network infrastructure. The combination of data, voice, video and conference traffic, each requiring a unique Quality of Service (QoS), makes resource dimensioning a very challenging task. To guarantee QoS by mere over-provisioning of bandwidth is not viable in the long run, as network resources are expensive. The aim of proper resource dimensioning is to provide the required QoS while making optimal use of the allocated bandwidth. Dimensioning parameters used by service providers today are based on best practice recommendations, and are not necessarily optimal. This dissertation focuses on resource dimensioning for the DiffServ network architecture. Four predefined traffic classes, i.e. Real Time (RT), Interactive Business (IB), Bulk Business (BB) and General Data (GD), needed to be dimensioned in terms of bandwidth allocation and traffic regulation. To perform this task, a study was made of the DiffServ mechanism and the QoS requirements of each class. Traffic generators were required for each class to perform simulations. Our investigations show that the dominating Transport Layer protocol for the RT class is UDP, while TCP is mostly used by the other classes. This led to a separate analysis and requirement for traffic models for UDP and TCP traffic. Analysis of real-world data shows that modern network traffic is characterized by long-range dependency, self-similarity and a very bursty nature. Our evaluation of various traffic models indicates that the Multi-fractal Wavelet Model (MWM) is best for TCP due to its ability to capture long-range dependency and self-similarity. The Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) is able to model occasional long OFF-periods and burstiness present in UDP traffic. Hence, these two models were used in simulations. A test bed was implemented to evaluate performance of the four traffic classes defined in DiffServ. Traffic was sent through the test bed, while delay and loss was measured. For single class simulations, dimensioning values were obtained while conforming to the QoS specifications. Multi-class simulations investigated the effects of statistical multiplexing on the obtained values. Simulation results for various numerical provisioning factors (PF) were obtained. These factors are used to determine the link data rate as a function of the required average bandwidth and QoS. The use of class-based differentiation for QoS showed that strict delay and loss bounds can be guaranteed, even in the presence of very high (up to 90%) bandwidth utilization. Simulation results showed small deviations from best practice recommendation PF values: A value of 4 is currently used for both RT and IB classes, while 2 is used for the BB class. This dissertation indicates that 3.89 for RT, 3.81 for IB and 2.48 for BB achieve the prescribed QoS more accurately. It was concluded that either the bandwidth distribution among classes, or quality guarantees for the BB class should be adjusted since the RT and IB classes over-performed while BB under-performed. The results contribute to the process of resource dimensioning by adding value to dimensioning parameters through simulation rather than mere intuition or educated guessing.Dissertation (MEng (Electronic Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Layer-based coding, smoothing, and scheduling of low-bit-rate video for teleconferencing over tactical ATM networks

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    This work investigates issues related to distribution of low bit rate video within the context of a teleconferencing application deployed over a tactical ATM network. The main objective is to develop mechanisms that support transmission of low bit rate video streams as a series of scalable layers that progressively improve quality. The hierarchical nature of the layered video stream is actively exploited along the transmission path from the sender to the recipients to facilitate transmission. A new layered coder design tailored to video teleconferencing in the tactical environment is proposed. Macroblocks selected due to scene motion are layered via subband decomposition using the fast Haar transform. A generalized layering scheme groups the subbands to form an arbitrary number of layers. As a layering scheme suitable for low motion video is unsuitable for static slides, the coder adapts the layering scheme to the video content. A suboptimal rate control mechanism that reduces the kappa dimensional rate distortion problem resulting from the use of multiple quantizers tailored to each layer to a 1 dimensional problem by creating a single rate distortion curve for the coder in terms of a suboptimal set of kappa dimensional quantizer vectors is investigated. Rate control is thus simplified into a table lookup of a codebook containing the suboptimal quantizer vectors. The rate controller is ideal for real time video and limits fluctuations in the bit stream with no corresponding visible fluctuations in perceptual quality. A traffic smoother prior to network entry is developed to increase queuing and scheduler efficiency. Three levels of smoothing are studied: frame, layer, and cell interarrival. Frame level smoothing occurs via rate control at the application. Interleaving and cell interarrival smoothing are accomplished using a leaky bucket mechanism inserted prior to the adaptation layer or within the adaptation layerhttp://www.archive.org/details/layerbasedcoding00parkLieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    Evolution Prediction of the Aortic Diameter Based on the Thrombus Signal from MR Images on Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

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    The paper is about studying the and Tl from MR Images examination for the existence thrombus in patient with Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in order to know whether thrombus signal has action with the evolution of aortic

    Rate-distortion analysis and traffic modeling of scalable video coders

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    In this work, we focus on two important goals of the transmission of scalable video over the Internet. The first goal is to provide high quality video to end users and the second one is to properly design networks and predict network performance for video transmission based on the characteristics of existing video traffic. Rate-distortion (R-D) based schemes are often applied to improve and stabilize video quality; however, the lack of R-D modeling of scalable coders limits their applications in scalable streaming. Thus, in the first part of this work, we analyze R-D curves of scalable video coders and propose a novel operational R-D model. We evaluate and demonstrate the accuracy of our R-D function in various scalable coders, such as Fine Granular Scalable (FGS) and Progressive FGS coders. Furthermore, due to the time-constraint nature of Internet streaming, we propose another operational R-D model, which is accurate yet with low computational cost, and apply it to streaming applications for quality control purposes. The Internet is a changing environment; however, most quality control approaches only consider constant bit rate (CBR) channels and no specific studies have been conducted for quality control in variable bit rate (VBR) channels. To fill this void, we examine an asymptotically stable congestion control mechanism and combine it with our R-D model to present smooth visual quality to end users under various network conditions. Our second focus in this work concerns the modeling and analysis of video traffic, which is crucial to protocol design and efficient network utilization for video transmission. Although scalable video traffic is expected to be an important source for the Internet, we find that little work has been done on analyzing or modeling it. In this regard, we develop a frame-level hybrid framework for modeling multi-layer VBR video traffic. In the proposed framework, the base layer is modeled using a combination of wavelet and time-domain methods and the enhancement layer is linearly predicted from the base layer using the cross-layer correlation

    Building a Strong Undergraduate Research Culture in African Universities

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    Africa had a late start in the race to setting up and obtaining universities with research quality fundamentals. According to Mamdani [5], the first colonial universities were few and far between: Makerere in East Africa, Ibadan and Legon in West Africa. This last place in the race, compared to other continents, has had tremendous implications in the development plans for the continent. For Africa, the race has been difficult from a late start to an insurmountable litany of problems that include difficulty in equipment acquisition, lack of capacity, limited research and development resources and lack of investments in local universities. In fact most of these universities are very recent with many less than 50 years in business except a few. To help reduce the labor costs incurred by the colonial masters of shipping Europeans to Africa to do mere clerical jobs, they started training ―workshops‖ calling them technical or business colleges. According to Mamdani, meeting colonial needs was to be achieved while avoiding the ―Indian disease‖ in Africa -- that is, the development of an educated middle class, a group most likely to carry the virus of nationalism. Upon independence, most of these ―workshops‖ were turned into national ―universities‖, but with no clear role in national development. These national ―universities‖ were catering for children of the new African political elites. Through the seventies and eighties, most African universities were still without development agendas and were still doing business as usual. Meanwhile, governments strapped with lack of money saw no need of putting more scarce resources into big white elephants. By mid-eighties, even the UN and IMF were calling for a limit on funding African universities. In today‘s African university, the traditional curiosity driven research model has been replaced by a market-driven model dominated by a consultancy culture according to Mamdani (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). The prevailing research culture as intellectual life in universities has been reduced to bare-bones classroom activity, seminars and workshops have migrated to hotels and workshop attendance going with transport allowances and per diems (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). There is need to remedy this situation and that is the focus of this paper
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