4 research outputs found

    Full-System Simulation of Mobile CPU/GPU Platforms

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) critically rely on a complex system software stack comprising kernel- and userspace drivers and Just-in-time (JIT) compilers. Yet, existing GPU simulators typically abstract away details of the software stack and GPU instruction set. Partly, this is because GPU vendors rarely release sufficient information about their latest GPU products. However, this is also due to the lack of an integrated CPU/GPU simulation framework, which is complete and powerful enough to drive the complex GPU software environment. This has led to a situation where research on GPU architectures and compilers is largely based on outdated or greatly simplified architectures and software stacks, undermining the validity of the generated results. In this paper we develop a full-system system simulation environment for a mobile platform, which enables users to run a complete and unmodified software stack for a state-of-the-art mobile Arm CPU and Mali-G71 GPU powered device. We validate our simulator against a hardware implementation and Arm’s stand-alone GPU simulator, achieving 100% architectural accuracy across all available toolchains. We demonstrate the capability of our GPU simulation framework by optimizing an advanced Computer Vision application using simulated statistics unavailable with other simulation approaches or physical GPU implementations. We demonstrate that performance optimizations for desktop GPUs trigger bottlenecks on mobile GPUs, and show the importance of efficient memory use.Postprin

    Simulation methodologies for mobile GPUs

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    GPUs critically rely on a complex system software stack comprising kernel- and user-space drivers and JIT compilers. Yet, existing GPU simulators typically abstract away details of the software stack and GPU instruction set. Partly, this is because GPU vendors rarely release sufficient information about their latest GPU products. However, this is also due to the lack of an integrated CPU-GPU simulation framework, which is complete and powerful enough to drive the complex GPU software environment. This has led to a situation where research on GPU architectures and compilers is largely based on outdated or greatly simplified architectures and software stacks, undermining the validity of the generated results. Making the situation even more dire, existing GPU simulation efforts are concentrated around desktop GPUs, making infrastructure for modelling mobile GPUs virtually non-existent, despite their surging importance in the GPU market. Still, mobile GPU designers are faced with the challenge of evaluating design alternatives involving hundreds of architectural configuration options and micro-architectural improvements under tight time-to-market constraints, to which currently employed design flows involving detailed, but slow simulations are not well suited. In this thesis we develop a full-system simulation environment for a mobile platform, which enables users to run a complete and unmodified software stack for a state-of-the-art mobile Arm CPU and Mali Bifrost GPU powered device, achieving 100\% architectural accuracy across all available toolchains. We demonstrate the capability of our GPU simulation framework through a number of case studies exploring modern, mobile GPU applications, and optimize them using functional simulation statistics, unavailable with other approaches or hardware. Furthermore, we develop a trace-based performance model, allowing architects to rapidly model GPU configurations in early design space exploration

    FSCL: Homogeneous programming, scheduling and execution on heterogeneous platforms

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    The last few years has seen activity towards programming models, languages and frameworks to address the increasingly wide range and broad availability of heterogeneous computing resources through raised programming abstraction and portability across different platforms. The effort spent in simplifying parallel programming across heterogeneous platforms is often outweighed by the need for low-level control over computation setup and execution and by performance opportunities that are missed due to the overhead introduced by the additional abstraction. Moreover, despite the ability to port parallel code across devices, each device is generally characterised by a restricted set of computations that it can execute outperforming the other devices in the system. The problem is therefore to schedule computations on increasingly popular multi-device heterogeneous platforms, helping to choose the best device among the available ones each time a computation has to execute. Our Ph.D. research investigates the possibilities to address the problem of programming and execution abstraction on heterogeneous platforms while helping to dynamically and transparently exploit the computing power of such platforms in a device-aware fashion

    Three-Dimensional Processing-In-Memory-Architectures: A Holistic Tool For Modeling And Simulation

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    Die gemeinhin als Memory Wall bekannte, sich stetig weitende Leistungslücke zwischen Prozessor- und Speicherarchitekturen erfordert neue Konzepte, um weiterhin eine Skalierung der Rechenleistung zu ermöglichen. Da Speicher als die Beschränkung innerhalb einer Von-Neumann-Architektur identifiziert wurden, widmet sich die Arbeit dieser Problemstellung. Obgleich dreidimensionale Speicher zu einer Linderung der Memory Wall beitragen können, sind diese alleinig für die zukünftige Skalierung ungenügend. Aufgrund höherer Effizienzen stellt die Integration von Rechenkapazität in den Speicher (Processing-In-Memory, PIM) ein vielversprechender Ausweg dar, jedoch existiert ein Mangel an PIM-Simulationsmodellen. Daher wurde ein flexibles Simulationswerkzeug für dreidimensionale Speicherstapel geschaffen, welches zur Modellierung von dreidimensionalen PIM erweitert wurde. Dieses kann Speicherstapel wie etwa Hybrid Memory Cube standardkonform simulieren und bietet zugleich eine hohe Genauigkeit indem auf elementaren Datenpaketen in Kombination mit dem Hardware validierten Simulator BOBSim modelliert wird. Ein eigens entworfener Simulationstaktbaum ermöglicht zugleich eine schnelle Ausführung. Messungen weisen im funktionalen Modus eine 100-fache Beschleunigung auf, wohingegen eine Verdoppelung der Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit mit Taktgenauigkeit erzielt wird. Anhand eines eigens implementierten, binärkompatiblen GPU-Beschleunigers wird die Modellierung einer vollständig dreidimensionalen PIM-Architektur demonstriert. Dabei orientieren sich die maximalen Hardwareressourcen an einem PIM-Beschleuniger aus der Literatur. Evaluiert wird einerseits das GPU-Simulationsmodell eigenständig, andererseits als PIM-Verbund jeweils mit Hilfe einer repräsentativ gewählten, speicherbeschränkten geophysikalischen Bildverarbeitung. Bei alleiniger Betrachtung des GPU-Simulationsmodells weist dieses eine signifikant gesteigerte Simulationsgeschwindigkeit auf, bei gleichzeitiger Abweichung von 6% gegenüber dem Verilator-Modell. Nachfolgend werden innerhalb dieser Arbeit unterschiedliche Konfigurationen des integrierten PIM-Beschleunigers evaluiert. Je nach gewählter Konfiguration kann der genutzte Algorithmus entweder bis zu 140GFLOPS an tatsächlicher Rechenleistung abrufen oder eine maximale Recheneffizienz von synthetisch 30% bzw. real 24,5% erzielen. Letzteres stellt eine Verdopplung des Stands der Technik dar. Eine anknüpfende Diskussion erläutert eingehend die Resultate.The steadily widening performance gap between processor- and memory-architectures - commonly known as the Memory Wall - requires novel concepts to achieve further scaling in processing performance. As memories were identified as the limitation within a Von-Neumann-architecture, this work addresses this constraining issue. Although three-dimensional memories alleviate the effects of the Memory Wall, the sole utilization of such memories would be insufficient. Due to higher efficiencies, the integration of processing capacity into memories (so-called Processing-In-Memory, PIM) depicts a promising alternative. However, a lack of PIM simulation models still remains. As a consequence, a flexible simulation tool for three-dimensional stacked memories was established, which was extended for modeling three-dimensional PIM architectures. This tool can simulate stacked memories such as Hybrid Memory Cube standard-compliant and simultaneously offers high accuracy by modeling on elementary data packets (FLIT) in combination with the hardware validated BOBSim simulator. To this, a specifically designed simulation clock tree enables an rapid simulation execution. A 100x speed up in simulation execution can be measured while utilizing the functional mode, whereas a 2x speed up is achieved during clock-cycle accuracy mode. With the aid of a specifically implemented, binary compatible GPU accelerator and the established tool, the modeling of a holistic three-dimensional PIM architecture is demonstrated within this work. Hardware resources used were constrained by a PIM architecture from literature. A representative, memory-bound, geophysical imaging algorithm was leveraged to evaluate the GPU model as well as the compound PIM simulation model. The sole GPU simulation model depicts a significantly improved simulation performance with a deviation of 6% compared to a Verilator model. Subsequently, various PIM accelerator configurations with the integrated GPU model were evaluated. Depending on the chosen PIM configuration, the utilized algorithm achieves 140GFLOPS of processing performance or a maximum computing efficiency of synthetically 30% or realistically 24.5%. The latter depicts a 2x improvement compared to state-of-the-art. A following discussion showcases the results in depth