657 research outputs found


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    In the recent past some magnetic heads with submicron trackwidth have been developed in order to increase track density of computer magnetic disks, however a servo control system for a submicron trackwidth head has not been investigated. The main objectives of this work are to investigate and develop a new servo pattern recording model, a new position sensor, actuator, servo controller used for submicron track positioning and following on a computer hard disk with ultrahigh track density, to increase its capacity. In this position sensor study, new modes of reading and writing servo information for longitudinal and perpendicular magnetic recording have been developed. The read/write processes in the model have been studied including the recording trackwidth, the bit length, the length and shape of the transition, the relationship between the length of the MR head and the recording wavelength, and the SIN of readout. lt has also been investigated that the servo patterns are magnetized along the radial direction by a transverse writing head that is aligned at right angles with the normal data head and the servo signals are reproduced by a transverse MR head with its stripe and pole gap tangential to the circumferential direction. lt has been studied how the servo signal amplitude and linearity are affected by the length of the MR sensor and the distance between the shields of the head. Such things as the spacing and length of the servo-pattern elements have been optimised so as to achieve minimum jitter and maximum utilisation of the surface of the disk. The factors (i.e. the skew angle of the head) affecting the SIN of the position sensor have been analysed and demonstrated. As a further development, a buried servo method has been studied which uses a servo layer underneath the data layer, so that a continuous servo signal is obtained. A new piezo-electric bimorph actuator has been demonstrated. This can be used as a fine actuator in hard disk recording. The linearity and delay of its response are improved by designing a circuit and selecting a dimension of the bimorph element. A dual-stage actuator has been developed. A novel integrated fine actuator using a piezo-electric bimorph has also been designed. A new type of construction for a magnetic head and actuator has been studied. A servo controller for a dual-stage actuator has been developed. The wholly digital controller for positioning and following has been designed and its performances have been simulated by the MAL TAB computer program. A submicron servo track writer and a laser system measuring dynamic micro-movement of a magnetic head have been specially developed for this project. Finally, track positioning and following on 0.7 µm tracks with a 7% trackwidth rms runout has been demonstrated using the new servo method when the disk-was rotating at low speed. This is one of the best results in this field in the world

    Design, control and error analysis of a fast tool positioning system for ultra-precision machining of freeform surfaces

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    This thesis was previously held under moratorium from 03/12/19 to 03/12/21Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis.Freeform surfaces are widely found in advanced imaging and illumination systems, orthopaedic implants, high-power beam shaping applications, and other high-end scientific instruments. They give the designers greater ability to cope with the performance limitations commonly encountered in simple-shape designs. However, the stringent requirements for surface roughness and form accuracy of freeform components pose significant challenges for current machining techniques—especially in the optical and display market where large surfaces with tens of thousands of micro features are to be machined. Such highly wavy surfaces require the machine tool cutter to move rapidly while keeping following errors small. Manufacturing efficiency has been a bottleneck in these applications. The rapidly changing cutting forces and inertial forces also contribute a great deal to the machining errors. The difficulty in maintaining good surface quality under conditions of high operational frequency suggests the need for an error analysis approach that can predict the dynamic errors. The machining requirements also impose great challenges on machine tool design and the control process. There has been a knowledge gap on how the mechanical structural design affects the achievable positioning stability. The goal of this study was to develop a tool positioning system capable of delivering fast motion with the required positioning accuracy and stiffness for ultra-precision freeform manufacturing. This goal is achieved through deterministic structural design, detailed error analysis, and novel control algorithms. Firstly, a novel stiff-support design was proposed to eliminate the structural and bearing compliances in the structural loop. To implement the concept, a fast positioning device was developed based on a new-type flat voice coil motor. Flexure bearing, magnet track, and motor coil parameters were designed and calculated in detail. A high-performance digital controller and a power amplifier were also built to meet the servo rate requirement of the closed-loop system. A thorough understanding was established of how signals propagated within the control system, which is fundamentally important in determining the loop performance of high-speed control. A systematic error analysis approach based on a detailed model of the system was proposed and verified for the first time that could reveal how disturbances contribute to the tool positioning errors. Each source of disturbance was treated as a stochastic process, and these disturbances were synthesised in the frequency domain. The differences between following error and real positioning error were discussed and clarified. The predicted spectrum of following errors agreed with the measured spectrum across the frequency range. It is found that the following errors read from the control software underestimated the real positioning errors at low frequencies and overestimated them at high frequencies. The error analysis approach thus successfully revealed the real tool positioning errors that are mingled with sensor noise. Approaches to suppress disturbances were discussed from the perspectives of both system design and control. A deterministic controller design approach was developed to preclude the uncertainty associated with controller tuning, resulting in a control law that can minimize positioning errors. The influences of mechanical parameters such as mass, damping, and stiffness were investigated within the closed-loop framework. Under a given disturbance condition, the optimal bearing stiffness and optimal damping coefficients were found. Experimental positioning tests showed that a larger moving mass helped to combat all disturbances but sensor noise. Because of power limits, the inertia of the fast tool positioning system could not be high. A control algorithm with an additional acceleration-feedback loop was then studied to enhance the dynamic stiffness of the cutting system without any need for large inertia. An analytical model of the dynamic stiffness of the system with acceleration feedback was established. The dynamic stiffness was tested by frequency response tests as well as by intermittent diamond-turning experiments. The following errors and the form errors of the machined surfaces were compared with the estimates provided by the model. It is found that the dynamic stiffness within the acceleration sensor bandwidth was proportionally improved. The additional acceleration sensor brought a new error source into the loop, and its contribution of errors increased with a larger acceleration gain. At a certain point, the error caused by the increased acceleration gain surpassed other disturbances and started to dominate, representing the practical upper limit of the acceleration gain. Finally, the developed positioning system was used to cut some typical freeform surfaces. A surface roughness of 1.2 nm (Ra) was achieved on a NiP alloy substrate in flat cutting experiments. Freeform surfaces—including beam integrator surface, sinusoidal surface, and arbitrary freeform surface—were successfully machined with optical-grade quality. Ideas for future improvements were proposed in the end of this thesis

    Study report on laser storage and retrieval of image data

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    The theoretical foundation is presented for a system of real-time nonphotographic and nonmagnetic digital laser storage and retrieval of image data. The system utilizes diffraction-limited laser focusing upon thin metal films, melting elementary holes in the metal films in laser focus. The metal films are encapsulated in rotating flexible mylar discs which act as the permanent storage carries. Equal sized holes encompass two dimensional digital ensembles of information bits which are time-sequentially (bit by bit) stored and retrieved. The bits possess the smallest possible size, defined by the Rayleigh criterion of coherent physical optics. Space and time invariant reflective read-out of laser discs with a small laser, provides access to the stored digital information. By eliminating photographic and magnetic data processing, which characterize the previous state of the art, photographic grain, diffusion, and gamma-distortion do not exist. Similarly, magnetic domain structures, magnetic gaps, and magnetic read-out are absent with a digital laser disc system

    Disturbance attenuation with multi-sensing servo systems for high density storage devices

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    Design of the Annular Suspension and Pointing System (ASPS) (including design addendum)

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    The Annular Suspension and Pointing System is an experiment pointing mount designed for extremely precise 3 axis orientation of shuttle experiments. It utilizes actively controlled magnetic bearing to provide noncontacting vernier pointing and translational isolation of the experiment. The design of the system is presented and analyzed


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    As magnetic computer disks are developed to ever-greater data storage densities, the accuracy required for head positioning is moving beyond the accuracy provided by present technology using single-stage voice-coil motors in hard disk drives. This thesis details work to develop a novel active suspension arm with 2-dimensional actuation for use in advanced hard disk drives. The arm developed is capable of high-bandwidth data tracking as well as precision head flying height control motion. High-bandwidth data tracking is facilitated by the use of piezoelectric stack actuator, positioned closer to the head. The suspension arm is also capable of motion in the orthogonal axis. This motion represents active flying height control to maintain the correct altitude during drive operation. To characterise the suspension arm's structural dynamics, a high-resolution measurement system based on the optical beam deflection technique has been developed. This has enabled the accurate measurement of minute end-deflections of the suspension arm in 2-dimensions, to sub-nanometre resolution above noise. The design process of the suspension arm has led into the development of novel piezoelectric-actuated arms. In the work involving lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thick films as actuators, work in this thesis shows that reinforcing the films with fibre improves the overall actuation characteristics of the thick films. This discovery benefits applications such as structural health monitoring. The final suspension arm design has been adopted because it is simple in design, easier to integrate within current hard disk drive environment and easier to fabricate in mass. Closed-loop control algorithms based on proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller techniques have been developed and implemented to demonstrate high bandwidths that have been achieved. The suspension arm developed presents an important solution in head-positioning technology in that it offers much higher bandwidths for data tracking and flying height control; both very essential in achieving even higher data storage densities on magnetic disks at much reduced head flying heights, compared to those in existing hard disk drives

    Manufacturing Metrology

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    Metrology is the science of measurement, which can be divided into three overlapping activities: (1) the definition of units of measurement, (2) the realization of units of measurement, and (3) the traceability of measurement units. Manufacturing metrology originally implicates the measurement of components and inputs for a manufacturing process to assure they are within specification requirements. It can also be extended to indicate the performance measurement of manufacturing equipment. This Special Issue covers papers revealing novel measurement methodologies and instrumentations for manufacturing metrology from the conventional industry to the frontier of the advanced hi-tech industry. Twenty-five papers are included in this Special Issue. These published papers can be categorized into four main groups, as follows: Length measurement: covering new designs, from micro/nanogap measurement with laser triangulation sensors and laser interferometers to very-long-distance, newly developed mode-locked femtosecond lasers. Surface profile and form measurements: covering technologies with new confocal sensors and imagine sensors: in situ and on-machine measurements. Angle measurements: these include a new 2D precision level design, a review of angle measurement with mode-locked femtosecond lasers, and multi-axis machine tool squareness measurement. Other laboratory systems: these include a water cooling temperature control system and a computer-aided inspection framework for CMM performance evaluation

    Modern lithographic techniques applied to stereographic imaging

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    The main aim of the research has been to produce and evaluate a high-quality diffusion screen to display projected film and television images. The screens have also been found to effectively de-pixelate LCD arrays viewed at a magnification of approximately 4x. The production process relies on the formation of localized refractive index gradients in a photopolymer. The photopolymer, specially formulated and supplied by Du Pont, is exposed to actinic light through a precision contact mask to initiate polymerization within the exposed areas. As polymerization proceeds, a monomer concentration gradient exists between the exposed and unexposed regions allowing the monomer molecules to diffuse. Since the longer polymer chains do not diffuse as readily, the molecular concentration of the material, which is related to its refractive index, is then no longer uniform. The generation of this refractive index profile can, to some extent, be controlled by careful exposure of the photopolymer through the correct mask so that the resulting diffusion screen can be tailored to suit specific viewing requirements. [Continues.

    Hybrid additive manufacturing platform for the production of composite wind turbine blade moulds

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    This dissertation discusses the application of additive manufacturing technologies for production of a large-scale rapid prototyping machine, which will be used to produce moulds for prototype composite turbine blades for the emerging renewables energy industry within the Eastern Cape region in South Africa. The conceptualization and design of three complete printer builds resulted in the amalgamation of a final system, following stringent theoretical design, simulation, and feasibility analysis. Following the initial product design cycle stage, construction and performance testing of a large-scale additive manufacturing platform were performed. In-depth statistical analysis of the mechatronic system was undertaken, particularly related to print-head locational accuracy, repeatability, and effects of parameter variation on printer performance. The machine was analysed to assess feasibility for use in the mould-making industry with accuracy and repeatability metrics of 0.121 mm and 0.156 mm rivalling those produced by some of the more accurate fused deposition modellers commercially available. The research data gathered serves to confirm that rapid prototyping is a good alternative manufacturing method for wind turbine blade plug and mould production

    Mechanical Engineering

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    The book substantially offers the latest progresses about the important topics of the "Mechanical Engineering" to readers. It includes twenty-eight excellent studies prepared using state-of-art methodologies by professional researchers from different countries. The sections in the book comprise of the following titles: power transmission system, manufacturing processes and system analysis, thermo-fluid systems, simulations and computer applications, and new approaches in mechanical engineering education and organization systems