1,789 research outputs found

    Detecting word substitutions in text

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    Searching for words on a watchlist is one way in which large-scale surveillance of communication can be done, for example in intelligence and counterterrorism settings. One obvious defense is to replace words that might attract attention to a message with other, more innocuous, words. For example, the sentence the attack will be tomorrow" might be altered to the complex will be tomorrow", since 'complex' is a word whose frequency is close to that of 'attack'. Such substitutions are readily detectable by humans since they do not make sense. We address the problem of detecting such substitutions automatically, by looking for discrepancies between words and their contexts, and using only syntactic information. We define a set of measures, each of which is quite weak, but which together produce per-sentence detection rates around 90% with false positive rates around 10%. Rules for combining persentence detection into per-message detection can reduce the false positive and false negative rates for messages to practical levels. We test the approach using sentences from the Enron email and Brown corpora, representing informal and formal text respectively

    Enron versus EUSES: A Comparison of Two Spreadsheet Corpora

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    Spreadsheets are widely used within companies and often form the basis for business decisions. Numerous cases are known where incorrect information in spreadsheets has lead to incorrect decisions. Such cases underline the relevance of research on the professional use of spreadsheets. Recently a new dataset became available for research, containing over 15.000 business spreadsheets that were extracted from the Enron E-mail Archive. With this dataset, we 1) aim to obtain a thorough understanding of the characteristics of spreadsheets used within companies, and 2) compare the characteristics of the Enron spreadsheets with the EUSES corpus which is the existing state of the art set of spreadsheets that is frequently used in spreadsheet studies. Our analysis shows that 1) the majority of spreadsheets are not large in terms of worksheets and formulas, do not have a high degree of coupling, and their formulas are relatively simple; 2) the spreadsheets from the EUSES corpus are, with respect to the measured characteristics, quite similar to the Enron spreadsheets.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheet

    A New Approach to Speeding Up Topic Modeling

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    Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a widely-used probabilistic topic modeling paradigm, and recently finds many applications in computer vision and computational biology. In this paper, we propose a fast and accurate batch algorithm, active belief propagation (ABP), for training LDA. Usually batch LDA algorithms require repeated scanning of the entire corpus and searching the complete topic space. To process massive corpora having a large number of topics, the training iteration of batch LDA algorithms is often inefficient and time-consuming. To accelerate the training speed, ABP actively scans the subset of corpus and searches the subset of topic space for topic modeling, therefore saves enormous training time in each iteration. To ensure accuracy, ABP selects only those documents and topics that contribute to the largest residuals within the residual belief propagation (RBP) framework. On four real-world corpora, ABP performs around 1010 to 100100 times faster than state-of-the-art batch LDA algorithms with a comparable topic modeling accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Memory-Efficient Topic Modeling

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    As one of the simplest probabilistic topic modeling techniques, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) has found many important applications in text mining, computer vision and computational biology. Recent training algorithms for LDA can be interpreted within a unified message passing framework. However, message passing requires storing previous messages with a large amount of memory space, increasing linearly with the number of documents or the number of topics. Therefore, the high memory usage is often a major problem for topic modeling of massive corpora containing a large number of topics. To reduce the space complexity, we propose a novel algorithm without storing previous messages for training LDA: tiny belief propagation (TBP). The basic idea of TBP relates the message passing algorithms with the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithms, which absorb the message updating into the message passing process, and thus avoid storing previous messages. Experimental results on four large data sets confirm that TBP performs comparably well or even better than current state-of-the-art training algorithms for LDA but with a much less memory consumption. TBP can do topic modeling when massive corpora cannot fit in the computer memory, for example, extracting thematic topics from 7 GB PUBMED corpora on a common desktop computer with 2GB memory.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Joint Tensor Factorization and Outlying Slab Suppression with Applications

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    We consider factoring low-rank tensors in the presence of outlying slabs. This problem is important in practice, because data collected in many real-world applications, such as speech, fluorescence, and some social network data, fit this paradigm. Prior work tackles this problem by iteratively selecting a fixed number of slabs and fitting, a procedure which may not converge. We formulate this problem from a group-sparsity promoting point of view, and propose an alternating optimization framework to handle the corresponding p\ell_p (0<p10<p\leq 1) minimization-based low-rank tensor factorization problem. The proposed algorithm features a similar per-iteration complexity as the plain trilinear alternating least squares (TALS) algorithm. Convergence of the proposed algorithm is also easy to analyze under the framework of alternating optimization and its variants. In addition, regularization and constraints can be easily incorporated to make use of \emph{a priori} information on the latent loading factors. Simulations and real data experiments on blind speech separation, fluorescence data analysis, and social network mining are used to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm