8,833 research outputs found

    Optical tomography: Image improvement using mixed projection of parallel and fan beam modes

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    Mixed parallel and fan beam projection is a technique used to increase the quality images. This research focuses on enhancing the image quality in optical tomography. Image quality can be defined by measuring the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) parameters. The findings of this research prove that by combining parallel and fan beam projection, the image quality can be increased by more than 10%in terms of its PSNR value and more than 100% in terms of its NMSE value compared to a single parallel beam

    Destinação de verba para publicidade on-line considerando múltiplos atributos sob incerteza de preferências

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    Introduction: The present research was conducted at the University of Delhi in 2017. Method: Websites were ranked on the basis of feedback from unbiased experts. Later, we proposed an integrated approach by combining ordered weighted averaging (owa) operator with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fahp) for budget allocation. Results: A numerical example related to a company, which deals with consumer goods and wants to advertise on few e-commerce websites is discussed at the end of the paper. Budget distribution is decided by solving multi-objective maximum-dispersion-minimum-variance (mdmv) owa and fahp method. Conclusions: The proposed methodology aids managerial decisions made by handling multiple attributes simultaneously through industry experts’ opinion, and using a simple proportional rule for allocating budget. Originality:  The conventional methods based on reach maximization, exposure or profit cannot meet the budget allocation needs of the modern advertising planning. Firstly, they do not take into consideration multiple attributes of media. Secondly, they do not incorporate the expert opinion and their preferences. To address these problems, we propose a multi-attribute method based on the advertising budget allocation method to divide the budget into individual websites. The attributes under consideration are: system quality, content quality, usage, trust, customer support, online customer feedback, and personalization. Limitations: In this study, we used a mdmv-owa operator in fuzzy environment but in future occasions, it may be extended to intuitionistic fuzzy domain. Introducción: la presente investigación se realizó en la Universidad de Delhi, India, en 2017. Método: se clasifican los sitios web según la retroalimentación de expertos imparciales. Más adelante, proponemos un enfoque integrado que combina el operador de promediado ponderado ordenado (owa) con el proceso de jerarquía analítica difusa (fahp) para la asignación presupuestaria. Resultados: al final se analiza un ejemplo numérico relacionado con una empresa que se dedica a bienes de consumo y quiere publicitar en sitios web de comercio electrónico. Se decide cómo distribuir el presupuesto utilizando el método combinado de máxima dispersión y mínima varianza (mdmv), owa y fahp. Conclusiones: la metodología propuesta ayuda a tomar decisiones gerenciales al manejar múltiples atributos simultáneamente a partir de la opinión de expertos de la industria, y emplear una regla proporcional simple para asignar el presupuesto. Originalidad: los métodos convencionales basados en la maximización del alcance, la exposición o los beneficios no cumplen con las necesidades de asignación de presupuesto de la planificación publicitaria moderna. En primer lugar, no toman xen consideración los múltiples atributos de los medios. En segundo lugar, no incorporan la opinión de los expertos y sus preferencias. Para abordar estos problemas, proponemos un método de múltiple atributo basado en el método de asignación de presupuesto publicitario para dividir el presupuesto en sitios web individuales. Los atributos que se tienen en cuenta son: calidad del sistema, calidad del contenido, uso, confianza, atención al cliente, comentarios de los clientes en línea y personalización. Limitaciones: en este estudio utilizamos un operador mdmv-owa en un entorno difuso, pero en ocasiones futuras se puede extender al dominio difuso intuicionista.Introdução: a presente pesquisa foi realizada na Universidade de Deli, na Índia, em 2017.Método: as páginas web são classificadas conforme o feedback de especialistas imparciais. Depois, propomos um enfoque integrado, que combina o operador de média ponderada ordenada (owa) com o processo analítico hierárquico difuso (fahp) para a destinação de verba.Resultados: finalmente, um exemplo numérico relacionado com uma empresa que se dedica a bens de consumo e quer fazer publicidade em páginas web de comércio eletrônico é analisado. Utiliza-se o método combinado mdmv (maximum-dispersion-minimum-variance, na sigla em inglês), owa e fahp para decidir como distribuir a verba.Conclusões: a metodologia proposta ajuda a tomar decisões gerenciais ao manejar múltiplos atributos, simultaneamente, a partir da opinião de especialistas da indústria, e empregar uma regra proporcional simples para destinação de verba.Originalidade: os métodos convencionais, baseados na maximização do alcance, na exposição ou nos benefícios, não cumprem com as necessidades de destinação de verba do planejamento publicitário moderno. Em primeiro lugar, não consideram os múltiplos atributos dos meios. Em segundo lugar, não incorporam a opinião dos especialistas e as suas preferências. Para abordar esses problemas, propomos um método de múltiplos atributos, baseado no método de destinação de verba publicitário, para dividir as verbas em páginas web individuais. Os atributos que são levados em conta são: qualidade do sistema, qualidade do conteúdo, uso, confiança, atenção ao cliente, comentários dos clientes na rede e personalização.Limitações: neste estudo, foi utilizado um operador mdmv-owa em um entorno difuso, mas em ocasiões futuras é possível expandir ao domínio difuso intuicionista

    Adopting the omni-channel model: Identifying and recommending methods of adoption to shoe and clothing retailers in the Accra Mall

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    Undergraduate thesis submitted to the Department of Business Administration, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, April 2019[NB: No separate abstract available in document. The following is a brief summary] The objective of this study was to recommend methods by which shoe and clothing retailers in the Accra Mall in Ghana, can adopt the omni-channel model to boost sales and strengthen the customer experience, and to understand the barriers that these type of retailers face in integrating their current retail channels and formats.Ashesi Universit


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    An Approach to Satisfy Managerial Awareness of Strategic Events in the Field of M-Commerce

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    Continued success in business relies on the capability to notice changes in the market before others and to access expert experience and knowledge that has been built over many years. Today the increased usage of mobile commerce (M-commerce) in business produces opportunities to access these changes and information anywhere, anytime, and any place. The opportunities that arise from M-Commerce not only support increased engagement through multiple channels, but enable the development of a thriving market sector which is shifting how businesses make strategic decisions. The present study introduces a new approach to create managerial awareness of strategic events in the field of mobile commerce. Specifically, a new method including a tool is presented and validated using expert interviews

    The socio-technical dynamics of ICT innovation: a social shaping analysis of portals

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    This PhD thesis presents a longitudinal study of the dynamics of the innovation process of a standardised technology. The study addresses the factors that shape technology decision-making along the entire technology life cycle - from design to implementation - within the context of a complex socio-technical setting. The development of the Internet led to acceleration in the diffusion of Inter-Organisational Networks and Systems (IONS), particularly of portals. Portals are defined as linked electronic platforms with a single point-of-entry, independent of time and space, and that enable collaboration through access to multiple sources from different organisational information systems. Organisations develop and implement portals to respond to market pressures, for example in order to rationalise procurement.The thesis attempts to expand the understanding of the socio-technical dynamics patterning both the decision-making process and the outcomes of complex ICT innovation projects. The thesis seeks to overcome the shortcomings of existing social and economic research on inter-organisational standardisation by redressing the limitations in terms of empirical scope and analytical frameworks of, on the one hand, studies of standard setting processes which neglect the wider and subsequent context of implementation and, on the other hand, of 'diffusion of standards' studies which ignore the way in which standards evolve in their implementation. This study specifically answers theoretical and practical questions of ICT innovation dynamics in a complex multi-spaced setting, combining economic, technical and sociological theories. The research draws on the Social Shaping of Technology (SST) perspective by explaining ICT innovations as historical and contexted actor-focussed technological change processes. The thesis develops a Multi-level Space of Innovation Dynamics (MSID) framework to capture the dynamics of standardised portal technology development and its outcomes on two levels: at a micro level, focusing on individuals and groups in the adopting organisation (zoom in), and at the meso level, addressing the effects that the dynamics have in the broader context of the sector (zoom out). Jorgensen's concept of 'arena' is used to analyse the way in which the actors involved at the company and the industry level are configured together. The turbulent dynamics are analysed as the outcome of complex processes of change involving the configuration and re-configuration of the various arenas and networks in which the array of involved organisational actors are embedded.The contribution to existing knowledge is based on the development of the MSID framework and its application to a complex multi-layered and longitudinal case study based in the automotive industry. The researcher's unique extensive access as a participant and analyst to the complex setting of the portal development was essential to develop the framework and to illustrate the ways in which theoretical concepts can be grounded in real empirical cases. The research finds that ICT innovations are shaped by history and context of the adopting organisation and the actors involved. The extremely complex organisational politics of decision-making processes were patterned by the configuration of the project and the management of expertise. Interactions and realignments amongst this complex set of socio-technical factors led to a drift in the subsequent outcomes. This study supports the socio-technical analysis of supply chains as mutually shaped by technology and the adopting user organisation. Finally, the study also provides organisations with rich sociological insights that could translate into the planning of similar technology-driven projects

    A Study of E-Business/E-Manufacturing Models

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    Traditional business methods are taking a drastic turn and changing to digitized businesses. Information and communication technology is being integrated into orthodox business practices and giving birth to e-business. E-business in turn, is looking up to e-business models for dynamic integration. The e-business concept was first explored. It was broken down into its smaller entities to make for a clearer and better understanding. Components of an electronic business were identified, and e-commerce was understood to be a subset of e-business. It was established that for a business to be e-business enabled, it required information and communication technology (ICT) to be integrated into its brick and mortar business practice. This showed that the e-business concept was not replacing traditional business practices but improving on it. The e-manufacturing business practice was also researched. This practice was found to be in essence e-business, but in the manufacturing context. It showed that e-manufacturing made for a dynamic integration of the complex manufacturing business practice in real-time. It linked shop floors to top floors, as well as all the other areas of the whole manufacturing supply chain. Adequate relevance was established for designing e-business and e-manufacturing models. This was achieved through rigorous literature review as well as a questionnaire survey. A hypothesis design and test based on the literature review was made to ascertain what models are utilized and in what context. Currently used models in different company sectors were discovered, and their subsequent benefits identified. Also reasons behind the adoption of the different models in the firms investigated were identified. Barriers associated with the e-business practice as well as the implementation of an e-business model were also identified. A measurement system was utilized to ascertain if the investigated models met that stated in the literature (i.e. product innovation, infrastructure and the network of partners, customer relation, and finance). This was adopted from that presented in the literature review. Based on the study, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations suggested.

    A Method to Screen, Assess, and Prepare Open Data for Use

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    Open data's value-creating capabilities and innovation potential are widely recognized, resulting in a notable increase in the number of published open data sources. A crucial challenge for companies intending to leverage open data is to identify suitable open datasets that support specific business scenarios and prepare these datasets for use. Researchers have developed several open data assessment techniques, but those are restricted in scope, do not consider the use context, and are not embedded in the complete set of activities required for open data consumption in enterprises. Therefore, our research aims to develop prescriptive knowledge in the form of a meaningful method to screen, assess, and prepare open data for use in an enterprise setting. Our findings complement existing open data assessment techniques by providing methodological guidance to prepare open data of uncertain quality for use in a value-adding and demand-oriented manner, enabled by knowledge graphs and linked data concepts. From an academic perspective, our research conceptualizes open data preparation as a purposeful and value-creating process

    Sources of information about suppliers used in purchasing processes on the B2B market

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this article was to identify the sources of information regarding suppliers most often used by manufacturing companies and to define their importance.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The considerations based on the analysis of the literature and the results of empirical research indicate that enterprises use both direct forms (such as sales representatives, recommendations of other clients, fairs and exhibitions) and on-line forms (such as suppliers' websites). Specialized industry as sources of information about suppliers. portals as a source of information about suppliers. The thesis is confirmed by the results of empirical research conducted with the computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) technique in medium and large manufacturing companies operating in Poland.FINDINGS: The results of the conducted research indicate that the sources of information concerning new suppliers most frequently indicated by the surveyed companies are visits of sales representatives of suppliers sending the offer by suppliers, suppliers' websites, direct contacts of the management/specialists employed in the enterprise with suppliers, recommendations of other companies and fairs and exhibitions. The results of the conducted research also indicate that for manufacturers the most important sources of information about suppliers were: suppliers' websites, sending the offer by suppliers, direct contacts of the management / specialists employed in the enterprise with suppliers and the visits of sales representatives of suppliers.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The considerations based on the analysis of the literature and the results of empirical research indicate that both direct forms (such as sales representatives, recommendations of other clients, fairs and exhibitions) and electronic on-line forms of contact (such as suppliers' websites, specialized industry portals) play an important role in the B2B market as sources of information about suppliers.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Research on sources of information about suppliers used in purchasing processes on the B2B market is undertaken very rarely. Therefore, the results of studies presented in this article fill the research gap.peer-reviewe