3,457 research outputs found

    Space science/space station attached payload pointing accommodation study: Technology assessment white paper

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    Technology assessment is performed for pointing systems that accommodate payloads of large mass and large dimensions. Related technology areas are also examined. These related areas include active thermal lines or power cables across gimbals, new materials for increased passive damping, tethered pointing, and inertially reacting pointing systems. Conclusions, issues and concerns, and recommendations regarding the status and development of large pointing systems for space applications are made based on the performed assessments

    Pose Detection and control of multiple unmanned underwater vehicles using optical feedback

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    This paper proposes pose detection and control algorithms in order to control the relative pose between two Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) using optical feedback. The leader UUV is configured to have a light source at its crest which acts as a guiding beacon for the follower UUV which has a detector array at its bow. Pose detection algorithms are developed based on a classifier, such as the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), and chosen image parameters. An archive look-up table is constructed for varying combinations of 5-degree-of-freedom (DOF) motion (i.e., translation along all three coordinate axes as well as pitch and yaw rotations). Leader and follower vehicles are simulated for a case in which the leader is directed to specific waypoints in horizontal plane and the follower is required to maintain a fixed distance from the leader UUV. Proportional-Derivative (PD) control (without loss of generality) is applied to maintain stability of the UUVs to show proof of concept. Preliminary results indicate that the follower UUV is able to maintain its fixed distance relative to the leader UUV to within a reasonable accuracy

    Hypersonic Research Vehicle (HRV) real-time flight test support feasibility and requirements study. Part 2: Remote computation support for flight systems functions

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    The requirements are assessed for the use of remote computation to support HRV flight testing. First, remote computational requirements were developed to support functions that will eventually be performed onboard operational vehicles of this type. These functions which either cannot be performed onboard in the time frame of initial HRV flight test programs because the technology of airborne computers will not be sufficiently advanced to support the computational loads required, or it is not desirable to perform the functions onboard in the flight test program for other reasons. Second, remote computational support either required or highly desirable to conduct flight testing itself was addressed. The use is proposed of an Automated Flight Management System which is described in conceptual detail. Third, autonomous operations is discussed and finally, unmanned operations

    Parallelization of a Six Degree of Freedom Entry Vehicle Trajectory Simulation Using OpenMP and OpenACC

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    The art and science of writing parallelized software, using methods such as Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) and Open Accelerators (OpenACC), is dominated by computer scientists. Engineers and non-computer scientists looking to apply these techniques to their project applications face a steep learning curve, especially when looking to adapt their original single threaded software to run multi-threaded on graphics processing units (GPUs). There are significant changes in mindset that must occur; such as how to manage memory, the organization of instructions, and the use of if statements (also known as branching). The purpose of this work is twofold: 1) to demonstrate the applicability of parallelized coding methodologies, OpenMP and OpenACC, to tasks outside of the typical large scale matrix mathematics; and 2) to discuss, from an engineers perspective, the lessons learned from parallelizing software using these computer science techniques. This work applies OpenMP, on both multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and Intel Xeon Phi 7210, and OpenACC on GPUs. These parallelization techniques are used to tackle the simulation of thousands of entry vehicle trajectories through the integration of six degree of freedom (DoF) equations of motion (EoM). The forces and moments acting on the entry vehicle, and used by the EoM, are estimated using multiple models of varying levels of complexity. Several benchmark comparisons are made on the execution of six DoF trajectory simulation: single thread Intel Xeon E5-2670 CPU, multi-thread CPU using OpenMP, multi-thread Xeon Phi 7210 using OpenMP, and multi-thread NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPU using OpenACC. These benchmarks are run on the Pleiades Supercomputer Cluster at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (ARC), and a Xeon Phi 7210 node at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC)

    Learning Pose Estimation for UAV Autonomous Navigation and Landing Using Visual-Inertial Sensor Data

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    In this work, we propose a robust network-in-the-loop control system for autonomous navigation and landing of an Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV). To estimate the UAV’s absolute pose, we develop a deep neural network (DNN) architecture for visual-inertial odometry, which provides a robust alternative to traditional methods. We first evaluate the accuracy of the estimation by comparing the prediction of our model to traditional visual-inertial approaches on the publicly available EuRoC MAV dataset. The results indicate a clear improvement in the accuracy of the pose estimation up to 25% over the baseline. Finally, we integrate the data-driven estimator in the closed-loop flight control system of Airsim, a simulator available as a plugin for Unreal Engine, and we provide simulation results for autonomous navigation and landing

    Demonstration of an Aerocapture GN and C System Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

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    Aerocapture is an orbit insertion maneuver in which a spacecraft flies through a planetary atmosphere one time using drag force to decelerate and effect a hyperbolic to elliptical orbit change. Aerocapture employs a feedback Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) system to deliver the spacecraft into a precise postatmospheric orbit despite the uncertainties inherent in planetary atmosphere knowledge, entry targeting and aerodynamic predictions. Only small amounts of propellant are required for attitude control and orbit adjustments, thereby providing mass savings of hundreds to thousands of kilograms over conventional all-propulsive techniques. The Analytic Predictor Corrector (APC) guidance algorithm has been developed to steer the vehicle through the aerocapture maneuver using bank angle control. Through funding provided by NASA's In-Space Propulsion Technology Program, the operation of an aerocapture GN&C system has been demonstrated in high-fidelity simulations that include real-time hardware in the loop, thus increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of aerocapture GN&C. First, a non-real-time (NRT), 6-DOF trajectory simulation was developed for the aerocapture trajectory. The simulation included vehicle dynamics, gravity model, atmosphere model, aerodynamics model, inertial measurement unit (IMU) model, attitude control thruster torque models, and GN&C algorithms (including the APC aerocapture guidance). The simulation used the vehicle and mission parameters from the ST-9 mission. A 2000 case Monte Carlo simulation was performed and results show an aerocapture success rate of greater than 99.7%, greater than 95% of total delta-V required for orbit insertion is provided by aerodynamic drag, and post-aerocapture orbit plane wedge angle error is less than 0.5 deg (3-sigma). Then a real-time (RT), 6-DOF simulation for the aerocapture trajectory was developed which demonstrated the guidance software executing on a flight-like computer, interfacing with a simulated IMU and simulated thrusters, with vehicle dynamics provided by an external simulator. Five cases from the NRT simulations were run in the RT simulation environment. The results compare well to those of the NRT simulation thus verifying the RT simulation configuration. The results of the above described simulations show the aerocapture maneuver using the APC algorithm can be accomplished reliably and the algorithm is now at TRL-6. Flight validation is the next step for aerocapture technology development

    Voliro: An Omnidirectional Hexacopter With Tiltable Rotors

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    Extending the maneuverability of unmanned areal vehicles promises to yield a considerable increase in the areas in which these systems can be used. Some such applications are the performance of more complicated inspection tasks and the generation of complex uninterrupted movements of an attached camera. In this paper we address this challenge by presenting Voliro, a novel aerial platform that combines the advantages of existing multi-rotor systems with the agility of omnidirectionally controllable platforms. We propose the use of a hexacopter with tiltable rotors allowing the system to decouple the control of position and orientation. The contributions of this work involve the mechanical design as well as a controller with the corresponding allocation scheme. This work also discusses the design challenges involved when turning the concept of a hexacopter with tiltable rotors into an actual prototype. The agility of the system is demonstrated and evaluated in real- world experiments.Comment: Submitted to Robotics and Automation Magazin

    Computational Modeling of Nonlinear Behavior in Orthopaedics

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    Total knee replacement (TKR) is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures performed in the USA and is projected to exceed 4.3 million by 2030. Although TKR surgery has a success rate of 95% at 10 years for most TKR designs, revision surgery still occurs approximately once for every ten primary TKR surgeries. Failure modes in TKR involve the interplay between implant mechanical performance and surrounding biological tissues. The orthopaedic community has turned to computational modeling as an effective tool to analyze these complex interactions and improve patient outcomes. The objective of these studies was to utilize a combined computational and experimental approach to investigate modes of TKR failure where material nonlinearity plays a significant role in the biomechanics under investigation. A finite element (FE) model of a modular TKR taper junction was developed in order to investigate the stress environment in relation to corrosive behavior under in vivo loading conditions. Linear elastic and elastoplastic material models were defined and angular mismatch parametrically varied in order to determine the sensitivity of model predicted stresses to material model selection and taper junction geometry. It was determined that positive angle mismatches cause plastic deformation and overestimated stresses in linear elastic analyses compared to elastoplastic analyses. Calculated stresses were also strongly correlated with angle mismatch when varied ±0.25o. Model stress distributions agreed with corrosion patterns evident on retrieved modular TKR components and magnitudes corresponding with corrosive behavior in vitro. Additionally, a series of passive FE TKR models were developed in order to investigate the intrinsic relationship between TKR component alignment, ligament tensions, and knee kinematics during intraoperative assessments. A kinematically-driven model was developed and validated with an open source dataset, and was able to discriminate clinical outcomes based on calculated ligament tensions when input in vivo kinematics. Patient-specific simulations found greater tension in lateral ligaments for poor outcome patients compared to good outcome patients, and statistically significant differences in tensions for the POL, PFL, DMCL, and ALS ligaments during mid-flexion. A force-driven model was also developed and validated with in vitro cadaver testing, and found that variation in tibial component alignment of ±15o influence intraoperative ligament tensions. However, definitive trends between TKR component alignment and ligament tension were not discerned. Nonetheless, both modeling approaches were found to be sensitive to subclinical abnormalities. These findings suggest mechanical stress is a key contributor to taper junction corrosion and that ligament tensions are the mechanism leading to abnormal function in the passive TKR knee. These studies contributed innovative computational models that provide a foundation to advance the understanding of these complex relationships, and modeling frameworks that exemplify sound verification and validation practices

    A benchmark mechatronics platform to assess the inspection around pipes with variable pitch quadrotor for industrial sites

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    Article number 102641This paper investigates the inspection-of-pipe topic in a new framework, by rotation around a pipe, peculiar to industrial sites and refineries. The evolution of the ultimate system requires prototype design and preliminary tests. A new benchmark has been designed and built to mimic the rotation around a pipe, with the main purpose of assessing the different types of rotors and control systems. The benchmark control system presents a mechatronics package including mechanical design and machining, electronics and motor drive, motor-blade installation, computer programming, and control implementation. The benchmark is also modular, working with two modes of one- and two-degree-of-freedom (DoF), easily interchangeable. To cover a full rotation, conventional fixed-pitch drones fail to provide negative thrusts; nonetheless, variable-pitch (VP) rotor quad- copters can produce that in both directions. A closed-loop nonlinear optimal method is chosen as a controller, so- called, “the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE)” approach. Optimal control policies are challenging for experimentation though it has been successfully done in this report. The advantage of the VP is also illustrated in a rotation plus radial motion in comparison with fixed-pitch rotors while a wind gust disturbs the inspection task. The proposed VP system compensated the disturbance while the fixed pitch was pushed away by the wind gust. The solution methods to the SDRE were mixed, a closed-form exact solution for the one-DoF system, and a numerical one for the two-DoF. Solving the Riccati online in each time step is a critical issue that was effectively solved by the implementation approach, through online communication with MATLAB software. Both simula- tions and experiments have been performed along with a discussion to prove the application of VP systems in rotary-motion pipe inspectionEuropean Union (UE). H2020 779411Agencia Estatal de Investigación española RTI2018-102224-B-I0