572 research outputs found

    Resource management in a containerized cloud : status and challenges

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    Cloud computing heavily relies on virtualization, as with cloud computing virtual resources are typically leased to the consumer, for example as virtual machines. Efficient management of these virtual resources is of great importance, as it has a direct impact on both the scalability and the operational costs of the cloud environment. Recently, containers are gaining popularity as virtualization technology, due to the minimal overhead compared to traditional virtual machines and the offered portability. Traditional resource management strategies however are typically designed for the allocation and migration of virtual machines, so the question arises how these strategies can be adapted for the management of a containerized cloud. Apart from this, the cloud is also no longer limited to the centrally hosted data center infrastructure. New deployment models have gained maturity, such as fog and mobile edge computing, bringing the cloud closer to the end user. These models could also benefit from container technology, as the newly introduced devices often have limited hardware resources. In this survey, we provide an overview of the current state of the art regarding resource management within the broad sense of cloud computing, complementary to existing surveys in literature. We investigate how research is adapting to the recent evolutions within the cloud, being the adoption of container technology and the introduction of the fog computing conceptual model. Furthermore, we identify several challenges and possible opportunities for future research

    Edge Computing for Extreme Reliability and Scalability

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    The massive number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their continuous data collection will lead to a rapid increase in the scale of collected data. Processing all these collected data at the central cloud server is inefficient, and even is unfeasible or unnecessary. Hence, the task of processing the data is pushed to the network edges introducing the concept of Edge Computing. Processing the information closer to the source of data (e.g., on gateways and on edge micro-servers) not only reduces the huge workload of central cloud, also decreases the latency for real-time applications by avoiding the unreliable and unpredictable network latency to communicate with the central cloud

    A Process Framework for Managing Quality of Service in Private Cloud

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    As information systems leaders tap into the global market of cloud computing-based services, they struggle to maintain consistent application performance due to lack of a process framework for managing quality of service (QoS) in the cloud. Guided by the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this case study was to identify a process framework for meeting the QoS requirements of private cloud service users. Private cloud implementation was explored by selecting an organization in California through purposeful sampling. Information was gathered by interviewing 23 information technology (IT) professionals, a mix of frontline engineers, managers, and leaders involved in the implementation of private cloud. Another source of data was documents such as standard operating procedures, policies, and guidelines related to private cloud implementation. Interview transcripts and documents were coded and sequentially analyzed. Three prominent themes emerged from the analysis of data: (a) end user expectations, (b) application architecture, and (c) trending analysis. The findings of this study may help IT leaders in effectively managing QoS in cloud infrastructure and deliver reliable application performance that may help in increasing customer population and profitability of organizations. This study may contribute to positive social change as information systems managers and workers can learn and apply the process framework for delivering stable and reliable cloud-hosted computer applications

    Optimizing Virtual Resource Management in Cloud Datacenters

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    Datacenter clouds (e.g., Microsoft\u27s Azure, Google\u27s App Engine, and Amazon\u27s EC2) are emerging as a popular infrastructure for computing and storage due to their high scalability and elasticity. More and more companies and organizations shift their services (e.g., online social networks, Dropbox file hosting) to clouds to avoid large capital expenditures. Cloud systems employ virtualization technology to provide resources in physical machines (PMs) in the form of virtual machines (VMs). Users create VMs deployed on the cloud and each VM consumes resources (e.g., CPU, memory and bandwidth) from its host PM. Cloud providers supply services by signing Service Level Agreement (SLA) with cloud customers that serves as both the blueprint and the warranty for cloud computing. Under-provisioning of resources leads to SLA violations while over-provisioning of resources leads to resource underutilization and then revenue decrease for the cloud providers. Thus, a formidable challenge is effective management of virtual resource to maximize energy efficiency and resource utilization while satisfying the SLA. This proposal is devoted to tackle this challenge by addressing three fundamental and essential issues: i) initial VM allocation, ii) VM migration for load balance, and iii) proactive VM migration for long-term load balance. Accordingly, this proposal consists of three innovative components: (1) Initial Complementary VM Consolidation. Previous resource provisioning strategies either allocate physical resources to virtual machines (VMs) based on static VM resource demands or dynamically handle the variations in VM resource requirements through live VM migrations. However, the former fail to maximize energy efficiency and resource utilization while the latter produce high migration overhead. To handle these problems, we propose an initial VM allocation mechanism that consolidates complementary VMs with spatial/temporal-awareness. Complementary VMs are the VMs whose total demand of each resource dimension (in the spatial space) nearly reaches their host\u27s capacity during VM lifetime period (in the temporal space). Based on our observation of the existence of VM resource utilization patterns, the mechanism predicts the lifetime resource utilization patterns of short-term VMs or periodical resource utilization patterns of long-term VMs. Based on the predicted patterns, it coordinates the requirements of different resources and consolidates complementary VMs in the same physical machine (PM). This mechanism reduces the number of PMs needed to provide VM service hence increases energy efficiency and resource utilization and also reduces the number of VM migrations and SLA violations. (2) Resource Intensity Aware VM Migration for Load Balance. The unique features of clouds pose formidable challenges to achieving effective and efficient load balancing. First, VMs in clouds use different resources (e.g., CPU, bandwidth, memory) to serve a variety of services (e.g., high performance computing, web services, file services), resulting in different overutilized resources in different PMs. Also, the overutilized resources in a PM may vary over time due to the time-varying heterogenous service requests. Second, there is intensive network communication between VMs. However, previous load balancing methods statically assign equal or predefined weights to different resources, which leads to degraded performance in terms of speed and cost to achieve load balance. Also, they do not strive to minimize the VM communications between PMs. This proposed mechanism dynamically assigns different weights to different resources according to their usage intensity in the PM, which significantly reduces the time and cost to achieve load balance and avoids future load imbalance. It also tries to keep frequently communicating VMs in the same PM to reduce bandwidth cost, and migrate VMs to PMs with minimum VM performance degradation. (3) Proactive VM Migration for Long-Term Load Balance. Previous reactive load balancing algorithms migrate VMs upon the occurrence of load imbalance, while previous proactive load balancing algorithms predict PM overload to conduct VM migration. However, both methods cannot maintain long-term load balance and produce high overhead and delay due to migration VM selection and destination PM selection. To overcome these problems, we propose a proactive Markov Decision Process (MDP)-based load balancing algorithm. We handle the challenges of allying MDP in virtual resource management in cloud datacenters, which allows a PM to proactively find an optimal action to transit to a lightly loaded state that will maintain for a longer period of time. We also apply the MDP to determine destination PMs to achieve long-term PM load balance state. Our algorithm reduces the numbers of SLA violations by long-term load balance maintenance, and also reduces the load balancing overhead (e.g., CPU time, energy) and delay by quickly identifying VMs and destination PMs to migrate. Finally, we conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed three mechanisms. i) We conducted simulation experiments based on two real traces and real-world testbed experiments to show that the initial complementary VM consolidation mechanism significantly reduces the number of PMs used, SLA violations and VM migrations of the previous resource provisioning strategies. ii) We conducted trace-driven simulation and real-world testbed experiments to show that RIAL outperforms other load balancing approaches in regards to the number of VM migrations, VM performance degradation and VM communication cost. iii) We conducted trace-driven experiments to show that the MDP-based load balancing algorithm outperforms previous reactive and proactive load balancing algorithms in terms of SLA violation, load balancing efficiency and long-term load balance maintenance

    Efficient cloud computing system operation strategies

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    Cloud computing systems have emerged as a new paradigm of computing systems by providing on demand based services which utilize large size computing resources. Service providers offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) to users depending on their demand and users pay only for the user resources. The Cloud system has become a successful business model and is expanding its scope through collaboration with various applications such as big data processing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and 5G networks. Cloud computing systems are composed of large numbers of computing, network, and storage devices across the geographically distributed area and multiple tenants employ the cloud systems simultaneously with heterogeneous resource requirements. Thus, efficient operation of cloud computing systems is extremely difficult for service providers. In order to maximize service providers\u27 profit, the cloud systems should be able to serve large numbers of tenants while minimizing the OPerational EXpenditure (OPEX). For serving as many tenants as possible tenants using limited resources, the service providers should implement efficient resource allocation for users\u27 requirements. At the same time, cloud infrastructure consumes a significant amount of energy. According to recent disclosures, Google data centers consumed nearly 300 million watts and Facebook\u27s data centers consumed 60 million watts. Explosive traffic demand for data centers will keep increasing because of expansion of mobile and cloud traffic requirements. If service providers do not develop efficient ways for energy management in their infrastructures, this will cause significant power consumption in running their cloud infrastructures. In this thesis, we consider optimal datasets allocation in distributed cloud computing systems. Our objective is to minimize processing time and cost. Processing time includes virtual machine processing time, communication time, and data transfer time. In distributed Cloud systems, communication time and data transfer time are important component of processing time because data centers are distributed geographically. If we place data sets far from each other, this increases the communication and data transfer time. The cost objective includes virtual machine cost, communication cost, and data transfer cost. Cloud service providers charge for virtual machine usage according to usage time of virtual machine. Communication cost and transfer cost are charged based on transmission speed of data and data set size. The problem of allocating data sets to VMs in distributed heterogeneous clouds is formulated as a linear programming model with two objectives: the cost and processing time. After finding optimal solutions of each objective function, we use a heuristic approach to find the Pareto front of multi-objective linear programming problem. In the simulation experiment, we consider a heterogeneous cloud infrastructure with five different types of cloud service provider resource information, and we optimize data set placement by guaranteeing Pareto optimality of the solutions. Also, this thesis proposes an adaptive data center activation model that consolidates adaptive activation of switches and hosts simultaneously integrated with a statistical request prediction algorithm. The learning algorithm predicts user requests in predetermined interval by using a cyclic window learning algorithm. Then the data center activates an optimal number of switches and hosts in order to minimize power consumption that is based on prediction. We designed an adaptive data center activation model by using a cognitive cycle composed of three steps: data collection, prediction, and activation. In the request prediction step, the prediction algorithm forecasts a Poisson distribution parameter lambda in every determined interval by using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Local Linear Regression (LLR) methods. Then, adaptive activation of the data center is implemented with the predicted parameter in every interval. The adaptive activation model is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. Switches and hosts are modeled as M/M/1 and M/M/c queues. In order to minimize power consumption of data centers, the model minimizes the number of activated switches, hosts, and memory modules while guaranteeing Quality of Service (QoS). Since the problem is NP-hard, we use the Simulated Annealing algorithm to solve the model. We employ Google cluster trace data to simulate our prediction model. Then, the predicted data is employed to test adaptive activation model and observed energy saving rate in every interval. In the experiment, we could observe that the adaptive activation model saves 30 to 50% of energy compared to the full operation state of data center in practical utilization rates of data centers. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) emerged as a game changer in network market for efficient operation of the network infrastructure. Since NFV transforms the dedicated physical devices designed for specific network function to software-based Virtual Machines (VMs), the network operators expect to reduce a significant Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX). Softwarized VMs can be implemented on any commodity servers, so network operators can design flexible and scalable network architecture through efficient VM placement and migration algorithms. In this thesis, we study a joint problem of Virtualized Network Function (VNF) resource allocation and NFV-Service Chain (NFV-SC) placement problem in Software Defined Network (SDN) based hyper-scale distributed cloud computing infrastructure. The objective of the problem is minimizing the power consumption of the infrastructure while enforcing Service Level Agreement (SLA) of users. We employ an M/G/1/K queuing network approximation analysis for the NFV-SC model. The communication time between VNFs is considered in the NFV-SC placement because it influences the performance of NFV-SC in the highly distributed infrastructure environment. The joint problem is modeled by a Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming (MINP) model. However, the problem is intractable in large size infrastructures due to NP-hardness of the problem. We therefore propose a heuristic algorithm which splits the problem into two sub-problems: resource allocation and the NFV-SC embedding. In the numerical analysis, we could observe that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional bin packing algorithms in terms of power consumption and SLA assurance. In this thesis, we propose efficient cloud infrastructure management strategies from a single data center point of view to hyper-scale distributed cloud computing infrastructure for profitable cloud system operation. The management schemes are proposed with various objectives such as Quality of Service (Qos), performance, latency, and power consumption. We use efficient mathematical modeling strategies such as Linear Programming (LP), Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming(MINP), convex programming, queuing theory, and probabilistic modeling strategies and prove the efficiency of the proposed strategies through various simulations

    Tunnel agents for enhanced Internet QoS

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