8,478 research outputs found

    Advancement Auto-Assessment of Students Knowledge States from Natural Language Input

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    Knowledge Assessment is a key element in adaptive instructional systems and in particular in Intelligent Tutoring Systems because fully adaptive tutoring presupposes accurate assessment. However, this is a challenging research problem as numerous factors affect students’ knowledge state estimation such as the difficulty level of the problem, time spent in solving the problem, etc. In this research work, we tackle this research problem from three perspectives: assessing the prior knowledge of students, assessing the natural language short and long students’ responses, and knowledge tracing.Prior knowledge assessment is an important component of knowledge assessment as it facilitates the adaptation of the instruction from the very beginning, i.e., when the student starts interacting with the (computer) tutor. Grouping students into groups with similar mental models and patterns of prior level of knowledge allows the system to select the right level of scaffolding for each group of students. While not adapting instruction to each individual learner, the advantage of adapting to groups of students based on a limited number of prior knowledge levels has the advantage of decreasing the authoring costs of the tutoring system. To achieve this goal of identifying or clustering students based on their prior knowledge, we have employed effective clustering algorithms. Automatically assessing open-ended student responses is another challenging aspect of knowledge assessment in ITSs. In dialogue-based ITSs, the main interaction between the learner and the system is natural language dialogue in which students freely respond to various system prompts or initiate dialogue moves in mixed-initiative dialogue systems. Assessing freely generated student responses in such contexts is challenging as students can express the same idea in different ways owing to different individual style preferences and varied individual cognitive abilities. To address this challenging task, we have proposed several novel deep learning models as they are capable to capture rich high-level semantic features of text. Knowledge tracing (KT) is an important type of knowledge assessment which consists of tracking students’ mastery of knowledge over time and predicting their future performances. Despite the state-of-the-art results of deep learning in this task, it has many limitations. For instance, most of the proposed methods ignore pertinent information (e.g., Prior knowledge) that can enhance the knowledge tracing capability and performance. Working toward this objective, we have proposed a generic deep learning framework that accounts for the engagement level of students, the difficulty of questions and the semantics of the questions and uses a novel times series model called Temporal Convolutional Network for future performance prediction. The advanced auto-assessment methods presented in this dissertation should enable better ways to estimate learner’s knowledge states and in turn the adaptive scaffolding those systems can provide which in turn should lead to more effective tutoring and better learning gains for students. Furthermore, the proposed method should enable more scalable development and deployment of ITSs across topics and domains for the benefit of all learners of all ages and backgrounds

    Group-Level Emotion Recognition Using a Unimodal Privacy-Safe Non-Individual Approach

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    This article presents our unimodal privacy-safe and non-individual proposal for the audio-video group emotion recognition subtask at the Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) Challenge 2020 1. This sub challenge aims to classify in the wild videos into three categories: Positive, Neutral and Negative. Recent deep learning models have shown tremendous advances in analyzing interactions between people, predicting human behavior and affective evaluation. Nonetheless, their performance comes from individual-based analysis, which means summing up and averaging scores from individual detections, which inevitably leads to some privacy issues. In this research, we investigated a frugal approach towards a model able to capture the global moods from the whole image without using face or pose detection, or any individual-based feature as input. The proposed methodology mixes state-of-the-art and dedicated synthetic corpora as training sources. With an in-depth exploration of neural network architectures for group-level emotion recognition, we built a VGG-based model achieving 59.13% accuracy on the VGAF test set (eleventh place of the challenge). Given that the analysis is unimodal based only on global features and that the performance is evaluated on a real-world dataset, these results are promising and let us envision extending this model to multimodality for classroom ambiance evaluation, our final target application

    Machine Learning and Finance: A Review using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Technique (LDA)

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    The aim of this paper is provide a first comprehensive structuring of the literature applying machine learning to finance. We use a probabilistic topic modelling approach to make sense of this diverse body of research spanning across the disciplines of finance, economics, computer sciences, and decision sciences. Through the topic modelling approach, a Latent Dirichlet Allocation Technique (LDA), we can extract the 14 coherent research topics that are the focus of the 6,148 academic articles during the years 1990-2019 analysed. We first describe and structure these topics, and then further show how the topic focus has evolved over the last two decades. Our study thus provides a structured topography for finance researchers seeking to integrate machine learning research approaches in their exploration of finance phenomena. We also showcase the benefits to finance researchers of the method of probabilistic modelling of topics for deep comprehension of a body of literature, especially when that literature has diverse multi-disciplinary actors

    Fake news detection and analysis

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    The evolution of technology has led to the development of environments that allow instantaneous communication and dissemination of information. As a result, false news, article manipulation, lack of trust in media and information bubbles have become high-impact issues. In this context, the need for automatic tools that can classify the content as reliable or not and that can create a trustworthy environment is continually increasing. Current solutions do not entirely solve this problem as the degree of difficulty of the task is high and dependent on factors such as type of language, type of news or subject volatility. The main objective of this thesis is the exploration of this crucial problem of Natural Language Processing, namely false content detection and of how it can be solved as a classification problem with automatic learning. A linguistic approach is taken, experimenting with different types of features and models to build accurate fake news detectors. The experiments are structured in the following three main steps: text pre-processing, feature extraction and classification itself. In addition, they are conducted on a real-world dataset, LIAR, to offer a good overview of which model best overcomes day-to-day situations. Two approaches are chosen: multi-class and binary classification. In both cases, we prove that out of all the experiments, a simple feed-forward network combined with fine-tuned DistilBERT embeddings reports the highest accuracy - 27.30% on 6-labels classification and 63.61% on 2-labels classification. These results emphasize that transfer learning bring important improvements in this task. In addition, we demonstrate that classic machine learning algorithms like Decision Tree, NaĂŻve Bayes, and Support Vector Machine act similar with the state-of-the-art solutions, even performing better than some recurrent neural networks like LSTM or BiLSTM. This clearly confirms that more complex solutions do not guarantee higher performance. Regarding features, we confirm that there is a connection between the degree of veracity of a text and the frequency of terms, more powerful than their position or order. Yet, context prove to be the most powerful aspect in the characteristic extraction process. Also, indices that describe the author's style must be carefully selected to provide relevant information

    The Macro-Social Benefits of Education, Training and Skills in Comparative Perspective [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 9]

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    This report, the second from the Centre's strand of comparative research, complements an earlier WBL research report (Education, Equity and Social Cohesion: A Distributional Model) in exploring further themes of societal comparison and the distributional effects of education systems. Despite generally high levels of educational attainment there is huge diversity amongst Western Societies in terms of crime, tolerance, trust and social cohesion. In this report, we take a comparative approach to investigating relationships between education and these outcomes at a societal level. Through an interdisciplinary review of literatures from sociology, history, economics and psychology we examine the role of education systems from a number of countries in influencing trends in, and levels of, these variables. Whilst the importance of country and historical context is stressed throughout we arrive at some general conclusions concerning the role of education systems in the development of various forms of social cohesion. This report will be of interest to policy makers, researchers and practitioners who are interested in the social impact of education systems. In particular, we examine implications for current UK policy targeted at increasing national educational attainment

    Statistical Analysis for Revealing Defects in Software Projects

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementDefect detection in software is the procedure to identify parts of software that may comprise defects. Software companies always seek to improve the performance of software projects in terms of quality and efficiency. They also seek to deliver the soft-ware projects without any defects to the communities and just in time. The early revelation of defects in software projects is also tried to avoid failure of those projects, save costs, team effort, and time. Therefore, these companies need to build an intelligent model capable of detecting software defects accurately and efficiently. This study seeks to achieve two main objectives. The first goal is to build a statistical model to identify the critical defect factors that influence software projects. The second objective is to build a statistical model to reveal defects early in software pro-jects as reasonable accurately. A bibliometric map (VOSviewer) was used to find the relationships between the common terms in those domains. The results of this study are divided into three parts: In the first part The term "software engineering" is connected to "cluster," "regression," and "neural network." Moreover, the terms "random forest" and "feature selection" are connected to "neural network," "recall," and "software engineering," "cluster," "regression," and "fault prediction model" and "software defect prediction" and "defect density." In the second part We have checked and analyzed 29 manuscripts in detail, summarized their major contributions, and identified a few research gaps. In the third part Finally, software companies try to find the critical factors that affect the detection of software defects and find any of the intelligent or statistical methods that help to build a model capable of detecting those defects with high accuracy. Two statistical models (Multiple linear regression (MLR) and logistic regression (LR)) were used to find the critical factors and through them to detect software defects accurately. MLR is executed by using two methods which are critical defect factors (CDF) and premier list of software defect factors (PLSDF). The accuracy of MLR-CDF and MLR-PLSDF is 82.3 and 79.9 respectively. The standard error of MLR-CDF and MLR-PLSDF is 26% and 28% respectively. In addition, LR is executed by using two methods which are CDF and PLSDF. The accuracy of LR-CDF and LR-PLSDF is 86.4 and 83.8 respectively. The standard error of LR-CDF and LR-PLSDF is 22% and 25% respectively. Therefore, LRCDF outperforms on all the proposed models and state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and standard error

    Video deepfake detection using Particle Swarm Optimization improved deep neural networks

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    As complexity and capabilities of Artificial Intelligence technologies increase, so does its potential for misuse. Deepfake videos are an example. They are created with generative models which produce media that replicates the voices and faces of real people. Deepfake videos may be entertaining, but they may also put privacy and security at risk. A criminal may forge a video of a politician or another notable person in order to affect public opinions or deceive others. Approaches for detecting and protecting against these types of forgery must evolve as well as the methods of generation to ensure that proper information is supplied and to mitigate the risks associated with the fast evolution of deepfakes. This research exploits the effectiveness of deepfake detection algorithms with the application of a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) variant for hyperparameter selection. Since Convolutional Neural Networks excel in recognizing objects and patterns in visual data while Recurrent Neural Networks are proficient at handling sequential data, in this research, we propose a hybrid EfficientNet-Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) network as well as EfficientNet-B0-based transfer learning for video forgery classification. A new PSO algorithm is proposed for hyperparameter search, which incorporates composite leaders and reinforcement learning-based search strategy allocation to mitigate premature convergence. To assess whether an image or a video is manipulated, both models are trained on datasets containing deepfake and genuine photographs and videos. The empirical results indicate that the proposed PSO-based EfficientNet-GRU and EfficientNet-B0 networks outperform the counterparts with manual and optimal learning configurations yielded by other search methods for several deepfake datasets
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