9,721 research outputs found

    Group-based parallel multi-scheduler for grid computing

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    With the advent in multicore computers, the scheduling of Grid jobs can be made more effective if scaled to fully utilize the underlying hardware, and parallelized to benefit from the exploitation of multicores. The fact that sequential algorithms do not scale with multicore systems nor benefit from parallelism remains a major obstacle to scheduling in the Grid. As multicore systems become ever more pervasive in our computing lives, over reliance on such systems for passive parallelism does not offer the best option in harnessing the benefits of their multiprocessors for Grid scheduling. An explicit means of exploiting parallelism for Grid scheduling is required. The Group-based Parallel Multi-scheduler, introduced in this paper, is aimed at effectively exploiting the benefits of multicore systems for Grid scheduling by splitting jobs and machines into paired groups and independently scheduling jobs in parallel from those groups. We implemented two job grouping methods, Execution Time Balanced (ETB) and Execution Time Sorted then Balanced (ETSB), and two machine grouping methods, Evenly Distributed (EvenDist) and Similar Together (SimTog). For each method, we varied the number of groups between 2, 4 and 8. We then executed the MinMin Grid scheduling algorithm independently within the groups. We demonstrated that by sharing jobs and machines into groups before scheduling, the computation time for the scheduling process drastically improved by magnitudes of 85% over the ordinary MinMin algorithm when implemented on a HPC system. We also found that our balanced group based approach achieved better results than our previous Priority based grouping approach

    Managing Uncertainty: A Case for Probabilistic Grid Scheduling

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    The Grid technology is evolving into a global, service-orientated architecture, a universal platform for delivering future high demand computational services. Strong adoption of the Grid and the utility computing concept is leading to an increasing number of Grid installations running a wide range of applications of different size and complexity. In this paper we address the problem of elivering deadline/economy based scheduling in a heterogeneous application environment using statistical properties of job historical executions and its associated meta-data. This approach is motivated by a study of six-month computational load generated by Grid applications in a multi-purpose Grid cluster serving a community of twenty e-Science projects. The observed job statistics, resource utilisation and user behaviour is discussed in the context of management approaches and models most suitable for supporting a probabilistic and autonomous scheduling architecture

    Bulk Scheduling with the DIANA Scheduler

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    Results from the research and development of a Data Intensive and Network Aware (DIANA) scheduling engine, to be used primarily for data intensive sciences such as physics analysis, are described. In Grid analyses, tasks can involve thousands of computing, data handling, and network resources. The central problem in the scheduling of these resources is the coordinated management of computation and data at multiple locations and not just data replication or movement. However, this can prove to be a rather costly operation and efficient sing can be a challenge if compute and data resources are mapped without considering network costs. We have implemented an adaptive algorithm within the so-called DIANA Scheduler which takes into account data location and size, network performance and computation capability in order to enable efficient global scheduling. DIANA is a performance-aware and economy-guided Meta Scheduler. It iteratively allocates each job to the site that is most likely to produce the best performance as well as optimizing the global queue for any remaining jobs. Therefore it is equally suitable whether a single job is being submitted or bulk scheduling is being performed. Results indicate that considerable performance improvements can be gained by adopting the DIANA scheduling approach.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. To be published in the IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science, IEEE Press. 200

    Priority-grouping method for parallel multi-scheduling in Grid

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    With the advent in multicore computers, the scheduling of Grid jobs can be made more effective if scaled to fully utilize the underlying hardware, and parallelized to benefit from the exploitation of multicores. The fact that sequential algorithms do not scale with multicore systems nor benefit from parallelism remains a major obstacle to scheduling in the Grid. As multicore systems become ever more pervasive in our computing lives, over reliance on such systems for passive parallelism does not offer the best option in harnessing the benefits of their multiprocessors for Grid scheduling. An explicit means of exploiting parallelism for Grid scheduling is required. The Group-based Parallel Multi-scheduler, introduced in this paper, is aimed at effectively exploiting the benefits of multicore systems for Grid scheduling by splitting jobs and machines into paired groups and independently scheduling jobs in parallel from those groups. We implemented two job grouping methods, Execution Time Balanced (ETB) and Execution Time Sorted then Balanced (ETSB), and two machine grouping methods, Evenly Distributed (EvenDist) and Similar Together (SimTog). For each method, we varied the number of groups between 2, 4 and 8. We then executed the MinMin Grid scheduling algorithm independently within the groups. We demonstrated that by sharing jobs and machines into groups before scheduling, the computation time for the scheduling process drastically improved by magnitudes of 85% over the ordinary MinMin algorithm when implemented on a HPC system. We also found that our balanced group based approach achieved better results than our previous Priority based grouping approach
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