95,913 research outputs found

    Group ramsey theory

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    AbstractA subset S of a group G is said to be a sum-free set if S ∩ (S + S) = ⊘. Such a set is maximal if for every sum-free set T ⊆ G, we have |T| ⩽ |S|. Here, we generalize this concept, defining a sum-free set S to be locally maximal if for every sum free set T such that S ⊆ T ⊆ G, we have S = T. Properties of locally maximal sum-free sets are studied and the sets are determined (up to isomorphism) for groups of small order

    On the dimension growth of groups

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    Dimension growth functions of groups have been introduced by Gromov in 1999. We prove that every solvable finitely generated subgroups of the R. Thompson group FF has polynomial dimension growth while the group FF itself, and some solvable groups of class 3 have exponential dimension growth with exponential control. We describe connections between dimension growth, expansion properties of finite graphs and the Ramsey theory.Comment: 20 pages; v3: Erratum and addendum included as Section 9. We can only prove that the lower bound of the dimension growth of FF is exp sqrt(n). New open questions and comments are added. v4: The paper is completely revised. Dimension growth with control is introduced, connections with graph expansion and Ramsey theory are include

    Universal Minimal Flows of Groups of Automorphisms of Uncountable Structures

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    It is a well-known fact, that the greatest ambit for a topological group GG is the Samuel compactification of GG with respect to the right uniformity on G.G. We apply the original destription by Samuel from 1948 to give a simple computation of the universal minimal flow for groups of automorphisms of uncountable structures using Fra\"iss\'e theory and Ramsey theory. This work generalizes some of the known results about countable structures.Comment: 12 page

    Universal minimal flows of automorphism groups

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    We investigate some connections between the Fraïssé theory of amalgamation classes and ultrahomogeneous structures, Ramsey theory, and topological dynamics of automorphism groups of countable structures. We show, in particular, that results from the structural Ramsey theory can be quite useful in recognizing the universal minimal flows of this kind of groups. As a result we compute the universal minimal flows of several well known topological groups such as, for example, the automorphism group of the random graph, the automorphism group of the random triangle-free graph, the automorphism group of the ∞-dimensional vector space over a finite field, the automorphism group of the countable atomless Boolean algebra, etc. So we have here a reversal in the traditional relationship between topological dynamics and Ramsey theory: the Ramsey-theoretic results are used in proving theorems of topological dynamics rather than vice versa

    Tur\'an and Ramsey problems for alternating multilinear maps

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    Guided by the connections between hypergraphs and exterior algebras, we study Tur\'an and Ramsey type problems for alternating multilinear maps. This study lies at the intersection of combinatorics, group theory, and algebraic geometry, and has origins in the works of Lov\'asz (Proc. Sixth British Combinatorial Conf., 1977), Buhler, Gupta, and Harris (J. Algebra, 1987), and Feldman and Propp (Adv. Math., 1992). Our main result is a Ramsey theorem for alternating bilinear maps. Given s,tNs, t\in \mathbb{N}, s,t2s, t\geq 2, and an alternating bilinear map f:V×VUf:V\times V\to U with dim(V)=st4\dim(V)=s\cdot t^4, we show that there exists either a dimension-ss subspace WVW\leq V such that dim(f(W,W))=0\dim(f(W, W))=0, or a dimension-tt subspace WVW\leq V such that dim(f(W,W))=(t2)\dim(f(W, W))=\binom{t}{2}. This result has natural group-theoretic (for finite pp-groups) and geometric (for Grassmannians) implications, and leads to new Ramsey-type questions for varieties of groups and Grassmannians.Comment: 20 pages. v3: rewrite introductio