23,675 research outputs found

    SatNOGS: Satellite Networked Open Ground Station

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    Abstract—The SatNOGS, or Satellite Network Open Ground Stations, project promotes and supports free and open space applications. It seeks to solve the problem of connecting many satellite users/observers to many ground station operators. Modern open software, web, and hardware techniques are used in implementing the Network, Database, Client, and Ground Station sub- projects. Modularity in all the systems promotes the dual-use of ground stations by not interfering with local operation while utilizing the great amount of time a civilian, non-commercial ground station would otherwise sit idle

    Laser ranging ground station development

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    The employment of ground to conduct radar range measurements of the lunar distance is discussed. The advantages of additional ground stations for this purpose are analyzed. The goals which are desirable for any new type of ranging station are: (1) full time availability of the station for laser ranging, (2) optimization for signal strength, (3) automation to the greatest extent possible, (4) the capability for blind pointing, (5) reasonable initial and modest operational costs, and (6) transportability to enhance the value of the station for geophysical purposes

    Dynamic Doppler simulator Patent

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    Equipment for testing of ground station ranging equipment and spacecraft transponder

    First ATS launch set, December 6

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    Applications Technology Satellite /ATS/ LAUNCHING, communications, power supply, control, and ground station activitie

    Accuracy in UAS GPS Coordinates in Response To Speed

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    The purpose of this experiment was to find how much of a difference in GPS accuracy on a UAS system in relation to speed there was (if any) in comparison to an absolute (1-2 cm accuracy) known location provided by a ground station. We began by placing identification makers in a straight line, setting up a TopCon ground station and positioning each of them to an absolute GPS coordinate, and flying a Mavic Pro UAS with GPS positioning abilities over each of the identification markers. After many runs at different hover times, speed and altitude, we found that the GPS coordinates from the UAS would not match with the absolute location of the TopCon

    U.S., China agree on LANDSAT ground station

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    Montsec Ground Station

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    In every space mission, the ability to contact the satellite to transmit or receive telecommands and data is one of the critical parts, so having a good ground segment is fundamental. In support to 3Cat-2 operations a ground station was first developed by the UPC NanoSat Lab at UPC Campus Nord premises. However, due to increasing radio frequency interference it was moved to the Institute Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) - Observatori del Montsec (OdM), located in Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Lleida. This location has outstanding reception conditions in terms of very weak interference levels, and excellent elevation mask (i.e. satellites can be tracked even below the horizon). The ground station is equipped with a TX/RX Yagi antenna for amateur bands VHF (144-146 MHz) and UHF (435-438 MHz), and it also includes an S-band 3-meter dish in the commercial band (2025-2110 MHz, 2200-2290 MHz) for reception that will be upgraded for transmission in 2022. The antenna rotors, receivers etc. are remotely controlled to the operation-center in Barcelona and operations can be automated. Nowadays, the ground station is jointly operated by the UPC NanoSat Lab and the IEEC in support to the Catalan New Space strategy, in addition to the upcoming UPC missions

    Geometric aspects of ground station/satellite communications

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    Geometry aspects of communications between ground station and satellite in elliptical orbi

    HF and VHF communications circuits - Earth orbiting spacecraft and ground stations

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    HF and VHF communications circuits for Earth orbiting spacecraft and ground station

    Optical studies in the holographic ground station

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    The Holographic Group System (HGS) Facility in rooms 22 & 123, Building 4708 has been developed to provide for ground based research in determining pre-flight parameters and analyzing the results from space experiments. The University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) has researched the analysis aspects of the HGS and reports their findings here. Some of the results presented here also occur in the Facility Operating Procedure (FOP), which contains instructions for power up, operation, and powerdown of the Fluid Experiment System (FES) Holographic Ground System (HGS) Test Facility for the purpose of optically recording fluid and/or crystal behavior in a test article during ground based testing through the construction of holograms and recording of videotape. The alignment of the optical bench components, holographic reconstruction and and microscopy alignment sections were also included in the document for continuity even though they are not used until after optical recording of the test article) setup of support subsystems and the Automated Holography System (AHS) computer. The HGS provides optical recording and monitoring during GCEL runs or development testing of potential FES flight hardware or software. This recording/monitoring can be via 70mm holographic film, standard videotape, or digitized images on computer disk. All optical bench functions necessary to construct holograms will be under the control of the AHS personal computer (PC). These include type of exposure, time intervals between exposures, exposure length, film frame identification, film advancement, film platen evacuation and repressurization, light source diffuser introduction, and control of realtime video monitoring. The completed sequence of hologram types (single exposure, diffuse double exposure, etc.) and their time of occurrence can be displayed, printed, or stored on floppy disk posttest for the user
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