13 research outputs found

    Grid-enabled Workflows for Industrial Product Design

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    This paper presents a generic approach for developing and using Grid-based workflow technology for enabling cross-organizational engineering applications. Using industrial product design examples from the automotive and aerospace industries we highlight the main requirements and challenges addressed by our approach and describe how it can be used for enabling interoperability between heterogeneous workflow engines

    A Distributed Workflow Platform for Simulation

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    Best Paper AwardInternational audienceThis paper presents an approach to design, implement and deploy a simulation platform based on distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software, e.g. Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview and user-defined programs. The contribution of the paper is a new feature which supports application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling, i.e., resilience.Cet article présente une approche pour concevoir, réaliser et déployer une plateforme de simulation basée sur les workflows distribués. Elle permet l'intégration de logiciels existant, par exemple Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview et de programmes définis par les utilisateurs. La contribution est ici le support de la tolérance aux pannes par les applications et le traitement des exceptions, c-à-d la résilience

    Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation

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    International audienceLarge-scale simulations, e.g. fluid-structure interactions and aeroacoustics noise generation, require important computing power, visualization systems and high-end storage capacity. Because 3D multi-physics simulations also run long processes on large datasets, an important issue is the robustness of the computing systems involved, i.e., the ability to resume the inadvertantly aborted computations. A new approach is presented here to handle application failures. It is based on extensions of bracketing checkpoints usually implemented in database and transactional systems. An assymetric scheme is devised to reduce the number of checkpoints required to safely restart aborted applications when unexpected failures occur. The tasks are controled by a workflow graph than can be deployed on various distributed platforms and high-performance infrastructures. An automated bracketing process inserts in the workflow graph checkpoints that are placed at critical execution points in the graph. The checkpoints are inserted using a heuristic process based on a evolving set of rules. Preliminary tests show that the number of checkpoints, hence the overhead incurred by the checkpointing mechanism, can be significantly reduced to enhance the application performance while supporting its resilience

    A Workflow Platform for Simulation on Grids

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    International audienceThis paper presents the design, implementation and deployment of a simulation platform based on distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software, e.g., Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, ParaView and user-defined programs. Additional features include the support for application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling, i.e., resilience, and the orchestrated execution of distributed codes on remote high-performance clusters

    Resilient Workflows for Cooperative Design

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    International audienceThis paper describes an approach to extend process modeling for engineering design applications with fault-tolerance and resilience capabilities. It is based on the requirements for application-level error handling, which is a requirement for petascale and exascale scientific computing. This complements the traditional fault-tolerance management features provided by the existing hardware and distributed systems. These are often based on data and operations duplication and migration, and on checkpoint-restart procedures. We show how they can be optimized for high-performance infrastructures. This approach is applied on a prototype tested against industrial testcases for optimization of engineering design artifacts.his electronic document is a "live" template. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document

    Resilience Issues for Application Workflows on Clouds

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    International audienceTwo areas are currently the focus of active research, namely cloud computing and high-performance computing. Their expected impact on business and scientific computing is such that most application areas are eagerly uptaking or waiting for the associated infrastructures. However, open issues still remain. Resilience and loadbalancing are examples of such areas where innovative solutions are required to face new or increasing challenges, e.g., fault-tolerance. This paper presents existing concepts and open issues related to the design, implementation and deployment of a fault-tolerant application framework on cloud computing platforms. Experiments are sketched including the support for application resilience, i.e., faulttolerance and exception-handling. They also support the transparent execution of distributed codes on remote highperformance clusters

    A Resilience Approach to High-Performance Workflows

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    This report presents an approach to design, implement and deploy resilient distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software for simulation applications, e.g. Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview and application programs. The contribution of the report is a new feature which supports resilience, i.e., application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling. Connections with exascale computing requirements are also made. An overview of a prototype implementation based on the YAWL workflow management system is given.Ce rapport présente une approche pour concevoir, réaliser et déployer des workflows distribués et résilients. Elle permet l'intégration des logiciels de simulation numérique, par exemple Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFoam, ParaView et des codes d'applications. La contribution de ce rapport est une nouvelle fonctionnalité qui permet la résilience, c'est-à-dire la tolérance aux pannes des applications et le traitement d'exceptions. Le lien est également fait avec les besoins des futures applications exascale. On décrit un prototype basé sur le système de worflow YAWL

    A Distributed Workflow Platform for High-Performance Simulation

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    This report presents an approach to design, implement and deploy a simulation platform based on distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software, e.g. Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview and user-defined programs. Additional features include the support for application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling, i.e. resiliency, and the orchestrated execution of distributed codes on remote high-performance clusters.Ce rapport présente une approche pour la conception, la réalisation et le déploiement d'une plateforme de simulation basée sur les workflows. Elle permet l'intégration de logiciels existants comme MatLab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM et ParaView et de programmes utilisateurs. Elle permet également la tolérance aux pannes et le traitement d'exceptions, c-à-d la résilience, ainsi que l'exécution de codes distribués sur des clusters distants

    A Distributed Workflow Platform for High-Performance Simulation

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    This report presents an approach to design, implement and deploy a simulation platform based on distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software, e.g. Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview and user-defined programs. Additional features include the support for application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling, i.e. resiliency, and the orchestrated execution of distributed codes on remote high-performance clusters.Ce rapport présente une approche pour la conception, la réalisation et le déploiement d'une plateforme de simulation basée sur les workflows. Elle permet l'intégration de logiciels existants comme MatLab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM et ParaView et de programmes utilisateurs. Elle permet également la tolérance aux pannes et le traitement d'exceptions, c-à-d la résilience, ainsi que l'exécution de codes distribués sur des clusters distants

    A Distributed Workflow Platform for High-Performance Simulation

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    International audienceThis paper presents an approach to design, implement and deploy a simulation platform based on distributed workflows. It supports the smooth integration of existing software, e.g., Matlab, Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, Paraview and user-defined programs. Additional features include the support for application-level fault-tolerance and exception-handling, i.e., resilience, and the orchestrated execution of distributed codes on remote high-performance clusters