738,792 research outputs found

    CyberGuarder: a virtualization security assurance architecture for green cloud computing

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    Cloud Computing, Green Computing, Virtualization, Virtual Security Appliance, Security Isolation

    Analysis of Green Computing Strategy in University: Analytic Network Process (ANP) Approach

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    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis do not provide an analytical means to determine the importance of the identified factors of green computing strategy and implementation. Although the SWOT analysis successfully explores the factors, individual factors are usually described very generally. For this reason, SWOT analysis possesses deficiencies in the measurement and evaluation of green computing steps. Even though the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique eliminates these deficiencies, it does not allow for measuring the possible dependencies among the individual factors. The AHP method assumes that the green computing factors presented in the hierarchical structure are independent; however, this assumption may be inappropriate in light of certain situation. Therefore, it is important to utilize a form of SWOT analysis that calculates and takes into account the possible dependency among the factors. This paper demonstrates a process for quantitative SWOT analysis of green computing implementation that can be performed even when there is dependence among strategic factors. The proposed algorithm uses the analytic network process (ANP), which allows measurement of the dependency among the green computing implementation factors, as well as AHP, which is based on the independence between the factors. There are four alternatives: campus awareness program, computer procurement, increase in heat removal requirement, and increase in equipment power density for improving the implementation of green computing in campus. Dependency among the SWOT factors is observed to effect the strategic and sub-factor weights, as well as to change the strategy priorities. Based on ANC method, the best alternative for this implementation is computer procurement

    Integrated Green Cloud Computing Architecture

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    Arbitrary usage of cloud computing, either private or public, can lead to uneconomical energy consumption in data processing, storage and communication. Hence, green cloud computing solutions aim not only to save energy but also reduce operational costs and carbon footprints on the environment. In this paper, an Integrated Green Cloud Architecture (IGCA) is proposed that comprises of a client-oriented Green Cloud Middleware to assist managers in better overseeing and configuring their overall access to cloud services in the greenest or most energy-efficient way. Decision making, whether to use local machine processing, private or public clouds, is smartly handled by the middleware using predefined system specifications such as service level agreement (SLA), Quality of service (QoS), equipment specifications and job description provided by IT department. Analytical model is used to show the feasibility to achieve efficient energy consumption while choosing between local, private and public Cloud service provider (CSP).Comment: 6 pages, International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, ACSAT 201

    Green Computing

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    Green computing is all about using computers in a smarter and eco-friendly way. It is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources which includes the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units, servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste .Computers certainly make up a large part of many people lives and traditionally are extremely damaging to the environment. Manufacturers of computer and its parts have been espousing the green cause to help protect environment from computers and electronic waste in any way.Research continues into key areas such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as Possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies

    Green Computing

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    Green Computing is the concept to improve environmental conditions. Green Computing has begun to spread in the past few years, gaining increasingly popularity. It includes manufacturing, designing and efficiently using computers and associated subsystems- such as LED,RAM, Processor, Mouse and Keyboard with minimum impact on the environment. We are doing the study and practice of developing Information Technology resources in an environment friendly manner such that our environment get protected. As we all know usage of electronic devices is very popular these days, of which Laptops and Tabs are the most common. Surveys were conducted to analyze power consumption, pattern of devices, components like RAM, Rom processors and LED displays. Furthermore recommendations were made to make them more energy efficient. To promote the idea of green computing, energy star rating were introduced for electronic devices. The more is the star rating, the less is the power consumption. This type of computing can facilitate us to safe and make healthy environment all over the world. Present study will help us to take some initiatives to save vast amount of power which is wasted on very large scale currently under the field of computers/ electronics industry

    Green Computing

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    Green computing is all about using computers in a smarter and eco-friendly way. It is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources which includes the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units, servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste .Computers certainly make up a large part of many people lives and traditionally are extremely damaging to the environment. Manufacturers of computer and its parts have been espousing the green cause to help protect environment from computers and electronic waste in any way.Research continues into key areas such as making the use of computers as energy-efficient as Possible, and designing algorithms and systems for efficiency-related computer technologies

    An e-learning system in Malaysia based on green computing and energy level

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    The increasing of energy cost and also environmental concern on green computing gaining more and more attention. Power and energy are a primary concern in the design and implementing green computing. Green is of the main step to make the computing world friendly with the environment. In this paper, an analysis on the comparison of green computer with other computing in E-learning environment had been done. The results show that green computing is friendly and less energy consuming. Therefore, this paper provides some suggestions in overcoming one of main challenging problems in environment problems which need to convert normally computing into green computing. In this paper also, we try to find out some specific area which consumes energy as compared to green computing in E –learning centre in Malaysia. The simulation results show that more than 30% of energy reduction by using green computing


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    Penerapan green computing bertujuan untuk mencegah pemborosan sumber daya alam dan energi, agar pengguna teknologi paham mengenai penggunaan teknologi yang efisen dan ramah lingkungan. Seperti halnya di FT-UNPAS pengetahuan mengenai green computing sepertinya belum sepenuhnya diketahui oleh para penggunanya. Karena pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai green computing ini maka penulis merasa perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai tingkatan seberapa jauh pengguna teknologi mengetahui mengenai green computing dan juga kepedulian pengguna teknologi tersebut terhadap penerapan green computing. Pengguna teknologi di FT-UNPAS diantaranya adalah Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Karyawan. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pengetahuan dan kepedulian pengguna teknologi komputer di FT-UNPAS terhadap penerapan green computing dalam penggunaan teknologi komputer. Pengukuran menggunakan kuesioner dengan item instrumen yang dibuat berdasarkan teori Taksonomi Bloom. Dalam tugas akhir ini juga, membandingkan tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran karakteristik dari masing-masing responden (mahasiswa, dosen dan karyawan) dan mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dan kepedulian penerapan green computing. Hasil akhir dari tugas akhir ini adalah dapat mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan kepedulian pengguna teknologi komputer di FT-UNPAS dan seberapa besar pengaruh tingkat pengetahuan terhadap kepedulian penerapan green computing. Kata Kunci: Green Computing, Teknologi Komputer, Taksonomi Bloom, Tingkat Pengetahuan, Kepedulian, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pasundan
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