4 research outputs found

    Multi-objective sustainable location-districting for the collection of municipal solid waste : two case studies

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    This paper presents a multi-objective location-districting optimization model for sustainable collection of municipal solid waste, motivated by strategic waste management decisions in Iran. The model aims to design an efficient system for providing municipal services by integrating the decisions regarding urban area districting and the location of waste collection centers. Three objectives are minimized, given as 1) the cost of establishing collection centers and collecting waste, 2) a measure of destructive environmental consequences, and 3) a measure of social dissatisfaction. Constraints are formulated to enforce an exclusive assignment of urban areas to districts and that the created districts are contiguous. In addition, constraints make sure that districts are compact and that they are balanced in terms of the amount of waste collected. A multi-objective local search heuristic using the farthest-candidate method is implemented to solve medium and large-scale numerical instances, while small instances can be solved directly by commercial software. A set of randomly generated test instances is used to test the effectiveness of the heuristic. The model and the heuristic are then applied to two case studies from Iran. The obtained results indicate that waste collection costs can be reduced by an estimated 20-30 %, while significantly improving the performance with respect to environmental and social criteria. Thus, the provided approach can provide important decision support for making strategic choices in municipal solid waste management. Keywords: multi-objective optimization, local search, best-worst methodpublishedVersio

    Smart textile waste collection system – Dynamic route optimization with IoT

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    Increasing textile production is associated with an environmental burden which can be decreased with an improved recycling system by digitalization. The collection of textiles is done with so-called curbside bins. Sensor technologies support dynamic-informed decisions during route planning, helping predict waste accumulation in bins, which is often irregular and difficult to predict. Therefore, dynamic route-optimization decreases the costs of textile collection and its environmental load. The existing research on the optimization of waste collection is not based on real-world data and is not carried out in the context of textile waste. The lack of real-world data can be attributed to the limited availability of tools for long-term data collection. Consequently, a system for data collection with flexible, low-cost, and open-source tools is developed. The viability and reliability of such tools are tested in practice to collect real-world data. This research demonstrates how smart bins solution for textile waste collection can be linked to a dynamic route-optimization system to improve overall system performance. The developed Arduino-based low-cost sensors collected actual data in Finnish outdoor conditions for over twelve months. The viability of the smart waste collection system was complemented with a case study evaluating the collection cost of the conventional and dynamic scheme of discarded textiles. The results of this study show how a sensor-enhanced dynamic collection system reduced the cost 7.4% compared with the conventional one. We demonstrate a time efficiency of −7.3% and that a reduction of 10.2% in CO2 emissions is achievable only considering the presented case study.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Mejoramiento del sistema de ruteo vehicular en la recolección de basura en el distrito de Morales, aplicando un algoritmo metaheurístico.

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo central mejorar el sistema de ruteo vehicular en la recolección de basura del Distrito de Morales mediante la aplicación de un Algoritmo Metaheurístico. La metodología utilizada fue investigación del tipo aplicada, a un nivel de investigación experimental, la investigación es del tipo de diseño pretest pos-test de un solo grupo, que se encuentran ubicado dentro del diseño preexperimental. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y la observación directa, además de la revisión bibliográfica. La población objeto de estudio fueron los habitantes del Distrito de Morales y el personal del área de Gestión Ambiental de la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, conformada por 12 personas, es la unidad encargada de la gestión de residuos sólidos. Los resultados se procesaron a través del Software SPSS. Como resultado se obtuvo la deficiente gestión de los desechos sólidos domiciliarios por parte de la Municipalidad. Concluyendo, para dar respuesta al problema se diseñó una propuesta basada en un algoritmo metaheurístico, que, al ser aplicado, generó de manera eficiente y eficaz una ruta de recojo, donde se observó ahorro en los tiempos, mejoró el horario de trabajo en el área de Gestión Ambiental de la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, así como el ahorro del combustible que regularmente se gastaba en los ruteos anteriores.The main objective of this study was to improve the vehicular routing system for garbage collection of the District of Morales through the application of a Metaheuristic Algorithm. The methodology used was applied research, at an experimental research level, the research is of the pretest-post-test design type of a single group, which is located within the pre-experimental design. The survey technique and direct observation were applied, in addition to the bibliographic review. The target population was the residents of the District of Morales and the staff of the Environmental Management area of the District Municipality of Morales, consisting of 12 people, which is the unit in charge of solid waste management. The results were processed using SPSS software. The result was the deficient management of household solid waste by the Municipality. In conclusion, in response to the problem, a proposal was designed based on a metaheuristic algorithm, which, once applied, efficiently and effectively generated a collection route, where time savings were observed, and improved the work schedule of the Environmental Management area of the District Municipality of Morales, as well as saving the fuel that was regularly used in the previous routes