172 research outputs found

    Teaching an RDBMS about ontological constraints

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    International audienceIn the presence of an ontology, query answers must reflect not only data explicitly present in the database, but also implicit data, which holds due to the ontology, even though it is not present in the database. A large and useful set of ontology languages enjoys FOL reducibility of query answering: answering a query can be reduced to evaluating a certain first-order logic (FOL) formula (obtained from the query and ontology) against only the explicit facts. We present a novel query optimization framework for ontology-based data access settings enjoying FOL reducibility. Our framework is based on searching within a set of alternative equivalent FOL queries, i.e., FOL reformulations, one with minimal evaluation cost when evaluated through a relational database system. We apply this framework to the DL-LiteR Description Logic underpinning the W3C's OWL2 QL ontology language, and demonstrate through experiments its performance benefits when two leading SQL systems, one open-source and one commercial, are used for evaluating the FOL query reformulations

    Magic Sets for Disjunctive Datalog Programs

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    In this paper, a new technique for the optimization of (partially) bound queries over disjunctive Datalog programs with stratified negation is presented. The technique exploits the propagation of query bindings and extends the Magic Set (MS) optimization technique. An important feature of disjunctive Datalog is nonmonotonicity, which calls for nondeterministic implementations, such as backtracking search. A distinguishing characteristic of the new method is that the optimization can be exploited also during the nondeterministic phase. In particular, after some assumptions have been made during the computation, parts of the program may become irrelevant to a query under these assumptions. This allows for dynamic pruning of the search space. In contrast, the effect of the previously defined MS methods for disjunctive Datalog is limited to the deterministic portion of the process. In this way, the potential performance gain by using the proposed method can be exponential, as could be observed empirically. The correctness of MS is established thanks to a strong relationship between MS and unfounded sets that has not been studied in the literature before. This knowledge allows for extending the method also to programs with stratified negation in a natural way. The proposed method has been implemented in DLV and various experiments have been conducted. Experimental results on synthetic data confirm the utility of MS for disjunctive Datalog, and they highlight the computational gain that may be obtained by the new method w.r.t. the previously proposed MS methods for disjunctive Datalog programs. Further experiments on real-world data show the benefits of MS within an application scenario that has received considerable attention in recent years, the problem of answering user queries over possibly inconsistent databases originating from integration of autonomous sources of information.Comment: 67 pages, 19 figures, preprint submitted to Artificial Intelligenc

    CREOLE: a Universal Language for Creating, Requesting, Updating and Deleting Resources

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    In the context of Service-Oriented Computing, applications can be developed following the REST (Representation State Transfer) architectural style. This style corresponds to a resource-oriented model, where resources are manipulated via CRUD (Create, Request, Update, Delete) interfaces. The diversity of CRUD languages due to the absence of a standard leads to composition problems related to adaptation, integration and coordination of services. To overcome these problems, we propose a pivot architecture built around a universal language to manipulate resources, called CREOLE, a CRUD Language for Resource Edition. In this architecture, scripts written in existing CRUD languages, like SQL, are compiled into Creole and then executed over different CRUD interfaces. After stating the requirements for a universal language for manipulating resources, we formally describe the language and informally motivate its definition with respect to the requirements. We then concretely show how the architecture solves adaptation, integration and coordination problems in the case of photo management in Flickr and Picasa, two well-known service-oriented applications. Finally, we propose a roadmap for future work.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2010, arXiv:1007.499

    Schema Independent Relational Learning

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    Learning novel concepts and relations from relational databases is an important problem with many applications in database systems and machine learning. Relational learning algorithms learn the definition of a new relation in terms of existing relations in the database. Nevertheless, the same data set may be represented under different schemas for various reasons, such as efficiency, data quality, and usability. Unfortunately, the output of current relational learning algorithms tends to vary quite substantially over the choice of schema, both in terms of learning accuracy and efficiency. This variation complicates their off-the-shelf application. In this paper, we introduce and formalize the property of schema independence of relational learning algorithms, and study both the theoretical and empirical dependence of existing algorithms on the common class of (de) composition schema transformations. We study both sample-based learning algorithms, which learn from sets of labeled examples, and query-based algorithms, which learn by asking queries to an oracle. We prove that current relational learning algorithms are generally not schema independent. For query-based learning algorithms we show that the (de) composition transformations influence their query complexity. We propose Castor, a sample-based relational learning algorithm that achieves schema independence by leveraging data dependencies. We support the theoretical results with an empirical study that demonstrates the schema dependence/independence of several algorithms on existing benchmark and real-world datasets under (de) compositions

    Querying Data Exchange Settings Beyond Positive Queries

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    Data exchange, the problem of transferring data from a source schema to a target schema, has been studied for several years. The semantics of answering positive queries over the target schema has been defined in early work, but little attention has been paid to more general queries. A few proposals of semantics for more general queries exist but they either do not properly extend the standard semantics under positive queries, giving rise to counterintuitive answers, or they make query answering undecidable even for the most important data exchange settings, e.g., with weakly-acyclic dependencies. The goal of this paper is to provide a new semantics for data exchange that is able to deal with general queries. At the same time, we want our semantics to coincide with the classical one when focusing on positive queries, and to not trade-off too much in terms of complexity of query answering. We show that query answering is undecidable in general under the new semantics, but it is \co\NP\complete when the dependencies are weakly-acyclic. Moreover, in the latter case, we show that exact answers under our semantics can be computed by means of logic programs with choice, thus exploiting existing efficient systems. For more efficient computations, we also show that our semantics allows for the construction of a representative target instance, similar in spirit to a universal solution, that can be exploited for computing approximate answers in polynomial time. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Worst-case Optimal Query Answering for Greedy Sets of Existential Rules and Their Subclasses

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    The need for an ontological layer on top of data, associated with advanced reasoning mechanisms able to exploit the semantics encoded in ontologies, has been acknowledged both in the database and knowledge representation communities. We focus in this paper on the ontological query answering problem, which consists of querying data while taking ontological knowledge into account. More specifically, we establish complexities of the conjunctive query entailment problem for classes of existential rules (also called tuple-generating dependencies, Datalog+/- rules, or forall-exists-rules. Our contribution is twofold. First, we introduce the class of greedy bounded-treewidth sets (gbts) of rules, which covers guarded rules, and their most well-known generalizations. We provide a generic algorithm for query entailment under gbts, which is worst-case optimal for combined complexity with or without bounded predicate arity, as well as for data complexity and query complexity. Secondly, we classify several gbts classes, whose complexity was unknown, with respect to combined complexity (with both unbounded and bounded predicate arity) and data complexity to obtain a comprehensive picture of the complexity of existential rule fragments that are based on diverse guardedness notions. Upper bounds are provided by showing that the proposed algorithm is optimal for all of them
