8 research outputs found

    Best S-box amongst differently sized S-boxes based on the avalanche effect in ‎the advance encryption standard algorithm

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    Substitution boxes are essential nonlinear modules that are popular in block ‎cipher algorithms. They ‎also play a significant role in the security area because of ‎their robustness to different linear ‎cryptanalysis. Each element of the state in a S-‎box is nonlinearly replaced using a lookup table. This ‎research presents the S-‎box, one of the fundamental parts of the advanced encryption standard ‎‎(AES) ‎algorithm. The S-box represents the confusion part in the AES. However, when ‎information ‎is shared between different devices in an authorized manner, the ‎algorithm should be able to ‎combine a sufficient number of confusion layers to ‎guarantee the avalanche effect (AE). ‎Subsequently, this research selects the best ‎S-box by comparing different sizes (4×4, 8×8, and ‎‎16×16) and measuring them ‎on the basis of the million-bit encryption. The AE is the main criterion ‎used in ‎choosing the best S-box. A robust and strong cryptography algorithm should be ‎able to ‎confirm the AEs. Results indicate that the 16×16 S-box with a 52% AE ‎ratio is the superior S-bo

    Current implementation of advance encryption standard (AES) S-Box

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    Although the attack on cryptosystem is still not severe, the development of the scheme is stillongoing especially for the design of S-Box. Two main approach has beenused, which areheuristic method and algebraic method. Algebraic method as in current AES implementationhas been proven to be the most secure S-Box design to date. This review paper willconcentrate on two kinds of method of constructing AES S-Box, which are algebraic approachand heuristic approach. The objective is to review a method of constructing S-Box, which arecomparable or close to the original construction of AES S-Box especially for the heuristicapproach. Finally, all the listed S-Boxes from these two methods will be compared in terms oftheir security performance which is nonlinearity and differential uniformity of the S-Box. Thefinding may offer the potential approach to develop a new S-Box that is better than theoriginal one.Keywords: block cipher; AES; S-Bo

    Analysis and improvement of S-Box in Rijndael- AES algorithm

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    The internet has become a part of everyday life and is used as a communication tool, a way to bank, invest, shop and an educational and entertainment medium. As the importance and popularity of the internet has grown over the years, so has the number of threats from hackers on the internet which has necessitated the need for the encryption of confidential data. Various methods of data encryption have been used over time, with developments being made to improve these techniques as hackers develop improved ways of attacking the algorithms used for encryption. This process of continued improvement of cryptographic security brought about the development and acceptance of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is a National Institute of Standards and Technology specification for the encryption of electronic data including financial, telecommunications, and government data. The Rijndael algorithm was selected as the encryption algorithm for AES in October 2001 and is currently used by government agencies and the private sector to secure sensitive unclassified information. Research has shown that Rijndael is susceptible to differential/ linear cryptanalysis for 7 and 8-round Rijndael, saturation attacks, algebraic attacks and side channel attacks on reduced versions of Rijndael, which could pave the way for a full-blown attack on the Rijndael algorithm in the future. This research investigates the weaknesses present in the Rijndael algorithm using various custom-made testing tools and then using the results of this investigation to improve the security of the algorithm. The improvement is provided in the form a technique of generating highly non-linear output using a non-linear random number generator which uses the recursive inverse congruential method. The research will comprise of three phases; literature review, analysis of the Rijndael algorithm using custom-made tools and development of an improvement whose performance will be evaluated in comparison to the current algorithm

    A novel symmetric image cryptosystem resistant to noise perturbation based on S8 elliptic curve S-boxes and chaotic maps

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    The recent decade has seen a tremendous escalation of multimedia and its applications. These modern applications demand diverse security requirements and innovative security platforms. In this manuscript, we proposed an algorithm for image encryption applications. The core structure of this algorithm relies on confusion and diffusion operations. The confusion is mainly done through the application of the elliptic curve and S8 symmetric group. The proposed work incorporates three distinct chaotic maps. A detailed investigation is presented to analyze the behavior of chaos for secure communication. The chaotic sequences are then accordingly applied to the proposed algorithm. The modular approach followed in the design framework and integration of chaotic maps into the system makes the algorithm viable for a variety of image encryption applications. The resiliency of the algorithm can further be enhanced by increasing the number of rounds and S-boxes deployed. The statistical findings and simulation results imply that the algorithm is resistant to various attacks. Moreover, the algorithm satisfies all major performance and quality metrics. The encryption scheme can also resist channel noise as well as noise-induced by a malicious user. The decryption is successfully done for noisy data with minor distortions. The overall results determine that the proposed algorithm contains good cryptographic properties and low computational complexity makes it viable to low profile applications