1,674 research outputs found

    Memorability of cued-recall graphical passwords with saliency masks

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    Cued-recall graphical passwords have a lot of potential for secure user authentication, particularly if combined with saliency masks to prevent users from selecting weak passwords. Saliency masks were shown to significantly improve password security by excluding those areas of the image that are most likely to lead to hotspots. In this paper we investigate the impact of such saliency masks on the memorability of cued-recall graphical passwords. We first conduct two pre-studies (N=52) to obtain a set of images with three different image complexities as well as real passwords. A month-long user study (N=26) revealed that there is a strong learning effect for graphical passwords, in particular if defined on images with a saliency mask. While for complex images, the learning curve is steeper than for less complex ones, they best supported memorability in the long term, most likely because they provided users more alternatives to select memorable password points. These results complement prior work on the security of such passwords and underline the potential of saliency masks as both a secure and usable improvement to cued-recall gaze-based graphical passwords

    Risks and potentials of graphical and gesture-based authentication for touchscreen mobile devices

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    While a few years ago, mobile phones were mainly used for making phone calls and texting short messages, the functionality of mobile devices has massively grown. We are surfing the web, sending emails and we are checking our bank accounts on the go. As a consequence, these internet-enabled devices store a lot of potentially sensitive data and require enhanced protection. We argue that authentication often represents the only countermeasure to protect mobile devices from unwanted access. Knowledge-based concepts (e.g., PIN) are the most used authentication schemes on mobile devices. They serve as the main protection barrier for many users and represent the fallback solution whenever alternative mechanisms fail (e.g., fingerprint recognition). This thesis focuses on the risks and potentials of gesture-based authentication concepts that particularly exploit the touch feature of mobile devices. The contribution of our work is threefold. Firstly, the problem space of mobile authentication is explored. Secondly, the design space is systematically evaluated utilizing interactive prototypes. Finally, we provide generalized insights into the impact of specific design factors and present recommendations for the design and the evaluation of graphical gesture-based authentication mechanisms. The problem space exploration is based on four research projects that reveal important real-world issues of gesture-based authentication on mobile devices. The first part focuses on authentication behavior in the wild and shows that the mobile context makes great demands on the usability of authentication concepts. The second part explores usability features of established concepts and indicates that gesture-based approaches have several benefits in the mobile context. The third part focuses on observability and presents a prediction model for the vulnerability of a given grid-based gesture. Finally, the fourth part investigates the predictability of user-selected gesture-based secrets. The design space exploration is based on a design-oriented research approach and presents several practical solutions to existing real-world problems. The novel authentication mechanisms are implemented into working prototypes and evaluated in the lab and the field. In the first part, we discuss smudge attacks and present alternative authentication concepts that are significantly more secure against such attacks. The second part focuses on observation attacks. We illustrate how relative touch gestures can support eyes-free authentication and how they can be utilized to make traditional PIN-entry secure against observation attacks. The third part addresses the problem of predictable gesture choice and presents two concepts which nudge users to select a more diverse set of gestures. Finally, the results of the basic research and the design-oriented applied research are combined to discuss the interconnection of design space and problem space. We contribute by outlining crucial requirements for mobile authentication mechanisms and present empirically proven objectives for future designs. In addition, we illustrate a systematic goal-oriented development process and provide recommendations for the evaluation of authentication on mobile devices.Während Mobiltelefone vor einigen Jahren noch fast ausschließlich zum Telefonieren und zum SMS schreiben genutzt wurden, sind die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Mobilgeräten in den letzten Jahren erheblich gewachsen. Wir surfen unterwegs im Netz, senden E-Mails und überprüfen Bankkonten. In der Folge speichern moderne internetfähigen Mobilgeräte eine Vielfalt potenziell sensibler Daten und erfordern einen erhöhten Schutz. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen Authentifizierungsmethoden häufig die einzige Möglichkeit dar, um Mobilgeräte vor ungewolltem Zugriff zu schützen. Wissensbasierte Konzepte (bspw. PIN) sind die meistgenutzten Authentifizierungssysteme auf Mobilgeräten. Sie stellen für viele Nutzer den einzigen Schutzmechanismus dar und dienen als Ersatzlösung, wenn alternative Systeme (bspw. Fingerabdruckerkennung) versagen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit den Risiken und Potenzialen gestenbasierter Konzepte, welche insbesondere die Touch-Funktion moderner Mobilgeräte ausschöpfen. Der wissenschaftliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist vielschichtig. Zum einen wird der Problemraum mobiler Authentifizierung erforscht. Zum anderen wird der Gestaltungsraum anhand interaktiver Prototypen systematisch evaluiert. Schließlich stellen wir generelle Einsichten bezüglich des Einflusses bestimmter Gestaltungsaspekte dar und geben Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung und Bewertung grafischer gestenbasierter Authentifizierungsmechanismen. Die Untersuchung des Problemraums basiert auf vier Forschungsprojekten, welche praktische Probleme gestenbasierter Authentifizierung offenbaren. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit dem Authentifizierungsverhalten im Alltag und zeigt, dass der mobile Kontext hohe Ansprüche an die Benutzerfreundlichkeit eines Authentifizierungssystems stellt. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Benutzerfreundlichkeit etablierter Methoden und deutet darauf hin, dass gestenbasierte Konzepte vor allem im mobilen Bereich besondere Vorzüge bieten. Im dritten Teil untersuchen wir die Beobachtbarkeit gestenbasierter Eingabe und präsentieren ein Vorhersagemodell, welches die Angreifbarkeit einer gegebenen rasterbasierten Geste abschätzt. Schließlich beschäftigen wir uns mit der Erratbarkeit nutzerselektierter Gesten. Die Untersuchung des Gestaltungsraums basiert auf einem gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsansatz, welcher zu mehreren praxisgerechte Lösungen führt. Die neuartigen Authentifizierungskonzepte werden als interaktive Prototypen umgesetzt und in Labor- und Feldversuchen evaluiert. Im ersten Teil diskutieren wir Fettfingerattacken ("smudge attacks") und präsentieren alternative Authentifizierungskonzepte, welche effektiv vor diesen Angriffen schützen. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit Angriffen durch Beobachtung und verdeutlicht wie relative Gesten dazu genutzt werden können, um blickfreie Authentifizierung zu gewährleisten oder um PIN-Eingaben vor Beobachtung zu schützen. Der dritte Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Problem der vorhersehbaren Gestenwahl und präsentiert zwei Konzepte, welche Nutzer dazu bringen verschiedenartige Gesten zu wählen. Die Ergebnisse der Grundlagenforschung und der gestaltungsorientierten angewandten Forschung werden schließlich verknüpft, um die Verzahnung von Gestaltungsraum und Problemraum zu diskutieren. Wir präsentieren wichtige Anforderungen für mobile Authentifizierungsmechanismen und erläutern empirisch nachgewiesene Zielvorgaben für zukünftige Konzepte. Zusätzlich zeigen wir einen zielgerichteten Entwicklungsprozess auf, welcher bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Konzepte helfen wird und geben Empfehlungen für die Evaluation mobiler Authentifizierungsmethoden

    Improving the Security of Mobile Devices Through Multi-Dimensional and Analog Authentication

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    Mobile devices are ubiquitous in today\u27s society, and the usage of these devices for secure tasks like corporate email, banking, and stock trading grows by the day. The first, and often only, defense against attackers who get physical access to the device is the lock screen: the authentication task required to gain access to the device. To date mobile devices have languished under insecure authentication scheme offerings like PINs, Pattern Unlock, and biometrics-- or slow offerings like alphanumeric passwords. This work addresses the design and creation of five proof-of-concept authentication schemes that seek to increase the security of mobile authentication without compromising memorability or usability. These proof-of-concept schemes demonstrate the concept of Multi-Dimensional Authentication, a method of using data from unrelated dimensions of information, and the concept of Analog Authentication, a method utilizing continuous rather than discrete information. Security analysis will show that these schemes can be designed to exceed the security strength of alphanumeric passwords, resist shoulder-surfing in all but the worst-case scenarios, and offer significantly fewer hotspots than existing approaches. Usability analysis, including data collected from user studies in each of the five schemes, will show promising results for entry times, in some cases on-par with existing PIN or Pattern Unlock approaches, and comparable qualitative ratings with existing approaches. Memorability results will demonstrate that the psychological advantages utilized by these schemes can lead to real-world improvements in recall, in some instances leading to near-perfect recall after two weeks, significantly exceeding the recall rates of similarly secure alphanumeric passwords

    Identifying the Strengths and Weaknesses of Over-the-Shoulder Attack Resistant Prototypical Graphical Authentication Schemes

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    Authentication verifies users’ identities to protect against costly attacks. Graphical authentication schemes utilize pictures as passcodes rather than strings of characters. Pictures have been found to be more memorable than the strings of characters used in alphanumeric passwords. However, graphical passcodes have been criticized for being susceptible to Over-the-Shoulder Attacks (OSA). To overcome this concern, many graphical schemes have been designed to be resistant to OSA. Security to this type of attack is accomplished by grouping targets among distractors, translating the selection of targets elsewhere, disguising targets, and using gaze-based input. Prototypical examples of graphical schemes that use these strategies to bolster security against OSAs were directly compared in within-subjects runoffs in studies 1 and 2. The first aim of this research was to discover the current usability limitations of graphical schemes. The data suggested that error rates are a common issue among graphical passcodes attempting to resist OSAs. Studies 3 and 4 investigated the memorability of graphical passcodes when users need to remember multiple passcodes or longer passcodes. Longer passcodes provide advantages to security by protecting against brute force attacks, and multiple passcodes need to be investigated as users need to authenticate for numerous accounts. It was found that participants have strong item retention for passcodes of up to eight images and for up to eight accounts. Also these studies leveraged context to facilitate memorability. Context slightly improved the memorability of graphical passcodes when participants needed to remember credentials for eight accounts. These studies take steps toward understanding the readiness of graphical schemes as an authentication option

    Persuasive by design: a model and toolkit for designing evidence-based interventions

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