40 research outputs found

    Remote sensing satellite image processing techniques for image classification: a comprehensive survey

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    This paper is a brief survey of advance technological aspects of Digital Image Processing which are applied to remote sensing images obtained from various satellite sensors. In remote sensing, the image processing techniques can be categories in to four main processing stages: Image preprocessing, Enhancement, Transformation and Classification. Image pre-processing is the initial processing which deals with correcting radiometric distortions, atmospheric distortion and geometric distortions present in the raw image data. Enhancement techniques are applied to preprocessed data in order to effectively display the image for visual interpretation. It includes techniques to effectively distinguish surface features for visual interpretation. Transformation aims to identify particular feature of earth’s surface and classification is a process of grouping the pixels, that produces effective thematic map of particular land use and land cover

    Semantic location extraction from crowdsourced data

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    Crowdsourced Data (CSD) has recently received increased attention in many application areas including disaster management. Convenience of production and use, data currency and abundancy are some of the key reasons for attracting this high interest. Conversely, quality issues like incompleteness, credibility and relevancy prevent the direct use of such data in important applications like disaster management. Moreover, location information availability of CSD is problematic as it remains very low in many crowd sourced platforms such as Twitter. Also, this recorded location is mostly related to the mobile device or user location and often does not represent the event location. In CSD, event location is discussed descriptively in the comments in addition to the recorded location (which is generated by means of mobile device's GPS or mobile communication network). This study attempts to semantically extract the CSD location information with the help of an ontological Gazetteer and other available resources. 2011 Queensland flood tweets and Ushahidi Crowd Map data were semantically analysed to extract the location information with the support of Queensland Gazetteer which is converted to an ontological gazetteer and a global gazetteer. Some preliminary results show that the use of ontologies and semantics can improve the accuracy of place name identification of CSD and the process of location information extraction

    Geographies of the University

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    This open access volume raises awareness of the histories, geographies, and practices of universities and analyzes their role as key actors in today’s global knowledge economy. Universities are centers of research, teaching, and expertise with significant economic, social, and cultural impacts at different geographical scales. Scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries offer original analyses and discussions along five main themes: historical perspectives on the university as a site of knowledge production, cultural encounter, and political interest; institutional perspectives on university governance and the creation of innovative environments; relationships between universities and the city; the impact of universities on national and regional economies and cultures; and the processes of internationalization through student mobility, the creation of education hubs, and global regionalism in higher education

    LIDAR based semi-automatic pattern recognition within an archaeological landscape

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    LIDAR-Daten bieten einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Lokalisierung und Überwachung des kulturellen Erbes in der Landschaft, insbesondere in schwierig zu erreichenden Gebieten, wie im Wald, im unwegsamen GelĂ€nde oder in sehr abgelegenen Gebieten. Die manuelle Lokalisation und Kartierung von archĂ€ologischen Informationen einer Kulturlandschaft ist in der herkömmlichen Herangehensweise eine sehr zeitaufwĂ€ndige Aufgabe des Fundstellenmanagements (Cultural Heritage Management). Um die Möglichkeiten in der Erkennung und bei der Verwaltung des kulturellem Erbes zu verbessern und zu ergĂ€nzen, können computergestĂŒtzte Verfahren einige neue LösungsansĂ€tze bieten, die darĂŒber hinaus sogar die Identifizierung von fĂŒr das menschliche Auge bei visueller Sichtung nicht erkennbaren Details ermöglichen. Aus archĂ€ologischer Sicht ist die vorliegende Dissertation dadurch motiviert, dass sie LIDAR-GelĂ€ndemodelle mit archĂ€ologischen Befunden durch automatisierte und semiautomatisierte Methoden zur Identifizierung weiterer archĂ€ologischer Muster zu Bodendenkmalen als digitale „LIDAR-Landschaft“ bewertet. Dabei wird auf möglichst einfache und freie verfĂŒgbare algorithmische AnsĂ€tze (Open Source) aus der Bildmustererkennung und Computer Vision zur Segmentierung und Klassifizierung der LIDAR-Landschaften zur großflĂ€chigen Erkennung archĂ€ologischer DenkmĂ€ler zurĂŒckgegriffen. Die Dissertation gibt dabei einen umfassenden Überblick ĂŒber die archĂ€ologische Nutzung und das Potential von LIDAR-Daten und definiert anhand qualitativer und quantitativer AnsĂ€tze den Entwicklungsstand der semiautomatisierten Erkennung archĂ€ologischer Strukturen im Rahmen archĂ€ologischer Prospektion und Fernerkundungen. DarĂŒber hinaus erlĂ€utert sie Best Practice-Beispiele und den einhergehenden aktuellen Forschungsstand. Und sie veranschaulicht die QualitĂ€t der Erkennung von BodendenkmĂ€lern durch die semiautomatisierte Segmentierung und Klassifizierung visualisierter LIDAR-Daten. Letztlich identifiziert sie das Feld fĂŒr weitere Anwendungen, wobei durch eigene, algorithmische Template Matching-Verfahren großflĂ€chige Untersuchungen zum kulturellen Erbe ermöglicht werden. ResĂŒmierend vergleicht sie die analoge und computergestĂŒtzte Bildmustererkennung zu Bodendenkmalen, und diskutiert abschließend das weitere Potential LIDAR-basierter Mustererkennung in archĂ€ologischen Kulturlandschaften

    Corpora ethnographica online: Strategien der Digitalisierung kultureller Archive und ihrer PrÀsentation im Internet

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    Die Digitalisierung und Publikation wissenschaftlicher Sammlungen im Internet steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Dieser Band thematisiert die Onlinestellung ethnographischer Korpora und im weitesten Sinne kultureller Archive. Sammlungen und NachlĂ€sse wegweisender Feldforscher sind aufgrund ihrer eingeschrĂ€nkten Nutzbarkeit, ihres Umfangs oder ihrer zersplitterten Verwahrung nur schwer zugĂ€nglich. Welch ein Gewinn, könnten solche Aufzeichnungen und Sammlungsobjekte als virtuelles Archiv weltweit genutzt werden! Die hier versammelten BeitrĂ€ge eines internationalen Symposiums der UniversitĂ€t Rostock skizzieren neu beschrittene Wege, jenen Mehrwert zu erlangen. Ihr Bogen spannt sich vom Aufbau digitaler Feldforschungsarchive der sammlungsintensiven Ă€lteren Ethnologen- und Volkskundlergeneration ĂŒber digitale Briefeditionen bis zur Digitalisierung und VerknĂŒpfung von Museumsobjekten mit Archiv- und Bibliotheksgut. Die Transformation formatreicher Wissensspeicher (Handschriften, Tonaufzeichnungen, Fotos und Filme, entlegenes Druckgut) erfordert verschiedene LösungsansĂ€tze. Fachspezifische Portalentwicklungen, Wege der analogen und digitalen Langzeitarchivierung sowie Retrieval-, Auswertungs- und Darstellungstechniken runden am Beispiel erprobter Digitalisierungsworkflows den Sammelband ab

    HSR Abstracts & Author Index, 2004-2014

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    As part of the HSR Supplement 26 “Historical Social Research: An International Journal for the Application of Formal Methods to History, 2004-2014” this document contains abstracts of all 671 contributions published in Historical Social Research from 2004 to 2014 inclusive. Furthermore, this collection contains an author index

    Scarcity in the Modern World

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    Scarcity in the Modern World brings together world-renowned scholars to examine how concerns about the scarcity of environmental resources such as water, food, energy and materials have developed, and subsequently been managed, from the 18th to the 21st century. These multi-disciplinary contributions situate contemporary concerns about scarcity within their longer history, and address recent forecasts and debates surrounding the future scarcity of fossil fuels, renewable energy and water up to 2075. This book offers a fresh way of tackling the current challenge of meeting global needs in an increasingly resource-stressed environment. By bringing together scholars from a variety of academic disciplines, this volume provides an innovative multi-disciplinary perspective that corrects previous scholarship which has discussed scientific and cultural issues separately. In doing so, it recognizes that this challenge is complex and cannot be addressed by a single discipline, but requires a concerted effort to think about its political and social, as well as technical and economic dimensions. This volume is essential for all students and scholars of environmental and economic history

    Scarcity in the Modern World

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    Scarcity in the Modern World brings together world-renowned scholars to examine how concerns about the scarcity of environmental resources such as water, food, energy and materials have developed, and subsequently been managed, from the 18th to the 21st century. These multi-disciplinary contributions situate contemporary concerns about scarcity within their longer history, and address recent forecasts and debates surrounding the future scarcity of fossil fuels, renewable energy and water up to 2075. This book offers a fresh way of tackling the current challenge of meeting global needs in an increasingly resource-stressed environment. By bringing together scholars from a variety of academic disciplines, this volume provides an innovative multi-disciplinary perspective that corrects previous scholarship which has discussed scientific and cultural issues separately. In doing so, it recognizes that this challenge is complex and cannot be addressed by a single discipline, but requires a concerted effort to think about its political and social, as well as technical and economic dimensions. This volume is essential for all students and scholars of environmental and economic history