601 research outputs found

    Path Coupling Using Stopping Times and Counting Independent Sets and Colourings in Hypergraphs

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    We give a new method for analysing the mixing time of a Markov chain using path coupling with stopping times. We apply this approach to two hypergraph problems. We show that the Glauber dynamics for independent sets in a hypergraph mixes rapidly as long as the maximum degree Delta of a vertex and the minimum size m of an edge satisfy m>= 2Delta+1. We also show that the Glauber dynamics for proper q-colourings of a hypergraph mixes rapidly if m>= 4 and q > Delta, and if m=3 and q>=1.65Delta. We give related results on the hardness of exact and approximate counting for both problems.Comment: Simpler proof of main theorem. Improved bound on mixing time. 19 page

    The Complexity of Change

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    Many combinatorial problems can be formulated as "Can I transform configuration 1 into configuration 2, if certain transformations only are allowed?". An example of such a question is: given two k-colourings of a graph, can I transform the first k-colouring into the second one, by recolouring one vertex at a time, and always maintaining a proper k-colouring? Another example is: given two solutions of a SAT-instance, can I transform the first solution into the second one, by changing the truth value one variable at a time, and always maintaining a solution of the SAT-instance? Other examples can be found in many classical puzzles, such as the 15-Puzzle and Rubik's Cube. In this survey we shall give an overview of some older and more recent work on this type of problem. The emphasis will be on the computational complexity of the problems: how hard is it to decide if a certain transformation is possible or not?Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Extremal properties of flood-filling games

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    The problem of determining the number of "flooding operations" required to make a given coloured graph monochromatic in the one-player combinatorial game Flood-It has been studied extensively from an algorithmic point of view, but basic questions about the maximum number of moves that might be required in the worst case remain unanswered. We begin a systematic investigation of such questions, with the goal of determining, for a given graph, the maximum number of moves that may be required, taken over all possible colourings. We give several upper and lower bounds on this quantity for arbitrary graphs and show that all of the bounds are tight for trees; we also investigate how much the upper bounds can be improved if we restrict our attention to graphs with higher edge-density.Comment: Final version, accepted to DMTC

    Guessing Numbers of Odd Cycles

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    For a given number of colours, ss, the guessing number of a graph is the base ss logarithm of the size of the largest family of colourings of the vertex set of the graph such that the colour of each vertex can be determined from the colours of the vertices in its neighbourhood. An upper bound for the guessing number of the nn-vertex cycle graph CnC_n is n/2n/2. It is known that the guessing number equals n/2n/2 whenever nn is even or ss is a perfect square \cite{Christofides2011guessing}. We show that, for any given integer s2s\geq 2, if aa is the largest factor of ss less than or equal to s\sqrt{s}, for sufficiently large odd nn, the guessing number of CnC_n with ss colours is (n1)/2+logs(a)(n-1)/2 + \log_s(a). This answers a question posed by Christofides and Markstr\"{o}m in 2011 \cite{Christofides2011guessing}. We also present an explicit protocol which achieves this bound for every nn. Linking this to index coding with side information, we deduce that the information defect of CnC_n with ss colours is (n+1)/2logs(a)(n+1)/2 - \log_s(a) for sufficiently large odd nn. Our results are a generalisation of the s=2s=2 case which was proven in \cite{bar2011index}.Comment: 16 page

    The complexity of Free-Flood-It on 2xn boards

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    We consider the complexity of problems related to the combinatorial game Free-Flood-It, in which players aim to make a coloured graph monochromatic with the minimum possible number of flooding operations. Our main result is that computing the length of an optimal sequence is fixed parameter tractable (with the number of colours present as a parameter) when restricted to rectangular 2xn boards. We also show that, when the number of colours is unbounded, the problem remains NP-hard on such boards. This resolves a question of Clifford, Jalsenius, Montanaro and Sach (2010)