8 research outputs found

    A note on Barnette's conjecture

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    Barnette conjectured that each planar, bipartite, cubic, and 3-connected graph is hamiltonian. We prove that this conjecture is equivalent to the statement that there is a constant c > 0 such that each graph G of this class contains a path on at least c |V(G) | vertices

    Bias Matroids With Unique Graphical Representations

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    Given a 3-connected biased graph Ω with three node-disjoint unbalanced circles, at most one of which is a loop, we describe how the bias matroid of Ω is uniquely represented by Ω

    Connected hyperplanes in binary matroids

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    AbstractFor a 3-connected binary matroid M, let dimA(M) be the dimension of the subspace of the cocycle space spanned by the non-separating cocircuits of M avoiding A, where A⊆E(M). When A=∅, Bixby and Cunningham, in 1979, showed that dimA(M)=r(M). In 2004, when |A|=1, Lemos proved that dimA(M)=r(M)-1. In this paper, we characterize the 3-connected binary matroids having a pair of elements that meets every non-separating cocircuit. Using this result, we show that 2dimA(M)⩾r(M)-3, when M is regular and |A|=2. For |A|=3, we exhibit a family of cographic matroids with a 3-element set intersecting every non-separating cocircuit. We also construct the matroids that attains McNulty and Wu’s bound for the number of non-separating cocircuits of a simple and cosimple connected binary matroid

    Structure and Minors in Graphs and Matroids.

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    This dissertation establishes a number of theorems related to the structure of graphs and, more generally, matroids. In Chapter 2, we prove that a 3-connected graph G that has a triangle in which every single-edge contraction is 3-connected has a minor that uses the triangle and is isomorphic to K5 or the octahedron. We subsequently extend this result to the more general context of matroids. In Chapter 3, we specifically consider the triangle-rounded property that emerges in the results of Chapter 2. In particular, Asano, Nishizeki, and Seymour showed that whenever a 3-connected matroid M has a four-point-line-minor, and T is a triangle of M, there is a four-point-line-minor of M using T. We will prove that the four-point line is the only such matroid on at least four elements. In Chapter 4, we extend a result of Dirac which states that any set of n vertices of an n-connected graph lies in a cycle. We prove that if V\u27 is a set of at most 2n vertices in an n-connected graph G, then G has, as a minor, a cycle using all of the vertices of V\u27. In Chapter 5, we prove that, for any vertex v of an n-connected simple graph G, there is a n-spoked-wheel-minor of G using v and any n edges incident with v. We strengthen this result in the context of 4-connected graphs by proving that, for any vertex v of a 4-connected simple graph G, there is a K 5- or octahedron-minor of G using v and any four edges incident with v. Motivated by the results of Chapters 4 and 5, in Chapter 6, we introduce the concept of vertex-roundedness. Specifically, we provide a finite list of conditions under which one can determine which collections of graphs have the property that whenever a sufficiently highly connected graph has a minor in the collection, it has such a minor using any set of vertices of some fixed size

    Graph Planarity and Related Topics

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    This compendium is the result of reformatting and minor editing of the author's transparencies for his talk delivered at the conference. The talk covered Euler's Formula, Kuratowski's Theorem, linear planarity tests, Schnyder's Theorem and drawing on the grid, the two paths problem, Pfaffian orientations, linkless embeddings, and the Four Color Theorem