173 research outputs found

    Optimal Clustering under Uncertainty

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    Classical clustering algorithms typically either lack an underlying probability framework to make them predictive or focus on parameter estimation rather than defining and minimizing a notion of error. Recent work addresses these issues by developing a probabilistic framework based on the theory of random labeled point processes and characterizing a Bayes clusterer that minimizes the number of misclustered points. The Bayes clusterer is analogous to the Bayes classifier. Whereas determining a Bayes classifier requires full knowledge of the feature-label distribution, deriving a Bayes clusterer requires full knowledge of the point process. When uncertain of the point process, one would like to find a robust clusterer that is optimal over the uncertainty, just as one may find optimal robust classifiers with uncertain feature-label distributions. Herein, we derive an optimal robust clusterer by first finding an effective random point process that incorporates all randomness within its own probabilistic structure and from which a Bayes clusterer can be derived that provides an optimal robust clusterer relative to the uncertainty. This is analogous to the use of effective class-conditional distributions in robust classification. After evaluating the performance of robust clusterers in synthetic mixtures of Gaussians models, we apply the framework to granular imaging, where we make use of the asymptotic granulometric moment theory for granular images to relate robust clustering theory to the application.Comment: 19 pages, 5 eps figures, 1 tabl

    Modeling of evolving textures using granulometries

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    This chapter describes a statistical approach to classification of dynamic texture images, called parallel evolution functions (PEFs). Traditional classification methods predict texture class membership using comparisons with a finite set of predefined texture classes and identify the closest class. However, where texture images arise from a dynamic texture evolving over time, estimation of a time state in a continuous evolutionary process is required instead. The PEF approach does this using regression modeling techniques to predict time state. It is a flexible approach which may be based on any suitable image features. Many textures are well suited to a morphological analysis and the PEF approach uses image texture features derived from a granulometric analysis of the image. The method is illustrated using both simulated images of Boolean processes and real images of corrosion. The PEF approach has particular advantages for training sets containing limited numbers of observations, which is the case in many real world industrial inspection scenarios and for which other methods can fail or perform badly. [41] G.W. Horgan, Mathematical morphology for analysing soil structure from images, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 49, pp. 161–173, 1998. [42] G.W. Horgan, C.A. Reid and C.A. Glasbey, Biological image processing and enhancement, Image Processing and Analysis, A Practical Approach, R. Baldock and J. Graham, eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 37–67, 2000. [43] B.B. Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, A.K. Peters Ltd., Wellesley, MA, 1995. [44] H. Iversen and T. Lonnestad. An evaluation of stochastic models for analysis and synthesis of gray-scale texture, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 15, pp. 575–585, 1994. [45] A.K. Jain and F. Farrokhnia, Unsupervised texture segmentation using Gabor filters, Pattern Recognition, vol. 24(12), pp. 1167–1186, 1991. [46] T. Jossang and F. Feder, The fractal characterization of rough surfaces, Physica Scripta, vol. T44, pp. 9–14, 1992. [47] A.K. Katsaggelos and T. Chun-Jen, Iterative image restoration, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 208–209, 2000. [48] M. K¨oppen, C.H. Nowack and G. R¨osel, Pareto-morphology for color image processing, Proceedings of SCIA99, 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 1, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, pp. 195–202, 1999. [49] S. Krishnamachari and R. Chellappa, Multiresolution Gauss-Markov random field models for texture segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6(2), pp. 251–267, 1997. [50] T. Kurita and N. Otsu, Texture classification by higher order local autocorrelation features, Proceedings of ACCV93, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, pp. 175–178, 1993. [51] S.T. Kyvelidis, L. Lykouropoulos and N. Kouloumbi, Digital system for detecting, classifying, and fast retrieving corrosion generated defects, Journal of Coatings Technology, vol. 73(915), pp. 67–73, 2001. [52] Y. Liu, T. Zhao and J. Zhang, Learning multispectral texture features for cervical cancer detection, Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, pp. 169–172, 2002. [53] G. McGunnigle and M.J. Chantler, Modeling deposition of surface texture, Electronics Letters, vol. 37(12), pp. 749–750, 2001. [54] J. McKenzie, S. Marshall, A.J. Gray and E.R. Dougherty, Morphological texture analysis using the texture evolution function, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 17(2), pp. 167–185, 2003. [55] J. McKenzie, Classification of dynamically evolving textures using evolution functions, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, UK, 2004. [56] S.G. Mallat, Multiresolution approximations and wavelet orthonormal bases of L2(R), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 315, pp. 69–87, 1989. [57] S.G. Mallat, A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 11, pp. 674–693, 1989. [58] B.S. Manjunath and W.Y. Ma, Texture features for browsing and retrieval of image data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 18, pp. 837–842, 1996. [59] B.S. Manjunath, G.M. Haley and W.Y. Ma, Multiband techniques for texture classification and segmentation, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 367–381, 2000. [60] G. Matheron, Random Sets and Integral Geometry, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975

    Offline signature verification using classifier combination of HOG and LBP features

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    We present an offline signature verification system based on a signature’s local histogram features. The signature is divided into zones using both the Cartesian and polar coordinate systems and two different histogram features are calculated for each zone: histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and histogram of local binary patterns (LBP). The classification is performed using Support Vector Machines (SVMs), where two different approaches for training are investigated, namely global and user-dependent SVMs. User-dependent SVMs, trained separately for each user, learn to differentiate a user’s signature from others, whereas a single global SVM trained with difference vectors of query and reference signatures’ features of all users, learns how to weight dissimilarities. The global SVM classifier is trained using genuine and forgery signatures of subjects that are excluded from the test set, while userdependent SVMs are separately trained for each subject using genuine and random forgeries. The fusion of all classifiers (global and user-dependent classifiers trained with each feature type), achieves a 15.41% equal error rate in skilled forgery test, in the GPDS-160 signature database without using any skilled forgeries in training

    Multiple competitive learning network fusion for object classification

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    Detection of Early Signs of Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Textural and Morphological Information in Fundus Images

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    [EN] Estimated blind people in the world will exceed 40 million by 2025. To develop novel algorithms based on fundus image descriptors that allow the automatic classification of retinal tissue into healthy and pathological in early stages is necessary. In this paper, we focus on one of the most common pathologies in the current society: diabetic retinopathy. The proposed method avoids the necessity of lesion segmentation or candidate map generation before the classification stage. Local binary patterns and granulometric profiles are locally computed to extract texture and morphological information from retinal images. Different combinations of this information feed classification algorithms to optimally discriminate bright and dark lesions from healthy tissues. Through several experiments, the ability of the proposed system to identify diabetic retinopathy signs is validated using different public databases with a large degree of variability and without image exclusion.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project DPI2016-77869 and GVA through project PROMETEO/2019/109Colomer, A.; Igual García, J.; Naranjo Ornedo, V. (2020). Detection of Early Signs of Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Textural and Morphological Information in Fundus Images. Sensors. 20(4):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20041005S120204World Report on Vision. Technical Report, 2019https://www.who.int/publications-detail/world-report-on-visionFong, D. S., Aiello, L., Gardner, T. W., King, G. L., Blankenship, G., Cavallerano, J. D., … Klein, R. (2003). Retinopathy in Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27(Supplement 1), S84-S87. doi:10.2337/diacare.27.2007.s84COGAN, D. G. (1961). Retinal Vascular Patterns. Archives of Ophthalmology, 66(3), 366. doi:10.1001/archopht.1961.00960010368014Wilkinson, C. ., Ferris, F. L., Klein, R. E., Lee, P. P., Agardh, C. D., Davis, M., … Verdaguer, J. T. (2003). Proposed international clinical diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema disease severity scales. Ophthalmology, 110(9), 1677-1682. doi:10.1016/s0161-6420(03)00475-5Universal Eye Health: A Global Action Plan 2014–2019. Technical Reporthttps://www.who.int/blindness/actionplan/en/Salamat, N., Missen, M. M. S., & Rashid, A. (2019). Diabetic retinopathy techniques in retinal images: A review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 97, 168-188. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2018.10.009Qureshi, I., Ma, J., & Shaheed, K. (2019). A Hybrid Proposed Fundus Image Enhancement Framework for Diabetic Retinopathy. Algorithms, 12(1), 14. doi:10.3390/a12010014Morales, S., Engan, K., Naranjo, V., & Colomer, A. (2017). Retinal Disease Screening Through Local Binary Patterns. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 21(1), 184-192. doi:10.1109/jbhi.2015.2490798Asiri, N., Hussain, M., Al Adel, F., & Alzaidi, N. (2019). Deep learning based computer-aided diagnosis systems for diabetic retinopathy: A survey. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 99, 101701. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2019.07.009Gulshan, V., Peng, L., Coram, M., Stumpe, M. C., Wu, D., Narayanaswamy, A., … Webster, D. R. (2016). Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy in Retinal Fundus Photographs. JAMA, 316(22), 2402. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.17216Prentašić, P., & Lončarić, S. (2016). Detection of exudates in fundus photographs using deep neural networks and anatomical landmark detection fusion. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 137, 281-292. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.09.018Costa, P., Galdran, A., Meyer, M. I., Niemeijer, M., Abramoff, M., Mendonca, A. M., & Campilho, A. (2018). End-to-End Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(3), 781-791. doi:10.1109/tmi.2017.2759102De la Torre, J., Valls, A., & Puig, D. (2020). A deep learning interpretable classifier for diabetic retinopathy disease grading. Neurocomputing, 396, 465-476. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2018.07.102Diaz-Pinto, A., Colomer, A., Naranjo, V., Morales, S., Xu, Y., & Frangi, A. F. (2019). Retinal Image Synthesis and Semi-Supervised Learning for Glaucoma Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(9), 2211-2218. doi:10.1109/tmi.2019.2903434Walter, T., Klein, J., Massin, P., & Erginay, A. (2002). A contribution of image processing to the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy-detection of exudates in color fundus images of the human retina. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21(10), 1236-1243. doi:10.1109/tmi.2002.806290Welfer, D., Scharcanski, J., & Marinho, D. R. (2010). A coarse-to-fine strategy for automatically detecting exudates in color eye fundus images. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 34(3), 228-235. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2009.10.001Mookiah, M. R. K., Acharya, U. R., Martis, R. J., Chua, C. K., Lim, C. M., Ng, E. Y. K., & Laude, A. (2013). Evolutionary algorithm based classifier parameter tuning for automatic diabetic retinopathy grading: A hybrid feature extraction approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, 39, 9-22. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2012.09.008Zhang, X., Thibault, G., Decencière, E., Marcotegui, B., Laÿ, B., Danno, R., … Erginay, A. (2014). Exudate detection in color retinal images for mass screening of diabetic retinopathy. Medical Image Analysis, 18(7), 1026-1043. doi:10.1016/j.media.2014.05.004Sopharak, A., Uyyanonvara, B., Barman, S., & Williamson, T. H. (2008). Automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy exudates from non-dilated retinal images using mathematical morphology methods. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 32(8), 720-727. doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2008.08.009Giancardo, L., Meriaudeau, F., Karnowski, T. P., Li, Y., Garg, S., Tobin, K. W., & Chaum, E. (2012). Exudate-based diabetic macular edema detection in fundus images using publicly available datasets. Medical Image Analysis, 16(1), 216-226. doi:10.1016/j.media.2011.07.004Amel, F., Mohammed, M., & Abdelhafid, B. (2012). Improvement of the Hard Exudates Detection Method Used For Computer- Aided Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 4(4), 19-27. doi:10.5815/ijigsp.2012.04.03Usman Akram, M., Khalid, S., Tariq, A., Khan, S. A., & Azam, F. (2014). Detection and classification of retinal lesions for grading of diabetic retinopathy. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 45, 161-171. doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2013.11.014Akram, M. U., Tariq, A., Khan, S. A., & Javed, M. Y. (2014). Automated detection of exudates and macula for grading of diabetic macular edema. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 114(2), 141-152. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.01.010Quellec, G., Lamard, M., Abràmoff, M. D., Decencière, E., Lay, B., Erginay, A., … Cazuguel, G. (2012). A multiple-instance learning framework for diabetic retinopathy screening. Medical Image Analysis, 16(6), 1228-1240. doi:10.1016/j.media.2012.06.003Decencière, E., Cazuguel, G., Zhang, X., Thibault, G., Klein, J.-C., Meyer, F., … Chabouis, A. (2013). TeleOphta: Machine learning and image processing methods for teleophthalmology. IRBM, 34(2), 196-203. doi:10.1016/j.irbm.2013.01.010Abràmoff, M. D., Folk, J. C., Han, D. P., Walker, J. D., Williams, D. F., Russell, S. R., … Niemeijer, M. (2013). Automated Analysis of Retinal Images for Detection of Referable Diabetic Retinopathy. JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(3), 351. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2013.1743Almotiri, J., Elleithy, K., & Elleithy, A. (2018). Retinal Vessels Segmentation Techniques and Algorithms: A Survey. Applied Sciences, 8(2), 155. doi:10.3390/app8020155Thakur, N., & Juneja, M. (2018). Survey on segmentation and classification approaches of optic cup and optic disc for diagnosis of glaucoma. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 42, 162-189. doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2018.01.014Bertalmio, M., Sapiro, G., Caselles, V., & Ballester, C. (2000). Image inpainting. Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH ’00. doi:10.1145/344779.344972Qureshi, M. A., Deriche, M., Beghdadi, A., & Amin, A. (2017). A critical survey of state-of-the-art image inpainting quality assessment metrics. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 49, 177-191. doi:10.1016/j.jvcir.2017.09.006Colomer, A., Naranjo, V., Engan, K., & Skretting, K. (2017). Assessment of sparse-based inpainting for retinal vessel removal. 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    GRASE: Granulometry Analysis with Semi Eager Classifier to Detect Malware

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    Technological advancement in communication leading to 5G, motivates everyone to get connected to the internet including ‘Devices’, a technology named Web of Things (WoT). The community benefits from this large-scale network which allows monitoring and controlling of physical devices. But many times, it costs the security as MALicious softWARE (MalWare) developers try to invade the network, as for them, these devices are like a ‘backdoor’ providing them easy ‘entry’. To stop invaders from entering the network, identifying malware and its variants is of great significance for cyberspace. Traditional methods of malware detection like static and dynamic ones, detect the malware but lack against new techniques used by malware developers like obfuscation, polymorphism and encryption. A machine learning approach to detect malware, where the classifier is trained with handcrafted features, is not potent against these techniques and asks for efforts to put in for the feature engineering. The paper proposes a malware classification using a visualization methodology wherein the disassembled malware code is transformed into grey images. It presents the efficacy of Granulometry texture analysis technique for improving malware classification. Furthermore, a Semi Eager (SemiE) classifier, which is a combination of eager learning and lazy learning technique, is used to get robust classification of malware families. The outcome of the experiment is promising since the proposed technique requires less training time to learn the semantics of higher-level malicious behaviours. Identifying the malware (testing phase) is also done faster. A benchmark database like malimg and Microsoft Malware Classification challenge (BIG-2015) has been utilized to analyse the performance of the system. An overall average classification accuracy of 99.03 and 99.11% is achieved, respectively

    Wind turbine fault detection and classification by means of image texture analysis

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    The future of the wind energy industry passes through the use of larger and more flexible wind turbines in remote locations, which are increasingly offshore to benefit stronger and more uniform wind conditions. The cost of operation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines is approximately 15-35% of the total cost. Of this, 80% goes towards unplanned maintenance issues due to different faults in the wind turbine components. Thus, an auspicious way to contribute to the increasing demands and challenges is by applying low-cost advanced fault detection schemes. This work proposes a new method for detection and classification of wind turbine actuators and sensors faults in variable- speed wind turbines. For this purpose, time domain signals acquired from the operating wind turbine are represented as two-dimensional matrices to obtain grayscale digital images. Then, the image pattern recognition is processed getting texture features under a multichannel representation. In this work, four types of texture characteristics are used: statistical, wavelet, granulometric and Gabor features. Next, the most significant ones are selected using the conditional mutual criterion. Finally, the faults are detected and distinguished between them (classified) using an automatic classification tool. In particular, a 10-fold cross-validation is used to obtain a more generalized model and evaluates the classification performance. Coupled non-linear aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of a 5MW offshore type wind turbine are carried out in several fault scenarios. The results show a promising methodology able to detect and classify the most common wind turbine faults.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Quantitative-Morphological and Cytological Analyses in Leukemia

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    Leukemia, a blood cancer originating in the bone marrow, presents as a heterogeneous disease with highly variable survival rates. Leukemia is classified into major types based on the rate of cancerous cell growth and cell lineage: chronic or acute and myeloid or lymphoid leukemia. Histological and cytological analysis of the peripheral blood and the bone marrow can classify these major leukemia categories. However, histological analyses of patient biopsies and cytological microscopic assessment of blood and bone marrow smears are insufficient to diagnose leukemia subtypes and to direct therapy. Hence, more expensive and time-consuming diagnostic tools routinely complement histological-cytological analysis during a patient’s diagnosis. To extract more accurate and detailed information from patient tissue samples, digital pathology is emerging as a powerful tool to enhance biopsy- and smear-based decisions. Furthermore, digital pathology methods integrated with advances in machine learning enable new diagnostic features from leukemia patients’ histological and cytological slides and optimize patient classification, thus providing a cheaper, more robust, and faster diagnostic tool than current standards. This review summarizes emerging approaches to automatically diagnose leukemia from morphological and cytological-histological analyses