5,330 research outputs found

    Autoencoders for strategic decision support

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    In the majority of executive domains, a notion of normality is involved in most strategic decisions. However, few data-driven tools that support strategic decision-making are available. We introduce and extend the use of autoencoders to provide strategically relevant granular feedback. A first experiment indicates that experts are inconsistent in their decision making, highlighting the need for strategic decision support. Furthermore, using two large industry-provided human resources datasets, the proposed solution is evaluated in terms of ranking accuracy, synergy with human experts, and dimension-level feedback. This three-point scheme is validated using (a) synthetic data, (b) the perspective of data quality, (c) blind expert validation, and (d) transparent expert evaluation. Our study confirms several principal weaknesses of human decision-making and stresses the importance of synergy between a model and humans. Moreover, unsupervised learning and in particular the autoencoder are shown to be valuable tools for strategic decision-making

    The Profiling Potential of Computer Vision and the Challenge of Computational Empiricism

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    Computer vision and other biometrics data science applications have commenced a new project of profiling people. Rather than using 'transaction generated information', these systems measure the 'real world' and produce an assessment of the 'world state' - in this case an assessment of some individual trait. Instead of using proxies or scores to evaluate people, they increasingly deploy a logic of revealing the truth about reality and the people within it. While these profiling knowledge claims are sometimes tentative, they increasingly suggest that only through computation can these excesses of reality be captured and understood. This article explores the bases of those claims in the systems of measurement, representation, and classification deployed in computer vision. It asks if there is something new in this type of knowledge claim, sketches an account of a new form of computational empiricism being operationalised, and questions what kind of human subject is being constructed by these technological systems and practices. Finally, the article explores legal mechanisms for contesting the emergence of computational empiricism as the dominant knowledge platform for understanding the world and the people within it


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    The personalized medicine is the medicine of the future. This innovation is supported by the ongoing technological development that will be crucial in this field. Several areas in the healthcare research require performant technological systems, which elaborate huge amount of data in real-time. By exploiting the High Performance Computing technologies, scientists want to reach the goal of developing accurate diagnosis and personalized therapies. To reach these goals three main activities have to be investigated: managing a great amount of data acquisition and analysis, designing computational models to simulate the patient clinical status, and developing medical support systems to provide fast decisions during diagnosis or therapies. These three aspects are strongly supported by technological systems that could appear disconnected. However, in this new medicine, they will be in some way connected. As far as the data are concerned, today people are immersed in technology, producing a huge amount of heterogeneous data. Part of these is characterized by a great medical potential that could facilitate the delineation of the patient health condition and could be integrated in our medical record facilitating clinical decisions. To ensure this process technological systems able to organize, analyse and share these information are needed. Furthermore, they should guarantee a fast data usability. In this contest HPC and, in particular, the multicore and manycore processors, will surely have a high importance since they are capable to spread the computational workload on different cores to reduce the elaboration times. These solutions are crucial also in the computational modelling, field where several research groups aim to implement models able to realistically reproduce the human organs behaviour to develop their simulators. They are called digital twins and allow to reproduce the organ activity of a specific patient to study the disease progression or a new therapy. Patient data will be the inputs of these models which will predict her/his condition, avoiding invasive and expensive exams. The technological support that a realistic organ simulator requires is significant from the computational point of view. For this reason, devices as GPUs, FPGAs, multicore devices or even supercomputers are needed. As an example in this field, the development of a cerebellar simulator exploiting HPC will be described in the second chapter of this work. The complexity of the realistic mathematical models used will justify such a technological choice to reach reduced elaboration times. This work is within the Human Brain Project that aims to run a complete realistic simulation of the human brain. Finally, these technologies have a crucial role in the medical support system development. Most of the times during surgeries, it is very important that a support system provides a real-time answer. Moreover, the fact that this answer is the result of the elaboration of a complex mathematical problem, makes HPC system essential also in this field. If environments such as surgeries are considered, it is more plausible that the computation is performed by local desktop systems able to elaborate the data directly acquired during the surgery. The third chapter of this thesis describes the development of a brain cancer detection system, exploiting GPUs. This support system, developed as part of the HELICoiD project, performs a real-time elaboration of the brain hyperspectral images, acquired during surgery, to provide a classification map which highlights the tumor. The neurosurgeon is facilitated in the tissue resection. In this field, the GPU has been crucial to provide a real-time elaboration. Finally, it is possible to assert that in most of the fields of the personalized medicine, HPC will have a crucial role since they consist in the elaboration of a great amount of data in reduced times, aiming to provide specific diagnosis and therapies for the patient

    A New Constructivist AI: From Manual Methods to Self-Constructive Systems

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    The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems has to date been largely one of manual labor. This constructionist approach to AI has resulted in systems with limited-domain application and severe performance brittleness. No AI architecture to date incorporates, in a single system, the many features that make natural intelligence general-purpose, including system-wide attention, analogy-making, system-wide learning, and various other complex transversal functions. Going beyond current AI systems will require significantly more complex system architecture than attempted to date. The heavy reliance on direct human specification and intervention in constructionist AI brings severe theoretical and practical limitations to any system built that way. One way to address the challenge of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is replacing a top-down architectural design approach with methods that allow the system to manage its own growth. This calls for a fundamental shift from hand-crafting to self-organizing architectures and self-generated code – what we call a constructivist AI approach, in reference to the self-constructive principles on which it must be based. Methodologies employed for constructivist AI will be very different from today’s software development methods; instead of relying on direct design of mental functions and their implementation in a cog- nitive architecture, they must address the principles – the “seeds” – from which a cognitive architecture can automatically grow. In this paper I describe the argument in detail and examine some of the implications of this impending paradigm shift

    A finder and representation system for knowledge carriers based on granular computing

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    In one of his publications Aristotle states ”All human beings by their nature desire to know” [Kraut 1991]. This desire is initiated the day we are born and accompanies us for the rest of our life. While at a young age our parents serve as one of the principle sources for knowledge, this changes over the course of time. Technological advances and particularly the introduction of the Internet, have given us new possibilities to share and access knowledge from almost anywhere at any given time. Being able to access and share large collections of written down knowledge is only one part of the equation. Just as important is the internalization of it, which in many cases can prove to be difficult to accomplish. Hence, being able to request assistance from someone who holds the necessary knowledge is of great importance, as it can positively stimulate the internalization procedure. However, digitalization does not only provide a larger pool of knowledge sources to choose from but also more people that can be potentially activated, in a bid to receive personalized assistance with a given problem statement or question. While this is beneficial, it imposes the issue that it is hard to keep track of who knows what. For this task so-called Expert Finder Systems have been introduced, which are designed to identify and suggest the most suited candidates to provide assistance. Throughout this Ph.D. thesis a novel type of Expert Finder System will be introduced that is capable of capturing the knowledge users within a community hold, from explicit and implicit data sources. This is accomplished with the use of granular computing, natural language processing and a set of metrics that have been introduced to measure and compare the suitability of candidates. Furthermore, are the knowledge requirements of a problem statement or question being assessed, in order to ensure that only the most suited candidates are being recommended to provide assistance

    Sistemas granulares evolutivos

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    Orientador: Fernando Antonio Campos GomideTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente tem-se observado um crescente interesse em abordagens de modelagem computacional para lidar com fluxos de dados do mundo real. Métodos e algoritmos têm sido propostos para obtenção de conhecimento a partir de conjuntos de dados muito grandes e, a princípio, sem valor aparente. Este trabalho apresenta uma plataforma computacional para modelagem granular evolutiva de fluxos de dados incertos. Sistemas granulares evolutivos abrangem uma variedade de abordagens para modelagem on-line inspiradas na forma com que os humanos lidam com a complexidade. Esses sistemas exploram o fluxo de informação em ambiente dinâmico e extrai disso modelos que podem ser linguisticamente entendidos. Particularmente, a granulação da informação é uma técnica natural para dispensar atenção a detalhes desnecessários e enfatizar transparência, interpretabilidade e escalabilidade de sistemas de informação. Dados incertos (granulares) surgem a partir de percepções ou descrições imprecisas do valor de uma variável. De maneira geral, vários fatores podem afetar a escolha da representação dos dados tal que o objeto representativo reflita o significado do conceito que ele está sendo usado para representar. Neste trabalho são considerados dados numéricos, intervalares e fuzzy; e modelos intervalares, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy. A aprendizagem de sistemas granulares é baseada em algoritmos incrementais que constroem a estrutura do modelo sem conhecimento anterior sobre o processo e adapta os parâmetros do modelo sempre que necessário. Este paradigma de aprendizagem é particularmente importante uma vez que ele evita a reconstrução e o retreinamento do modelo quando o ambiente muda. Exemplos de aplicação em classificação, aproximação de função, predição de séries temporais e controle usando dados sintéticos e reais ilustram a utilidade das abordagens de modelagem granular propostas. O comportamento de fluxos de dados não-estacionários com mudanças graduais e abruptas de regime é também analisado dentro do paradigma de computação granular evolutiva. Realçamos o papel da computação intervalar, fuzzy e neuro-fuzzy em processar dados incertos e prover soluções aproximadas de alta qualidade e sumário de regras de conjuntos de dados de entrada e saída. As abordagens e o paradigma introduzidos constituem uma extensão natural de sistemas inteligentes evolutivos para processamento de dados numéricos a sistemas granulares evolutivos para processamento de dados granularesAbstract: In recent years there has been increasing interest in computational modeling approaches to deal with real-world data streams. Methods and algorithms have been proposed to uncover meaningful knowledge from very large (often unbounded) data sets in principle with no apparent value. This thesis introduces a framework for evolving granular modeling of uncertain data streams. Evolving granular systems comprise an array of online modeling approaches inspired by the way in which humans deal with complexity. These systems explore the information flow in dynamic environments and derive from it models that can be linguistically understood. Particularly, information granulation is a natural technique to dispense unnecessary details and emphasize transparency, interpretability and scalability of information systems. Uncertain (granular) data arise from imprecise perception or description of the value of a variable. Broadly stated, various factors can affect one's choice of data representation such that the representing object conveys the meaning of the concept it is being used to represent. Of particular concern to this work are numerical, interval, and fuzzy types of granular data; and interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy modeling frameworks. Learning in evolving granular systems is based on incremental algorithms that build model structure from scratch on a per-sample basis and adapt model parameters whenever necessary. This learning paradigm is meaningful once it avoids redesigning and retraining models all along if the system changes. Application examples in classification, function approximation, time-series prediction and control using real and synthetic data illustrate the usefulness of the granular approaches and framework proposed. The behavior of nonstationary data streams with gradual and abrupt regime shifts is also analyzed in the realm of evolving granular computing. We shed light upon the role of interval, fuzzy, and neurofuzzy computing in processing uncertain data and providing high-quality approximate solutions and rule summary of input-output data sets. The approaches and framework introduced constitute a natural extension of evolving intelligent systems over numeric data streams to evolving granular systems over granular data streamsDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric