17,610 research outputs found

    Incorporating the Basic Elements of a First-degree Fuzzy Logic and Certain Elments of Temporal Logic for Dynamic Management Applications

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    The approximate reasoning is perceived as a derivation of new formulas with the corresponding temporal attributes, within a fuzzy theory defined by the fuzzy set of special axioms. For dynamic management applications, the reasoning is evolutionary because of unexpected events which may change the state of the expert system. In this kind of situations it is necessary to elaborate certain mechanisms in order to maintain the coherence of the obtained conclusions, to figure out their degree of reliability and the time domain for which these are true. These last aspects stand as possible further directions of development at a basic logic level. The purpose of this paper is to characterise an extended fuzzy logic system with modal operators, attained by incorporating the basic elements of a first-degree fuzzy logic and certain elements of temporal logic.Dynamic Management Applications, Fuzzy Reasoning, Formalization, Time Restrictions, Modal Operators, Real-Time Expert Decision System (RTEDS)

    A synthesis of fuzzy rule-based system verification.

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    The verification of fuzzy rule bases for anomalies has received increasing attention these last few years. Many different approaches have been suggested and many are still under investigation. In this paper, we give a synthesis of methods proposed in literature that try to extend the verification of clasical rule bases to the case of fuzzy knowledge modelling, without needing a set of representative input. Within this area of fyzzy V&V we identify two dual lines of thought respectively leading to what is identified as static and dynamic anomaly detection methods. Static anomaly detection essentially tries to use similarity, affinity or matching measures to identify anomalies wihin a fuzzy rule base. It is assumed that the detection methods can be the same as those used in a non-fuzzy environment, except that the formerly mentioned measures indicate the degree of matching of two fuzzy expressions. Dynamic anomaly detection starts from the basic idea that any anomaly within a knowledge representation formalism, i.c. fuzzy if-then rules, can be identified by performing a dynamic analysis of the knowledge system, even without providing special input to the system. By imposing a constraint on the results of inference for an anomaly not to occur, one creates definitions of the anomalies that can only be verified if the inference pocess, and thereby the fuzzy inference operator is involved in the analysis. The major outcome of the confrontation between both approaches is that their results, stated in terms of necessary and/or sufficient conditions for anomaly detection within a particular situation, are difficult to reconcile. The duality between approaces seems to have translated into a duality in results. This article addresses precisely this issue by presenting a theoretical framework which anables us to effectively evaluate the results of both static and dynamic verification theories.

    A Soft Computing Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing in 3GPP LTE

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    A major objective of the 3GPP LTE standard is the provision of high-speed data services. These services must be guaranteed under varying radio propagation conditions, to stochastically distributed mobile users. A necessity for determining and regulating the traffic load of eNodeBs naturally ensues. Load balancing is a self-optimization operation of self-organizing networks (SON). It aims at ensuring an equitable distribution of users in the network. This translates into better user satisfaction and a more efficient use of network resources. Several methods for load balancing have been proposed. Most of the algorithms are based on hard (traditional) computing which does not utilize the tolerance for precision of load balancing. This paper proposes the use of soft computing, precisely adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model for dynamic QoS aware load balancing in 3GPP LTE. The use of ANFIS offers learning capability of neural network and knowledge representation of fuzzy logic for a load balancing solution that is cost effective and closer to human intuitio

    Assessment of Sustainable Development

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    The objective of this paper is to introduce fuzzy set theory and develop fuzzy mathematical models to assess sustainable development based on context-dependent economic, ecological, and societal sustainability indicators. Membership functions are at the core of fuzzy models, and define the degree to which indicators contribute to development. Although a decision-making process regarding sustainable development is subjective, fuzzy set theory links human expectations about development, expressed in linguistic propositions, to numerical data, expressed in measurements of sustainability indicators. In the future, practical implementation of such models will be based on elicitation of expert knowledge to construct a membership function. The fuzzy models developed in this paper provide a novel approach to support decisions regarding sustainable development.agriculture;assessment;fuzzy set theory;sustainable development