14 research outputs found

    Object Feature Extraction of Songket Image Using Chain Code Algorithm

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    The study was aimed at determining the feature of a motif found in a Songket image in order to make the object detectable and readable. The method used was image color segmentation in the form of a process of segmentation of the image area based on the similarity in colors, which was continued with the binary process that aims to change the image into binary form (0 and 1), so that it only has two colors namely black and white. This study also used mathematical morphology in detecting objects, by using dilation operation and filling holes. After the process of mathematical morphology was completed, the next process was motif extraction by applying moore contour tracking algorithms and the development of chain code algorithms. The results of the process carried out showed that the development chain code algorithm can generate the number of objects, the length of chain code, and probable value of rate of appearances of each chain code in a motif, despite there are some objects in a motif. Then the values are stored into the database as The Feature of Songket Motifs

    Image Retrieval Based on Multi Structure Co-occurrence Descriptor

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    This study present a new technique for Batik cloth image retrieval using Micro-Structure Co-occurence Descriptor (MSCD). MSCD is a developed method based on Enhanced Micro Structure Descriptor (EMSD). Previously, EMSD has been improved by adding edge orientation feature. In previous study, EMSD cannot achieve an optimal precision. Therefore, MSCD is proposed to overcome the EMSD drawback using global feature approach, namely Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). There are 300 batik cloth images which contain 50 classes used for dataset. The performance result show that MSCD can retrieve Batik cloth images more effective than EMSD

    Burials, Texts and Rituals

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    The villages on Bali’s north-east coast have a long history. Archaeological finds have shown that the coastal settlements of Tejakula District enjoyed trading relations with India as long as 2000 years ago or more. Royal decrees dating from the 10th to the 12th century, inscribed on copper tablets and still preserved in the local villages as part of their religious heritage, bear witness to the fact that, over a period of over 1000 years, these played a major role as harbour and trading centres in the transmaritime trade between India and (probably) the Spice Islands. At the same time the inscriptions attest to the complexity in those days of Balinese society, with a hierarchical social organisation headed by a king who resided in the interior – precisely where, nobody knows. The interior was connected to the prosperous coastal settlements through a network of trade and ritual. The questions that faced the German-Balinese research team were first: Was there anything left over of this evidently glorious past? And second: Would our professional anthropological and archaeological research work be able to throw any more light on the vibrant past of these villages? This book is an attempt to answer both these and further questions on Bali’s coastal settlements, their history and culture

    The Optimisation of Elementary and Integrative Content-Based Image Retrieval Techniques

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    Image retrieval plays a major role in many image processing applications. However, a number of factors (e.g. rotation, non-uniform illumination, noise and lack of spatial information) can disrupt the outputs of image retrieval systems such that they cannot produce the desired results. In recent years, many researchers have introduced different approaches to overcome this problem. Colour-based CBIR (content-based image retrieval) and shape-based CBIR were the most commonly used techniques for obtaining image signatures. Although the colour histogram and shape descriptor have produced satisfactory results for certain applications, they still suffer many theoretical and practical problems. A prominent one among them is the well-known “curse of dimensionality “. In this research, a new Fuzzy Fusion-based Colour and Shape Signature (FFCSS) approach for integrating colour-only and shape-only features has been investigated to produce an effective image feature vector for database retrieval. The proposed technique is based on an optimised fuzzy colour scheme and robust shape descriptors. Experimental tests were carried out to check the behaviour of the FFCSS-based system, including sensitivity and robustness of the proposed signature of the sampled images, especially under varied conditions of, rotation, scaling, noise and light intensity. To further improve retrieval efficiency of the devised signature model, the target image repositories were clustered into several groups using the k-means clustering algorithm at system runtime, where the search begins at the centres of each cluster. The FFCSS-based approach has proven superior to other benchmarked classic CBIR methods, hence this research makes a substantial contribution towards corresponding theoretical and practical fronts

    Austronesian Diaspora a new perspective

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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