94 research outputs found

    Multimodal image analysis of the human brain

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    Gedurende de laatste decennia heeft de snelle ontwikkeling van multi-modale en niet-invasieve hersenbeeldvorming technologieën een revolutie teweeg gebracht in de mogelijkheid om de structuur en functionaliteit van de hersens te bestuderen. Er is grote vooruitgang geboekt in het beoordelen van hersenschade door gebruik te maken van Magnetic Reconance Imaging (MRI), terwijl Elektroencefalografie (EEG) beschouwd wordt als de gouden standaard voor diagnose van neurologische afwijkingen. In deze thesis focussen we op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technieken voor multi-modale beeldanalyse van het menselijke brein, waaronder MRI segmentatie en EEG bronlokalisatie. Hierdoor voegen we theorie en praktijk samen waarbij we focussen op twee medische applicaties: (1) automatische 3D MRI segmentatie van de volwassen hersens en (2) multi-modale EEG-MRI data analyse van de hersens van een pasgeborene met perinatale hersenschade. We besteden veel aandacht aan de verbetering en ontwikkeling van nieuwe methoden voor accurate en ruisrobuuste beeldsegmentatie, dewelke daarna succesvol gebruikt worden voor de segmentatie van hersens in MRI van zowel volwassen als pasgeborenen. Daarenboven ontwikkelden we een geïntegreerd multi-modaal methode voor de EEG bronlokalisatie in de hersenen van een pasgeborene. Deze lokalisatie wordt gebruikt voor de vergelijkende studie tussen een EEG aanval bij pasgeborenen en acute perinatale hersenletsels zichtbaar in MRI

    Robust Nuclei Segmentation in Cytohistopathological Images Using Statistical Level Set Approach with Topology Preserving Constraint

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    Computerized assessments of cyto-histological specimens have drawn increased attention in the field of digital pathology as the result of developments in digital whole slide scanners and computer hardwares. Due to the essential role of nucleus in cellular functionality, automatic segmentation of cell nuclei is a fundamental prerequisite for all cyto-histological automated systems. In 2D projection images, nuclei commonly appear to overlap each other, and the separation of severely overlapping regions is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. In this thesis, we will present a novel segmentation technique which effectively addresses the problem of segmenting touching or overlapping cell nuclei in cyto-histological images. The proposed framework is mainly based upon a statistical level-set approach along with a topology preserving criteria that successfully carries out the task of segmentation and separation of nuclei at the same time. The proposed method is evaluated qualitatively on Hematoxylin and Eosin stained images, and quantitatively and qualitatively on fluorescent stained images. The results indicate that the method outperforms the conventional nuclei segmentation approaches, e.g. thresholding and watershed segmentation

    Adaptive processing of thin structures to augment segmentation of dual-channel structural MRI of the human brain

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    This thesis presents a method for the segmentation of dual-channel structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volumes of the human brain into four tissue classes. The state-of-the-art FSL FAST segmentation software (Zhang et al., 2001) is in widespread clinical use, and so it is considered a benchmark. A significant proportion of FAST’s errors has been shown to be localised to cortical sulci and blood vessels; this issue has driven the developments in this thesis, rather than any particular clinical demand. The original theme lies in preserving and even restoring these thin structures, poorly resolved in typical clinical MRI. Bright plate-shaped sulci and dark tubular vessels are best contrasted from the other tissues using the T2- and PD-weighted data, respectively. A contrasting tube detector algorithm (based on Frangi et al., 1998) was adapted to detect both structures, with smoothing (based on Westin and Knutsson, 2006) of an intermediate tensor representation to ensure smoothness and fuller coverage of the maps. The segmentation strategy required the MRI volumes to be upscaled to an artificial high resolution where a small partial volume label set would be valid and the segmentation process would be simplified. A resolution enhancement process (based on Salvado et al., 2006) was significantly modified to smooth homogeneous regions and sharpen their boundaries in dual-channel data. In addition, it was able to preserve the mapped thin structures’ intensities or restore them to pure tissue values. Finally, the segmentation phase employed a relaxation-based labelling optimisation process (based on Li et al., 1997) to improve accuracy, rather than more efficient greedy methods which are typically used. The thin structure location prior maps and the resolution-enhanced data also helped improve the labelling accuracy, particularly around sulci and vessels. Testing was performed on the aged LBC1936 clinical dataset and on younger brain volumes acquired at the SHEFC Brain Imaging Centre (Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK), as well as the BrainWeb phantom. Overall, the proposed methods rivalled and often improved segmentation accuracy compared to FAST, where the ground truth was produced by a radiologist using software designed for this project. The performance in pathological and atrophied brain volumes, and the differences with the original segmentation algorithm on which it was based (van Leemput et al., 2003), were also examined. Among the suggestions for future development include a soft labelling consensus formation framework to mitigate rater bias in the ground truth, and contour-based models of the brain parenchyma to provide additional structural constraints

    Deep Learning for Detection and Segmentation in High-Content Microscopy Images

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    High-content microscopy led to many advances in biology and medicine. This fast emerging technology is transforming cell biology into a big data driven science. Computer vision methods are used to automate the analysis of microscopy image data. In recent years, deep learning became popular and had major success in computer vision. Most of the available methods are developed to process natural images. Compared to natural images, microscopy images pose domain specific challenges such as small training datasets, clustered objects, and class imbalance. In this thesis, new deep learning methods for object detection and cell segmentation in microscopy images are introduced. For particle detection in fluorescence microscopy images, a deep learning method based on a domain-adapted Deconvolution Network is presented. In addition, a method for mitotic cell detection in heterogeneous histopathology images is proposed, which combines a deep residual network with Hough voting. The method is used for grading of whole-slide histology images of breast carcinoma. Moreover, a method for both particle detection and cell detection based on object centroids is introduced, which is trainable end-to-end. It comprises a novel Centroid Proposal Network, a layer for ensembling detection hypotheses over image scales and anchors, an anchor regularization scheme which favours prior anchors over regressed locations, and an improved algorithm for Non-Maximum Suppression. Furthermore, a novel loss function based on Normalized Mutual Information is proposed which can cope with strong class imbalance and is derived within a Bayesian framework. For cell segmentation, a deep neural network with increased receptive field to capture rich semantic information is introduced. Moreover, a deep neural network which combines both paradigms of multi-scale feature aggregation of Convolutional Neural Networks and iterative refinement of Recurrent Neural Networks is proposed. To increase the robustness of the training and improve segmentation, a novel focal loss function is presented. In addition, a framework for black-box hyperparameter optimization for biomedical image analysis pipelines is proposed. The framework has a modular architecture that separates hyperparameter sampling and hyperparameter optimization. A visualization of the loss function based on infimum projections is suggested to obtain further insights into the optimization problem. Also, a transfer learning approach is presented, which uses only one color channel for pre-training and performs fine-tuning on more color channels. Furthermore, an approach for unsupervised domain adaptation for histopathological slides is presented. Finally, Galaxy Image Analysis is presented, a platform for web-based microscopy image analysis. Galaxy Image Analysis workflows for cell segmentation in cell cultures, particle detection in mice brain tissue, and MALDI/H&E image registration have been developed. The proposed methods were applied to challenging synthetic as well as real microscopy image data from various microscopy modalities. It turned out that the proposed methods yield state-of-the-art or improved results. The methods were benchmarked in international image analysis challenges and used in various cooperation projects with biomedical researchers
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