57,114 research outputs found

    Hamming weights and Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings associated to matroids

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    To each linear code over a finite field we associate the matroid of its parity check matrix. We show to what extent one can determine the generalized Hamming weights of the code (or defined for a matroid in general) from various sets of Betti numbers of Stanley-Reisner rings of simplicial complexes associated to the matroid

    A generalization of weight polynomials to matroids

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    Generalizing polynomials previously studied in the context of linear codes, we define weight polynomials and an enumerator for a matroid MM. Our main result is that these polynomials are determined by Betti numbers associated with graded minimal free resolutions of the Stanley-Reisner ideals of MM and so-called elongations of MM. Generalizing Greene's theorem from coding theory, we show that the enumerator of a matroid is equivalent to its Tutte polynomial.Comment: 21 page

    Higher weight spectra of Veronese codes

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    We study q-ary linear codes C obtained from Veronese surfaces over finite fields. We show how one can find the higher weight spectra of these codes, or equivalently, the weight distribution of all extension codes of C over all field extensions of the field with q elements. Our methods will be a study of the Stanley-Reisner rings of a series of matroids associated to each code CComment: 14 page

    Stanley-Reisner resolution of constant weight linear codes

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    Given a constant weight linear code, we investigate its weight hierarchy and the Stanley-Reisner resolution of its associated matroid regarded as a simplicial complex. We also exhibit conditions on the higher weights sufficient to conclude that the code is of constant weigh

    The minimum distance of sets of points and the minimum socle degree

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    Let K\mathbb K be a field of characteristic 0. Let ΓPKn\Gamma\subset\mathbb P^n_{\mathbb K} be a reduced finite set of points, not all contained in a hyperplane. Let hyp(Γ)hyp(\Gamma) be the maximum number of points of Γ\Gamma contained in any hyperplane, and let d(Γ)=Γhyp(Γ)d(\Gamma)=|\Gamma|-hyp(\Gamma). If IR=K[x0,...,xn]I\subset R=\mathbb K[x_0,...,x_n] is the ideal of Γ\Gamma, then in \cite{t1} it is shown that for n=2,3n=2,3, d(Γ)d(\Gamma) has a lower bound expressed in terms of some shift in the graded minimal free resolution of R/IR/I. In these notes we show that this behavior is true in general, for any n2n\geq 2: d(Γ)And(\Gamma)\geq A_n, where An=min{ain}A_n=\min\{a_i-n\} and iR(ai)\oplus_i R(-a_i) is the last module in the graded minimal free resolution of R/IR/I. In the end we also prove that this bound is sharp for a whole class of examples due to Juan Migliore (\cite{m}).Comment: 11 page

    Vanishing ideals over graphs and even cycles

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    Let X be an algebraic toric set in a projective space over a finite field. We study the vanishing ideal, I(X), of X and show some useful degree bounds for a minimal set of generators of I(X). We give an explicit description of a set of generators of I(X), when X is the algebraic toric set associated to an even cycle or to a connected bipartite graph with pairwise disjoint even cycles. In this case, a fomula for the regularity of I(X) is given. We show an upper bound for this invariant, when X is associated to a (not necessarily connected) bipartite graph. The upper bound is sharp if the graph is connected. We are able to show a formula for the length of the parameterized linear code associated with any graph, in terms of the number of bipartite and non-bipartite components

    Complete intersections in binomial and lattice ideals

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    For the family of graded lattice ideals of dimension 1, we establish a complete intersection criterion in algebraic and geometric terms. In positive characteristic, it is shown that all ideals of this family are binomial set theoretic complete intersections. In characteristic zero, we show that an arbitrary lattice ideal which is a binomial set theoretic complete intersection is a complete intersection.Comment: Internat. J. Algebra Comput., to appea

    Magnitude cohomology

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    Magnitude homology was introduced by Hepworth and Willerton in the case of graphs, and was later extended by Leinster and Shulman to metric spaces and enriched categories. Here we introduce the dual theory, magnitude cohomology, which we equip with the structure of an associative unital graded ring. Our first main result is a 'recovery theorem' showing that the magnitude cohomology ring of a finite metric space completely determines the space itself. The magnitude cohomology ring is non-commutative in general, for example when applied to finite metric spaces, but in some settings it is commutative, for example when applied to ordinary categories. Our second main result explains this situation by proving that the magnitude cohomology ring of an enriched category is graded-commutative whenever the enriching category is cartesian. We end the paper by giving complete computations of magnitude cohomology rings for several large classes of graphs.Comment: 27 page