10 research outputs found

    Public and Private Sector IT Governance: Identifying Contextual Differences

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    This paper highlights systemic contextual differences and the unique IT Governance issues that might arise in public and private sector organizations. Public sector organizations constitute a significant component of economic activity in most countries. Like their private sector counterparts, many public sector agencies are struggling to cope with reduced or inadequate IT budgets and are continuously looking for ways to extract maximum value from IT resources. While both sectors face similar managerial-level IT issues and challenges, we argue that there are systemic differences between private and public sector organizations suggesting that a one size fits all approach to IT Governance may not apply

    ICT for Good: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward

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    Abstract-ICT seems well understood as a tool and an infrastructure for delivering information and services for the society and for allowing communications through interactions among the service users -mostly, the digital society. Using ICT for ensuring better life requires far more than good infrastructure, ICT know-how and the various techniques and tools in place. If ICT has to address the real problems of the society, it should be at a rescue being environment-friendly, with real and tangible impact, sustainable, seamless, down to the grass-roots and above all with reproducible experiences. In this paper, we introduce a different perspective of looking into and using ICT, which we call ICT for Good (ICT4G). It is about using ICT for addressing problems of societies with low ICT penetration and changing a society's life for the better. More specifically, based on our observation of current promises ICT gives to society, we discuss ICT4G's distinguishing aspects, opportunities it offers, challenges it imposes along with preliminary roadmap for its realization. A high-level correlation of what we pointed out with a relevant case study (i.e., the eGIF4M 1 ) is presented


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    This paper seeks to identify the presence of ITG (Information Technology Governance) focus-areas and instruments, as well as associations between them, through a multi case study with 13 companies in the software LPA (Local Productive Arrangement) in Curitiba. A survey was used for data collection. Analysis was performed using quantitative methods with the support of statistical techniques: descriptive and Fisher's exact test. Results show the strong presence and the good contribution of maturity models – such as CMMI and MPS.BR – and project management, for IT management in the surveyed companies. On the other hand, emblematic ITG instruments – COBIT and ITIL – showed little expression among those companies. This invites to a reflection on the effectiveness of such instruments in companies with similar characteristics to those of the surveyed companies. Through these findings, this paper contributes to filling gaps in the empirical studies on the presence of ITG focus-areas and instruments in software companies.Este artigo procurou identificar em empresas a presença de áreas foco e instrumentos de Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI), assim como as associações entre ambos, por meio de um estudo multicaso com 13 empresas do APL (Arranjo Produtivo Local) de Software de Curitiba. O método utilizado para a coleta de dados foi pesquisa por questionários. Procedeu-se às análises utilizando-se métodos quantitativos com o apoio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas. Os resultados permitiram identificar a presença expressiva e a boa contribuição dos modelos de maturidade – tais como CMMI e MPS.BR – e do gerenciamento de projetos, para a gestão de TI. Por outro lado, instrumentos ícones da GTI – COBIT e ITIL – mostraram pouca expressividade entre as empresas pesquisadas. Esta constatação convida a refletir sobre a efetividade de tais instrumentos em empresas com características como as pesquisadas neste artigo. Por meio destes resultados, esse artigo contribui para preencher lacunas no conjunto de estudos empíricos sobre a presença de áreas foco e instrumentos de GTI em empresas de software

    Information technology governance implementation in a South African public sector agency: institutional influences and outcomes

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    Thesis (M.Com. (Information Systems))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Economic and Business Sciences, 2015Information technology (IT) governance, which embodies how organisations arrange and manage their IT assets, continues to be of interest to those involved in the research and practice of information systems (IS). Most of the interest is because of the positive relationship between IT governance and organisational performance. Organisations are increasing their IT expenditure, which results in increased expectations by stakeholders. Public sector organisations have also gradually recognised the importance of IT governance to successful implementation of mandates, but the research conducted globally to understand how IT governance is actually implemented in the public sector has been limited. A case study of ENTDEV (a public sector agency) was used to explore how IT governance implementation takes in a public sector organisation. The case study sought to understand how institutional influences (e.g. regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive) play a role in IT governance adoption and the selection of IT governance mechanisms, how IT governance implementation actually takes place and what IT outcomes are achieved as a result of the implementation - using institutional theory, IT governance mechanisms framework, and the IT outcomes framework, as lenses. The case study identified regulatory influences as playing a role in IT governance adoption, and also uncovered the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as important. Normative and culture cognitive influences were seen as not playing a role at the IT governance adoption stage. Regulatory and normative influences and the CIO have an influence in the implementation of IT governance mechanisms. The skills and capacity of people involved in implementing IT governance mechanisms, together with the positioning and organisation’s perception of IT are some of the issues that impact on IT governance implementation. The study recognised cost effective use of IT and improved compliance as the immediate IT outcomes as a result of IT governance implementation. Strategy enablement outcomes are recognised over time. Informed by the empirical evidence and literature, a framework for IT governance implementation in public sector organisations is conceptualised as a contribution to theory. It is envisaged that the framework may be used by public sector institutions to improve their understanding of IT governance and subsequently improve how they implement IT governance

    A maturidade e eficiência dos processos da governança de TI baseadas no Cobit 5 : um caso de estudo de uma organização do setor da saúde em Portugal

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoA Governança de TI é uma área que está a ganhar muita atenção das comunidades académicas e empresariais. O interesse das organizações nesta área é cada vez mais visível uma vez que as organizações estão mais preocupadas em produzir valor para os seus stakeholders. Mas para que tal coisa aconteça é necessário o envolvimento de todos os interessados para a organização atingir os seus objectivos e proporcionar resultados satisfatórios com o uso as TI. Para ajudar as organizações a terem uma boa governança de TI, existem diversas frameworks que são modelos de boas práticas que podem ser aplicadas pelas organizações. Esta dissertação propôs-se a realizar um estudo de caso de uma organização do sector da saúde em Portugal, que na qual foi feito um estudo da adopção do Cobit 5. O estudo é exploratório e qualitativo e foi usada estratégia de caso de estudo único tendo como principal método de recolha de dados as entrevistas e análise de documentos. Desta forma o estudo mostra como a organização tem adotado o Cobit 5 para resolver problemas relacionados com a gestão de riscos, segurança da informação, governação bem como a gestão serviço permitindo que os recursos tecnológicos da saúde tenham uma gestão segura.IT Governance is an area that is gaining a lot of attention from the academic and business communities. The interest of organizations in this area is increasingly visible as organizations as more concerned with producing value for their stakeholders. But for this is happen, it is necessary to involve all stakeholders in order for the organization to achieve its strategic objectives and to provide satisfactory results with the use of IT. To help organizations have good IT governance, there are a number of frameworks that are good practice models that can applied by organizations. This dissertation proposed to carry out a case study of a health sector organization in Portugal, in which study of the adoption of Cobit 5 was carried out. The study is exploratory and qualitative, and single case study strategy having as main method of data collection interviews and analisys documents. In this way, the study shows how the organization has adopted the Cobit 5 to solve problems related to risk management and information security, governance as well as service management allowing the technological resources of health have a safe management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The adoption of ICT in Malaysian public hospitals: the interoperability of electronic health records and health information systems

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    There have been a number of researches that investigated ICT adoption in Malaysian healthcare. With the small number of hospitals that adopt ICT in their daily clinical and administrative operations, the possibility to enable data exchange across 131 public hospitals in Malaysia is still a long journey. In addition to those studies, this research was framed under six objectives, which aim to critically review existing literature on the subject matter, identify barriers of ICT adoption in Malaysia, understand the administrative context during the pre and post-ICT adoption, and recommend possible solutions to the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (MoHM) in its efforts to implement interoperable electronic health records (EHR) and health information systems (HTIS). Specifically, this research aimed to identify the factors that had significant impacts to the processes of implementing interoperable EHR and HTIS by the MoHM. Furthermore, it also aimed to propose relevant actors who should involve in the implementation phases. These factors and actors were used to develop a model for implementing interoperable EHR and HTIS in Malaysia. To gather the needed data, series of interviews were conducted with three groups of participants. They were ICT administrators of MoHM, ICT and medical record administrators of three hospitals, and physicians of three hospitals. To ensure the interview feedback was representing the context of EHR and HTIS implementation in Malaysia, two hospital categories were selected, which included the hospitals with HTIS and non-HTIS hospitals. The government documents were then used to triangulate the feedback to ensure dependability, credibility, transferability and conformity of the findings. Two techniques were used to analyse the data, which were thematic analysis and theme matching. These two techniques were modified from its original method, known as pattern matching. The originality of this research was presented in the findings and methods to transform them into solutions and provide recommendation to the MoHM. In general, the results showed that the technological factors contributed less to the success of the implementation of interoperable EHR and HTIS compared to the managerial and administrative factors. Four main practical and social contributions were identified from this research, which included synchronisation of managerial elements, political determination and change management transformation, optimisation of use of existing legacy system (Patient Management System) and finally the roles of actors. Nevertheless, the findings of this research would be more dependable and transferable if more participants had been willing to participate especially among the physicians and those who managed the ICT adoptions under the MoHM

    Applying a framework for IT governance in South African higher education institutions

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    Background: Higher Education (HE), through HE Institutions, plays a very important role in society. There is thus a need for this sector to be well managed, especially with regards to planning, organising, and controlling. Corporate Governance has received a lot of attention in recent times, especially to engender trust on the part of the stakeholders. There are many similarities, but also significant differences in the governance of HE institutions and public companies. Information Technology (IT) plays an extremely important role in the modern organisation, creating huge opportunities, but also increasing the risk to the organisation. Therefore, effective governance of IT in HE Institutions is of great importance