42 research outputs found

    On the second Feng-Rao distance of Algebraic Geometry codes related to Arf semigroups

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    Producción CientíficaWe describe the second (generalized) Feng-Rao distance for elements in an Arf numerical semigroup that are greater than or equal to the conductor of the semigroup. This provides a lower bound for the second Hamming weight for one point AG codes. In particular, we can obtain the second Feng-Rao distance for the codes defined by asymptotically good towers of function fields whose Weierstrass semigroups are inductive. In addition, we compute the second Feng-Rao number, and provide some examples and comparisons with previous results on this topic. These calculations rely on Apéry sets, and thus several results concerning Apéry sets of Arf semigroups are presented.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER( Projects MTM2014-55367-P / MTM2015-65764-C3-1-P)Junta de Andalucía (Grant FQM-343)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Project UID/MAT/00297/2013

    On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals

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    We give some general results concerning the computation of the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups. In the case of a numerical semigroup generated by an interval, a formula for the rthr^{th} Feng-Rao number is obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    The second Feng-Rao number for codes coming from telescopic semigroups

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    In this manuscript we show that the second Feng-Rao number of any telescopic numerical semigroup agrees with the multiplicity of the semigroup. To achieve this result we first study the behavior of Ap\'ery sets under gluings of numerical semigroups. These results provide a bound for the second Hamming weight of one-point Algebraic Geometry codes, which improves upon other estimates such as the Griesmer Order Bound

    Communications and information research: Improved space link performance via concatenated forward error correction coding

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    With the development of new advanced instruments for remote sensing applications, sensor data will be generated at a rate that not only requires increased onboard processing and storage capability, but imposes demands on the space to ground communication link and ground data management-communication system. Data compression and error control codes provide viable means to alleviate these demands. Two types of data compression have been studied by many researchers in the area of information theory: a lossless technique that guarantees full reconstruction of the data, and a lossy technique which generally gives higher data compaction ratio but incurs some distortion in the reconstructed data. To satisfy the many science disciplines which NASA supports, lossless data compression becomes a primary focus for the technology development. While transmitting the data obtained by any lossless data compression, it is very important to use some error-control code. For a long time, convolutional codes have been widely used in satellite telecommunications. To more efficiently transform the data obtained by the Rice algorithm, it is required to meet the a posteriori probability (APP) for each decoded bit. A relevant algorithm for this purpose has been proposed which minimizes the bit error probability in the decoding linear block and convolutional codes and meets the APP for each decoded bit. However, recent results on iterative decoding of 'Turbo codes', turn conventional wisdom on its head and suggest fundamentally new techniques. During the past several months of this research, the following approaches have been developed: (1) a new lossless data compression algorithm, which is much better than the extended Rice algorithm for various types of sensor data, (2) a new approach to determine the generalized Hamming weights of the algebraic-geometric codes defined by a large class of curves in high-dimensional spaces, (3) some efficient improved geometric Goppa codes for disk memory systems and high-speed mass memory systems, and (4) a tree based approach for data compression using dynamic programming