19,018 research outputs found

    Local limits of uniform triangulations in high genus

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    We prove a conjecture of Benjamini and Curien stating that the local limits of uniform random triangulations whose genus is proportional to the number of faces are the Planar Stochastic Hyperbolic Triangulations (PSHT) defined in arXiv:1401.3297. The proof relies on a combinatorial argument and the Goulden--Jackson recurrence relation to obtain tightness, and probabilistic arguments showing the uniqueness of the limit. As a consequence, we obtain asymptotics up to subexponential factors on the number of triangulations when both the size and the genus go to infinity. As a part of our proof, we also obtain the following result of independent interest: if a random triangulation of the plane TT is weakly Markovian in the sense that the probability to observe a finite triangulation tt around the root only depends on the perimeter and volume of tt, then TT is a mixture of PSHT.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    Evaluating the Differences of Gridding Techniques for Digital Elevation Models Generation and Their Influence on the Modeling of Stony Debris Flows Routing: A Case Study From Rovina di Cancia Basin (North-Eastern Italian Alps)

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    Debris \ufb02ows are among the most hazardous phenomena in mountain areas. To cope with debris \ufb02ow hazard, it is common to delineate the risk-prone areas through routing models. The most important input to debris \ufb02ow routing models are the topographic data, usually in the form of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The quality of DEMs depends on the accuracy, density, and spatial distribution of the sampled points; on the characteristics of the surface; and on the applied gridding methodology. Therefore, the choice of the interpolation method affects the realistic representation of the channel and fan morphology, and thus potentially the debris \ufb02ow routing modeling outcomes. In this paper, we initially investigate the performance of common interpolation methods (i.e., linear triangulation, natural neighbor, nearest neighbor, Inverse Distance to a Power, ANUDEM, Radial Basis Functions, and ordinary kriging) in building DEMs with the complex topography of a debris \ufb02ow channel located in the Venetian Dolomites (North-eastern Italian Alps), by using small footprint full- waveform Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data. The investigation is carried out through a combination of statistical analysis of vertical accuracy, algorithm robustness, and spatial clustering of vertical errors, and multi-criteria shape reliability assessment. After that, we examine the in\ufb02uence of the tested interpolation algorithms on the performance of a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based cell model for simulating stony debris \ufb02ows routing. In detail, we investigate both the correlation between the DEMs heights uncertainty resulting from the gridding procedure and that on the corresponding simulated erosion/deposition depths, both the effect of interpolation algorithms on simulated areas, erosion and deposition volumes, solid-liquid discharges, and channel morphology after the event. The comparison among the tested interpolation methods highlights that the ANUDEM and ordinary kriging algorithms are not suitable for building DEMs with complex topography. Conversely, the linear triangulation, the natural neighbor algorithm, and the thin-plate spline plus tension and completely regularized spline functions ensure the best trade-off among accuracy and shape reliability. Anyway, the evaluation of the effects of gridding techniques on debris \ufb02ow routing modeling reveals that the choice of the interpolation algorithm does not signi\ufb01cantly affect the model outcomes

    The Theory of Dynamical Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature

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    We analyze numerically the critical properties of a two-dimensional discretized random surface with extrinsic curvature embedded in a three-dimensional space. The use of the toroidal topology enables us to enforce the non-zero external extension without the necessity of defining a boundary and allows us to measure directly the string tension. We show that a phase transition from the crumpled phase to the smooth phase observed earlier for a spherical topology appears also for a toroidal surface for the same finite value of the coupling constant of the extrinsic curvature term. The phase transition is characterized by the vanishing of the string tension. We discuss the possible non-trivial continuum limit of the theory, when approaching the critical point. Numerically we find a value of the critical exponent \n to be between .38 and .42. The specific heat, related to the extrinsic curvature term seems not to diverge (or diverge slower than logarithmically) at the critical point.Comment: figures available as postscript files on request. 28 pages plus figure

    Joint scaling limit of site percolation on random triangulations in the metric and peanosphere sense

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    Recent works have shown that random triangulations decorated by critical (p=1/2p=1/2) Bernoulli site percolation converge in the scaling limit to a 8/3\sqrt{8/3}-Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) surface (equivalently, a Brownian surface) decorated by SLE6_6 in two different ways: 1. The triangulation, viewed as a curve-decorated metric measure space equipped with its graph distance, the counting measure on vertices, and a single percolation interface converges with respect to a version of the Gromov-Hausdorff topology. 2. There is a bijective encoding of the site-percolated triangulation by means of a two-dimensional random walk, and this walk converges to the correlated two-dimensional Brownian motion which encodes SLE6_6-decorated 8/3\sqrt{8/3}-LQG via the mating-of-trees theorem of Duplantier-Miller-Sheffield (2014); this is sometimes called peanosphere convergence\textit{peanosphere convergence}. We prove that one in fact has joint\textit{joint} convergence in both of these two senses simultaneously. We also improve the metric convergence result by showing that the map decorated by the full collection of percolation interfaces (rather than just a single interface) converges to 8/3\sqrt{8/3}-LQG decorated by CLE6_6 in the metric space sense. This is the first work to prove simultaneous convergence of any random planar map model in the metric and peanosphere senses. Moreover, this work is an important step in an ongoing program to prove that random triangulations embedded into C\mathbb C via the so-called Cardy embedding\textit{Cardy embedding} converge to 8/3\sqrt{8/3}-LQG.Comment: 55 pages; 13 Figures. Minor revision according to a referee report. Accepted for publication at EJ

    One machine, one minute, three billion tetrahedra

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    This paper presents a new scalable parallelization scheme to generate the 3D Delaunay triangulation of a given set of points. Our first contribution is an efficient serial implementation of the incremental Delaunay insertion algorithm. A simple dedicated data structure, an efficient sorting of the points and the optimization of the insertion algorithm have permitted to accelerate reference implementations by a factor three. Our second contribution is a multi-threaded version of the Delaunay kernel that is able to concurrently insert vertices. Moore curve coordinates are used to partition the point set, avoiding heavy synchronization overheads. Conflicts are managed by modifying the partitions with a simple rescaling of the space-filling curve. The performances of our implementation have been measured on three different processors, an Intel core-i7, an Intel Xeon Phi and an AMD EPYC, on which we have been able to compute 3 billion tetrahedra in 53 seconds. This corresponds to a generation rate of over 55 million tetrahedra per second. We finally show how this very efficient parallel Delaunay triangulation can be integrated in a Delaunay refinement mesh generator which takes as input the triangulated surface boundary of the volume to mesh