13 research outputs found

    Graph searching and a generalized parking function

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    Parking functions have been a focus of mathematical research since the mid-1970s. Various generalizations have been introduced since the mid-1990s and deep relationships between these and other areas of mathematics have been discovered. Here, we introduced a new generalization, the G-multiparking function, where G is a simple graph on a totally ordered vertex set {1, 2, . . . , n}. We give an algorithm that converts a G-multiparking function into a rooted spanning forest of G by using a graph searching technique to build a sequence F1, F2, . . . , Fn, where each Fi is a subforest of G and Fn is a spanning forest of G. We also give another algorithm that converts a rooted spanning forest of G to a G-multiparking function and prove that the resulting functions (between the sets of G-multiparking functions and rooted spanning forests of G) are bijections and inverses of each other. Each of these two algorithms relies on a choice function , which is a function from the set of pairs (F,W) (where F is a subforest of G and W is a set of some of the leaves of F) into W. There are many possible choice functions for a given graph, each giving formality to the concept of choosing how a graph searching algorithm should procede at each step (i.e. if the algorithm has reached Fi, then Fi+1 is some forest on the vertex set V (Fi)∪{(Fi,W)} for some W). We also define F-redundant edges, which are edges whose removal from G does not affect the execution of either algorithm mentioned above. This concept leads to a categorization of the edges of G, which in turn provides a new formula for the Tutte polynomial of G and other enumerative results

    A q-analog of certain symmetric functions and one of its specializations

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    Let be the symmetric functions defined for the pair of integers (n,r)\left( n,r\right) n≥r≥1n\geq r\geq 1 by pn(r)=∑mλp_{n}^{\left( r\right) }=\sum m_{\lambda } where mλm_{\lambda } are the monomial symmetric functions, the sum being over the partitions λ\lambda of the integer nn of length rr. In this article we introduce a qq-analog of pn(r)p_{n}^{\left( r\right) }, through generating functions and give some of its properties which are qq-analogs of its classical correspondent in particular when r=1r=1. It is proved that this qq-analog of pn(r)p_{n}^{\left( r\right) } can be expressed in terms of the classical pn(j)p_{n}^{\left( j\right) }, through the qq-Stirling numbers of the second kind. We also begin, with the same procedure, the study of a p,qp,q-analog of pn(r)p_{n}^{\left( r\right) }. In the rest of the article we specialize in the series ∑n=0∞q(n2)tn/n!\sum\nolimits_{n=0}^{\infty }q^{\binom{n}{2}}t^{n}/n! . We show that pn(r)p_{n}^{\left( r\right) } is then related to the qrq^{r}-analog of pn−rp_{n-r}. The existence of a double sequence of polynomials with integer coefficients, denoted Jn,r(q)J_{n,r}\left( q\right) , is deduced. We identify these polynomials with the inversion enumerators introduced for specific rooted forests. These polynomials verify a ''positive'' linear recurrence which allows to build row by row the table of Jn,rJ_{n,r} from the initial conditions Jr,r=1J_{r,r}=1. The form of the linear recurrence is given for the reciprocal polynomials of \ Jn,rJ_{n,r}, which are the sum enumerators of parking functions. The linear recurrence permits to obtain an explicit calculation formula for Jn,rJ_{n,r} . This formula leads us to introduce new statistics on rooted trees and forests for  Jn,r\ J_{n,r} or its reciprocal.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure. All the results are unchanged. Minor changes to improve English and writing of the text. One reference added and modification of the numbering of references. Equation (2.1) corrected. Section 5: Open problem replaced by Remark and shorcut. Lemma 6.1 replaced by Proposition 6.1, content unchanged. An additional paragraph in the conclusion. Change of legend of Figure

    Enumeration of minimal acyclic automata via generalized parking functions

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    We give an exact enumerative formula for the minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata. This formula is obtained from a bijection between a family of generalized parking functions and the transitions functions of acyclic automata

    q-power symmetric functions and q-exponential formula

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    Let λ=(λ1,λ2,...,λr)\lambda =\left( \lambda_{1},\lambda_{2},...,\lambda_{r}\right) be an integer partition, and [pλ]\left[p_{\lambda }\right] the qq-analog of the symmetric power function %p_{\lambda }. This qq-analogue has been defined as a special case, in the author's previous article: "A qq-analog of certain symmetric functions and one of its specializations". Here, we prove that a large part of the classical relations between pλp_{\lambda }, on one hand, and the elementary and complete symmetric functions ene_{n} and hnh_{n}, on the other hand, have qq-analogues with [pλ]\left[ p_{\lambda }\right] . In particular, the generating functions E(t)=∑n≥0entnE\left( t\right) =\sum\nolimits_{n\geq 0}e_{n}t^{n} and H(t)=∑n≥0hntnH\left( t\right) =\sum\nolimits_{n\geq 0}h_{n}t^{n} are expressed in terms of [pn]\left[ p_{n}\right] , using Gessel's qq-exponential formula and a variant of it. A factorization of these generating functions into infinite qq-products, which has no classical counterpart, is established. By specializing these results, we show that the qq-binomial theorem is a special case of these infinite qq-products. We also obtain new formulas for the tree inversions enumerators and for certain qq-orthogonal polynomials, detailing the case of dicrete qq-Hermite polynomials.Comment: 23 page

    Parking Functions And Generalized Catalan Numbers

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    Since their introduction by Konheim and Weiss, parking functions have evolved into objects of surprising combinatorial complexity for their simple definitions. First, we introduce these structures, give a brief history of their development and give a few basic theorems about their structure. Then we examine the internal structures of parking functions, focusing on the distribution of descents and inversions in parking functions. We develop a generalization to the Catalan numbers in order to count subsets of the parking functions. Later, we introduce a generalization to parking functions in the form of k-blocked parking functions, and examine their internal structure. Finally, we expand on the extension to the Catalan numbers, exhibiting examples to explore its internal structure. These results continue the exploration of the deep structures of parking functions and their relationship to other combinatorial objects

    Enumeration of minimal acyclic automata via generalized parking functions

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    We give an exact enumerative formula for the minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata. This formula is obtained from a bijection between a family of generalized parking functions and the transitions functions of acyclic automata

    Space programs summary number 37-29, volume iv for the period august 1, 1964 to september 30, 1964. supporting research and advanced development

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    Systems, guidance and control, engineering mechanics and facilities, propulsion, space sciences, and telecommunications researc

    Goncarov Polynomials, Partition Lattices and Parking Sequences

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    Classical Goncarov polynomials arose in numerical analysis as a basis for the solutions of the Goncarov interpolation problem. These polynomials provide a natural algebraic tool in the enumerative theory of parking functions. By replacing the differentiation operator with a delta operator and using the theory of finite operator calculus, Lorentz, Tringali and Yan introduced the sequence of generalized Goncarov polynomials associated to a pair (Δ,Z)(\Delta, Z) of a delta operator Δ\Delta and an interpolation grid ZZ. Generalized \gon polynomials share many nice algebraic properties and have a connection with the theories of binomial enumeration and order statistics. Parking functions are combinatorial objects which were introduced in 1966 by Konheim and Weiss. They have been well-studied in the literature due to their numerous connections and have several generalizations and extensions. Ehrenborg and Happ recently introduced a generalization of parking functions called parking sequences in which the nn cars have different sizes, and each takes up a number of adjacent parking spaces after a trailer TT parked on the first z−1z-1 spots. Consequently, this dissertation is divided into two major parts. In the first part, we give a complete combinatorial interpretation for any sequence of generalized Goncarov polynomials. First, we show that they can be realized as weight enumerators in partition lattices. Then, we give a more concrete realization in exponential families and show that these polynomials enumerate various enriched structures of vector parking functions. In the second part, we study increasing parking sequences and their representation via a special class of lattice paths. We also study two notions of invariance in parking sequences and prove some interesting results for a number of cases where the sequence of car sizes have special properties